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Refugee is a person or group of people who leave an area to avoid a
disaster or calamity. These disasters can be in the form of floods, landslides,
tsunamis, fires, and others caused by nature. Disasters can also be directly caused
by human activities. For example war, nuclear leaks, and bomb explosions. Each
refugee is usually placed in a shelter to make it easier for the volunteers to take
care of and help them. The length of time refugees are in a shelter is
unpredictable. Depends on the conditions or the situation itself. Usually refugees
are taken care of by the local government, but that does not rule out the possibility
of volunteers coming to help. Let's take the example of the Tsunami disaster. A
tsunami (from Japanese: , literal meaning: "big waves in the harbor") is a large
wave of water caused by disturbances on the seabed, such as an earthquake. This
disturbance forms waves that spread in all directions with wave speeds reaching
600–900 km/hour. Initially these waves have a small amplitude (usually 30–60
cm) so they are not felt on the high seas, but their amplitude increases as they
approach the coast. On reaching the coast, the tsunami sometimes hits land in the
form of a giant wall of water (especially in large tsunamis), but the more common
form is a sudden rise in water level. The rise in water levels can reach 15–30
meters, causing flooding with currents of up to 90 km/h, extending several
kilometers from the coast, and causing great damage and loss of life. Natural
disasters will continue to rain down on Indonesia, because Indonesia is
geographically and geologically prone to natural disasters, so it is dubbed the land
of the ring of fire. From the estimates of experts, there are currently 20 mountains
scattered in several central regions showing signs of activity. Disasters have an
impact on the survival of the community. Loss of family, property, and other
materials, causing many displaced houses to be forcibly built because they have
no place to live, or they live without a home and sleep anywhere as long as it
makes them comfortable.
There are also refugees who came because of war or were colonized in
their own country, or made slaves by the invaders. We take the example of the
victims of refugees due to war. War is a derivative of human nature which
continues to this day to maintain domination and competition as a means of
strengthening self-existence by subduing the will of the hostile party. By starting
psychologically and physically. By involving oneself and others, whether as a
group or not. War can result in prolonged sadness and poverty. as an example of
the world war which resulted in the loss of the lives of hundreds of people in
Japan and of course this resulted in deep sadness in Japanese society.
The causes of war include:
• Ideological differences.
• Spread of Ideology.
• Desire to expand territory.
• Differences in interests.
• Desire to become a super power country.
• Expropriation of natural resources (oil, agricultural products, etc.).
They could not stand it and finally they left their own country to find a
decent living and build refugee camps, even though it is not legal as long as they
can survive for some time.
I, as a community, have seen residents affected by disasters such as tsunamis, fires, floods, etc. which resulted in residents losing their property and clothing and food and I feel ashamed because I imagine that when I was in that position, we as citizens of the same country must support each other. help even if a little we can give but only for them it is very valuable and useful for the conclusion. The Qur'an also explains in the letter Al Baqarah verse 177 that all acts of worship are called virtues or righteous deeds with feelings of mutual love for each other and care for others. +
Dunia sedang digegerkan oleh Ukraina-Rusia konflik tersebut menyebabkan banyak warga Ukraina yang pergi dan mengungsi ke negara lain. Sehingga muncullah pertanyaan bagaimana sikap dan tanggung jawab jika ada pengungsi datang ke tempatmu karena konflik seperti yang terjadi di Ukrsina
Menurut saya, jika ada pengungsi datang ke tempat saya, saya harus mencari tahu keberadaan orang tersebut dari mana, alasannya dia ngungsi, dan tentu saja mengapa mengungsi ke tempat saya. Hal tersebut saya lakukan agar saya bisa mengetahui apakah ia memiliki niat baik ato tidak, sebab tidak mungkin kita memasukkan orang ke rumah kita tanpa mengetahui orang/pengungsi tersebut.
