Property:Biography text

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Smokers have a higher risk than those who don't smoke. The dangers and effects of exposure to cigarettes in children and adolescents are those who are exposed to cigarette smoke from active smokers either in the family or in the surrounding environment. The dangers and effects of smoking exposure in children and adolescents are: 1. Cause skin disorders and dental plaque. 2. Children are great imitators, smoking parents will be imitated by children. 3. Children look older than their actual age. 4. Addicted to negative behavior, aggressive behavior and likes to challenge. 5. Lowering the wound healing process. 6. Asthma 7. Pneumonia 8. Bronchitis 9. Disorders of intelligence (cognitive). 10. Increase respiratory tract infections. 11. Conduct disorder 12. Meningitis infection 13. Middle ear infection. 14. Lowering the wound healing process. Cigarette Content The ingredients contained in cigarettes are Acetone, Naphtylamine, Methanol, and so on.  +
Assalamu'alaikum, Introduce my name is MUH. ADITIYAH NUR, Born in Makassar on 22 - 02 - 2006, I live on Jalan Jusuf Bauty, I am the second child of three brothers, my hobby is playing games, I am a student at SMKN 3 Gowa Class 11 Visual Communication Design Department Sultan Hasanuddin is one of the kings from the east who was popular thanks to his persistence against the Dutch during the colonial period. Sultan Hasanudin's persistence earned him the nickname De Haantjes van Het Osten from the Netherlands, which means Rooster from the East. Sultan Hasanuddin's persistence became my inspiration to maintain my stance of wanting to become a pilot even though there were people who would mock me because of my height, but my parents said "Don't listen to people who mock you just because he can't be what you dream of". And pray so that the journey to your dreams can run according to the destiny that you dream of.  +
Assalamu'alaikum, Introduce My name is MUH TAKBIR, Born in Batangkaluku on 21 - 08- 2005, I live at Jln Dr Wahidin Sudiro Husodo I am the second child of two brothers, My hobby is playing football, I am a student at SMKN 3 Gowa Class 11 Department of Visual Communication Design. Sheikh Yusuf Tajul Khalwati is an Indonesian National Hero who led the rebellion from Gowa, South Sulawesi. In 1683, he, together with Prince Purbaya and Prince Kidul, fought against the Dutch in Tangerang. Because Sheikh Yusuf Tajul Khalwati was considered difficult for the Dutch, he was exiled to Sri Lanka which was then moved to Cape Town, South Africa. However, Sheikh Yusuf Tajul Khalwati did not stop preaching. He is also one of the founders of Islam in South Africa. Origin Sheikh Yusuf Tajul Khalwati was born in Gowa, South Sulawesi, July 3, 1626. He was born with the name Muhammad Yusuf in Gowa. Since he was 15 years old, the Sheikh has been given Islamic religious education by the teacher of the Kingdom of Gowa, Daeng Ri Tassamang in Cikoang. Upon his return from Cikoang, Syekh Yusuf married the daughter of the Sultan of Gowa. Then at the age of 18, Sheikh Yusuf went to Banten and Aceh. In 1644, Sheikh Yusuf performed the pilgrimage and stayed in Mecca for some time. There he also studied with prominent scholars in Mecca and Medina.  +
Assalamu'alaikum, Introduce my name is MUH. SYAHRUL RAMADHAN, Born in Makassar on 26-09-2006, I live on JLN POROS MALINO BATANGKALUKU, I am the third child of three brothers, my hobby is playing football, I am a student at SMKN 3 Gowa Class 11 Visual Communication Design Department. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu Sultan Hasanuddin was born in Makassar on January 12, 1631 Sultan Hasanuddin was the 16th Sultan of Gowa in the Gowa Tallo kingdom, he led the Sultanate of Gowa from 1653 to 1669 Sultan Hasanuddin was the second son of the Sultanate of Gowa. After his father died in 1655, Sultan Hasanuddin was then crowned as king to replace his father. Sultan Hasanuddin is known as a rooster from the east. The name is due to the struggle of Sultan Hasanuddin against the VOC. Sultan Hasanuddin died on June 12, 1670 due to suffering from the placenta. What makes me inspired by this different story is that it depicts the struggles of a hero in Gowa, the place where I was born and raised. His heroic story unites the small kingdoms in Gowa so as to create an army to fight against the Dutch colonialism in controlling the spices in their area so that they are not taken by the Dutch. maybe just this short story that can branch will be more and less conveniently forgiven. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu  +
Why are child smokers increasing every year? One of the reasons is the environment, in almost every environment or hanging out smoking has become commonplace whether it's parents, adults, to youth. To break this, a collective awareness is needed from the community, those who are older should have the courage to reprimand them when they see young people smoking.  +
"The Future Depends on What You Do Today!" It cannot be denied that smoking has become a part of today's lifestyle. Based on BPS data, the percentage of smokers aged ≥15 years in 2022 is 23,76%. It is no wonder that every corner we come to is not spared from the puff of cigarette smoke. The government through the Ministry of Health has done many things to reduce the number of smokers. For example, the existence of smokefree areas, campaigning the dangers of smoking through various media and regularly implementing "World No Tobacco Day". The message of the dangers of smoking such as causing throat cancer, pregnancy and fetal disorders is not spared. Besides being harmful to ourselves, other people can also be affected by cigarette smoke. I once asked a child who was smoking. "How did you start smoking?" "At first I just tried it, and finally it continues to this day" "Have you ever thought about quitting smoking?" "Once, but it's very difficult" "Did you know that smoking is harmful to your body?" "Yes, I know, but if I don't smoke in a day, my body feels different" This is very unfortunate because they are the future of this nation. It might be difficult at first to stop smoking right away, but we can start with good habits, such as exercising with friends, participating in social activities to gain new experiences, hanging out with friends while telling stories and singing together, but remember... quit smoking. if you feel tempted, try a candy. Love your body, maybe now the effect won't be felt but who knows?  +
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh, my name is Maulana Nabil umya I was born in Makassar, South Sulawesi I was born on 7-4-2006 I live in BTN Taman Kalimata My hobby is watching anime I am the first child of two siblings I go to school at SMKN 3 GOWA I graduated from SMPN 1 Sungguminasa Sultan Hasanuddin or commonly nicknamed the Rooster of the East by the Dutch is the 16th Sultan