Selain malihat aspek itu pastilah kita sebagai tuan rumah harus menyiapkan makanan, air mineral, air bersih, dll, untuk kebutuhan mereka. Di samping itu kita harus menyiapkan pakaian Kebanyakan para pengungsi tidak membawa cukup baju banyak dan bisa jadi baju yang ditinggal di rumah sudah hilang atau kotor, juga tempat tidur yang layak untuk keberlangsungan hidup mereka
Menyiapkan tenaga medis, suplemen yang berisi multivitamin dan mineral serta obat-obatan bagi pengungsi yang merupakan penderita dari penyakit fisik guna mengingat keterbatasan makanan dan minuman dengan zat gizi yang lengkap yang bisa dikonsumsi sehari-hari serta menjaga kesehatan tubuh mereka. Disamping itu kita juga harus memberikan pendidikan bagi kalangan anak-anak, remaja agar mereka tetap dapat mengembangkan ilmu, bakat dan minat mereka sehingga dapat mencapai impian atau cita-cita mereka.
Namun perlu diingat bahwa para pengungsi yang datang juga memiliki dampak negatif bagi bangsa dan negara salah satunya adalah adanya krisis ekonomi bagi masyarakat di tempat pengungsian, akibat pengeluaran biaya keperluan warga pengungsi, bisa jadi juga terjadi konflik dengan warga sekitar. Dengan begitu para pengungsi harus memiliki aturan aturan yang ditetapkan agar tidak menganggu warga yang ada di negara tersebut sepeti tidak membuang sampah sembarangan, tidak membuat onar, DLS.
Demikianlah pendapat saya, kurang dan lebihnya mohon di maafkan.
The millennial generation is a social society that is literate and easy to adapt to technology. They
tend to like to use technology to make all activities easier, except
shopping activity. With advances in payment technology, this generation is increasing
without cash
From the final electoral list (FEL) for the 2024 election, there are 204 million voters participating
in the upcoming 2024 election, 35% will be millennials who will take part in the election
2024. Thus, a third of the electoral votes will be from the millennial generation who will vote
Their future leaders will determine the future of the nation. Of course with
see a good track record in fulfilling the campaign promises of their prospective leaders
The role as an election organizer is about empirical and technical knowledge
holding elections. Likewise, there are challenges in elections that will choose voters
from today's young generation to what extent they are able to maintain independence
thoughts amidst the onslaught of opinion and propaganda in the political year, Young Generation and generation
Millennials are definitely aware of the importance of holding or taking part in the 2024 elections,
because this concerns how Indonesia will move forward in the future with
the younger generation and millennial generation.
The millennial generation will be key in the upcoming 2024 Simultaneous Elections. Their voices
considered expensive for legislative candidates (candidates) to regional head candidates. Although there are predictions
they will contribute the highest number of white groups (abstentions), but they are still voters
This will be contested by a number of political parties (political parties). political education of the millennial generation
much better than 2019. This can be proven by the participation of advanced millennials
become a legislative candidate that reaches 40 percent in each political party. Because there are elections
a number of strategies that can be used to attract votes. The millennial generation is more realistic
see what number of work programs will be implemented. Due to development problems
Physically and non-physically, currently there are still inequalities. The presence of political figures from
The millennial generation is making the use of social media as a medium for political discussion more massive.
So, this can encourage political literacy efforts in society. But beyond that
Encouragement for narcissism is also another factor in encouraging the participation of first-time voters
The millennial generation must choose an ideal leader because an ideal leader will think
how its people will remain prosperous and will always be the center of the Generation's views
millennials to be a good example for them in the future.
The millennial generation has a big role in determining the next government through
General Election (Pemilu) 2024. According to the General Election Commission (KPU), the millennial generation
dominate voters in the 2024 Election with a total of 68,822,389 people or 33.60 percent
from the total final voter list (DPT). From this data, it has been confirmed that Generation
Millennials have a big role in the 2024 election.
The millennial generation will be key in the upcoming 2024 Simultaneous Elections. Because in the elections
There are a number of strategies that can be used to attract votes. The presence of political figures
The millennial generation is making greater use of social media as a medium for political discussion
In the 2024 General Election, Generation Z will be one of the age groups that has the potential to influence the election results. They are known for their ability to utilize digital technology in all aspects of their lives, including political activities. Therefore, political parties and presidential candidates need to consider the interests and needs of generation Z in developing their campaigns and activities.
Apart from that, generation Z has a more critical attitude in responding to social, political and environmental issues, and is more interested in politics that pays attention to the balance between the interests of individuals, groups and society at large. Therefore, political parties and presidential candidates must be able to develop campaigns and activities that reach the interests and needs of generation Z, as well as build a better quality of democracy.
Lastly, generation Z is an age group that has greater access and interest in online political activities, such as social media. Therefore, political parties and presidential candidates must be able to reach generation Z by actively using online platforms, as well as being transparent about their policies and ideas in resolving issues that generation Z is concerned about.
In this entire process, it is important for political parties and presidential candidates to consider the aspirations, interests and needs of GenerationZ. This can help enrich political debate and strengthen the quality of democracy in Indonesia. +
"JUDUL = Pentingnya Menggunakan Masker
Hai Teman-teman saya hanya menyampaikan kepada kalian semu bahwa masker sangatlah penting, jangan pernah menyepelekan masker. Mengahapa demikian? Agar mencegah penularan Virus Corona , Sebab di masa pandemi sekarang ini sudah sangat banyak penyakit yang menjalar.
Oleh karenanya, masker dibuat untuk melindungi diri dari droplet yang di keluarkan oleh orang lain agar tidak masuk ke hidung dan mulut kita ataupun sebaliknya, agar droplet kita tidak mengenai orang lain karena kita tidak tahu kita atau lawan bicara kita yang sedang menjadi pembawa virus
Buat teman-teman yang tidak tahu dengan droplet.
Jadi droplet adalah Percikan pernapasan atau titis pernapasan , percikan cairan atau lendir yang dihasilkan oleh saluran pernapasan. Jenis percikan ini merupakan media penularan virus dari orang sakit ke orang sehat. Sumber percikan berasal dari mulut dan hidung. Percikan terjadi saat seseorang sedang berbicara, batuk atau bersin.
Nahh.... Maka dari itu untuk mencegah droplet tetap gunakan masker kemanapun anda berada.
Mulai Sekarang teman-teman harus menjaga kesehatan dengan baik.🙏🏻
" +
The younger generation has become adaptive to the rapid developments of modernity in the midst of disruptive changes. Certainly, in this regard, the younger generation plays a crucial role in determining the fate of the nation amidst these disruptive currents.The political representation of the younger generation is highly important in shaping more progressive policies that accommodate the interests of the youth. A high voter participation rate of around 60% in the 2024 elections and a proportionally more dominant population are essential in creating an ideal representation for the youth in parliament. The younger generation is always associated with pioneering the emergence of technological innovations, capable of transforming an era with their prowess. The moniker 'agent of change' becomes a tangible and inherent part of the younger generation's identity.The younger generation adapts to the rapid developments of modern times amidst disruptive currents. Undoubtedly, in this aspect, the younger generation becomes an agent that holds a crucial role in determining the fate of the nation amidst these disruptive currents. This will determine whether a country currently under the control of past generations can still thrive in facing these challenges. Thus, the role of the younger generation is crucial in addressing these challenges. The younger generation can contribute as active players in the country's progress through the participation and political representation of the youth within the national political system. Therefore, the role of the younger generation can be more proactive in determining the direction in which the country will navigate amidst these disruptive currents. +
The younger generation has become adaptive to the rapid developments of modernity in the midst of disruptive changes. Certainly, in this regard, the younger generation plays a crucial role in determining the fate of the nation amidst these disruptive currents.The political representation of the younger generation is highly important in shaping more progressive policies that accommodate the interests of the youth. A high voter participation rate of around 60% in the 2024 elections and a proportionally more dominant population are essential in creating an ideal representation for the youth in parliament. The younger generation is always associated with pioneering the emergence of technological innovations, capable of transforming an era with their prowess. The moniker 'agent of change' becomes a tangible and inherent part of the younger generation's identity.The younger generation adapts to the rapid developments of modern times amidst disruptive currents. Undoubtedly, in this aspect, the younger generation becomes an agent that holds a crucial role in determining the fate of the nation amidst these disruptive currents. This will determine whether a country currently under the control of past generations can still thrive in facing these challenges. Thus, the role of the younger generation is crucial in addressing these challenges. The younger generation can contribute as active players in the country's progress through the participation and political representation of the youth within the national political system. Therefore, the role of the younger generation can be more proactive in determining the direction in which the country will navigate amidst these disruptive currents. +
The 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees defines a refugee as "a person who,
by reason of fear, by reason, race, nationality, membership in a social group and
political party, is outside the State of his or her nationality and does not want
protection from a particular State.."
When refugees leave their country of origin or residence, they leave their lives,
homes, possessions and families behind.
as a big example, such as the State of Palestine which is continuously oppressed
by Israel. It's as if they don't have the right to live in their own area. The seizure of
ownership and experts take what is their right, which is not done like a human.
Gunshots and bombs everywhere, rough treatment. Which causes them to lose their
homes, their families, and places of refuge. Uncertain food, uncertain places to live.
As fellow human beings, who have a sense of empathy and humanity, there is
nothing wrong with competing to help each other, not only in material form, but the
prayers and enthusiasm that we continue to channel will always help those who are
oppressed. +
You have an important role in making elections a success by being actively involved in the democratic proses such as providding voter information, encouraging participation, and supporting the holding of fair elections. Youth can also build political awareness and viter education in their communities. +
Youth in politics have a crucial role in shaping the future of a country. Their active participation brings fresh energy and innovative perspectives, but needs to be supported by strong political education to optimize their contributions. +
It can be seen that now politics is dominated by people of an age group that can be called old, now we as young people must be able to have the courage to move forward as the successor to the political generation who are intellectual and think critically. Why does it have to be young people? Why can't they just be seniors to remain in the political zone? Now there are many young people who have great thinking power for political progress in Indonesia and these young people are the ones who will come up with brilliant ideas based on the results of their thoughts and experiences, because they He is the one who can change the face of our politics by breaking the chain of corruption and making more advanced breakthroughs. Now is the era where young people starting from Gen Z or Millennials are active in all fields, both political and non-political. There is no harm in supporting our young people to be able to control politics in our country so that it develops, not just keep quiet with the many promises of candidates. a legislature that is lying and not being fulfilled by making sweet promises to get a lot of votes +
The role of young people in the world of politics is an increasingly important aspect and is developing along with the times. Young people are often considered the driving force of change and innovation in society, and their participation in politics can shape the future direction of a country. In the Indonesian context, the role of young people in the world of politics is very significant and reflects the dynamics of social change. +
The terms Pemuda and Pemilu refer to Indonesian youth and Indonesian national elections respectively. In the context of elections, Pemuda refers to Indonesia's young generation, usually aged 22-30 years, who play an important role in national politics, accounting for around 56% of the total electorate. They elect their leader, called Pemilu, who becomes the political leader of the country. The 2024 Indonesian National Election is expected to be important, given the increasing political awareness and involvement of young people. The 2024 Election Voter Campaign, which begins in 2023, focuses on providing information to young people about the importance of voting and the role of a politician.
To participate effectively in this election, 2024 Election Voters must:
1. Get information about the political landscape, especially the stances of various candidates on important issues such as corruption.
2. Get involved in the political process by following the campaign of the candidate of your choice, understanding the political system, and participating in discussions and debates.
3. Voting in elections, which is the most direct way to influence the political landscape.
The results of this election will shape Indonesia's political landscape in the years to come. Voters in the 2024 Election must make the right decisions, actively participate in the democratic process, and strive to build a better future for Indonesia. In conclusion, the involvement of Youth and Elections in national elections in Indonesia is a significant step towards development and political stability in the country. The active participation of the younger generation and informed voting can make Indonesia more prosperous and democratic +
Everyone, when faced with a choice, will definitely have similarities or differences in that choice. Likewise, with political choices between children and parents, there are quite a few families out there who have different political choices. Basically, elections must be free from coercion from any party, but because of differences in political choices, parents usually force children to follow the political choices made by their parents, this results in a child following his parents' choices, either voluntarily or forced to ensure that family relationships do not become strained, but usually there is also a child who remains steadfast in the political choices he has made even though he knows that the risks he is taking will result in his family relations being strained because of differences in political choices. Differences in choices are normal, but if it causes family relationships to become strained, it is very bad. It would be best for both children and parents to respect each other's differences in political choices, and no one forces you to follow one party's political choices. "There is nothing wrong with differences, what is wrong is our selfishness in seeing differences." +
The covid-19 pandemic has become the most familiar thing we've heard lately, since the outbreak of this pandemic, the learning situation has been brought to a dramatic change where there are both positive and negative effects of online learning +
Nearly 80 million people were forced to leave their homes and flee. If they are not handled properly, it can have an impact on world peace. Half of those 80 million people are children. They were displaced by conflict, famine, persecution, and economic upheaval. In 2019 alone, no less than 10 million people were forced to leave their homes and evacuate. 2020, the emergence of a new corona virus pandemic worsen the situation of refugees in refugee camps. We must show our empathy towards the people affected by the disaster. +
The refugee problem is a global issue that involves more than one country, including
Indonesia. Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), during
By 2020, at least 82.4 million people in the world will be forced to migrate, and the figures
has an increasing trend. As of September 2021, UNHCR recorded the number of refugees registered in Indonesia reached 13,273 people. Of these, 73 percent are adults and 27 percent are children, of which 7,458 people are from Afghanistan, 1,364 people are from Somalia, 707 people are from Myanmar, 677 people are from Iraq, and the rest are from other countries.
The trend of the number of refugees that continues to increase every year has led to various
problems in handling foreign refugees in Indonesia. Besides, it's not optimal yet
arrangements for handling refugees in Indonesian laws and regulations have also
resulting in the handling of foreign refugees in Indonesia has not been coordinated and integrated
properly, especially regarding the determination of refugee status, refugee period, and contribution
local government budget.
Based on these conditions, this paper will identify problem mapping, cooperation
handling, steps by the government and local governments, as well as strengthening policies and frameworks
regulation. +
Youth and elections are closely related in shaping the political direction of a country. Youth are often considered agents of change and the driving force behind political change. How young people are involved in elections can reflect the dynamics of democracy and the future of the country.
In a world full of technological sophistication and digital chaos, the image of a group of young people taking over the world of politics with smile memes and laughing emojis has become a reality. They formed the Emoji Party, a political phenomenon that was more like an online party than a serious meeting in a boardroom.
Once I heard a town called "MemeVille" was the birthplace of this movement. Young people known as the "Meme Generation" reject the political convention that a candidate has not performed well. Their party manifesto consists of a combination of emojis that makes old political analysts scratch their heads. There are no long words, just smiles, laughing faces, and mysterious icons that fill the document.
Every parliamentary meeting turns into a meme show. Emoji Party members came into the meeting room wearing emoji masks and read their speeches with the latest memes from the internet. An environmental bill was proposed with the title "🌱🌍🤔,"
and no one could understand what this meant.
Political battles are no longer serious debates, but rather meme attacks. Lawmakers compete to create the best memes poking fun at their opponents' policies. A lawmaker won an argument simply by throwing an emoji depicting utter confusion. Of course, this confusion is not without consequences. +
Political phenomena occurring in Indonesia today. It is the center of attention of all society at this time, because we are presented with the name "Political Gimmick". They do not highlight their vision, mission and ideas in front of the public and the public is always asking, whether those who are contesting in the 2024 election are serious about wanting to lead Indonesia or not, or whether they want to fool the public. Data shows that the National Permanent Voter List (DPT) for the 2024 Election is 204,807,222 people. Of that number, 52% are young voters. 17 year old voters are 0.003 percent or around 6 thousand people. Then voters with an age range of 17 years to 30 years reached 31.23 percent or around 63.9 million people. Then followed by voters aged 31 years to 40 years as much as 20.70 percent or around 42.395 million people. Meanwhile, the percentage of voters over 40 years old reached 48.07 percent or 98,448,775 people. Indeed, the role of youth today is very important if we compare it to previous years. Youth voters are much more dominant than voters aged and over and those who are contesting the current election, they must not ignore the voices of young people. Because our votes determine whether they are worthy to lead this country or not. We invite all young people at this time to be wise in their future choices. A leader is seen from his track record, work record, what he has done and his leadership style. Don't be fooled by those who want to seek our voice, think rationally and the time will come when we can all make our own choices. +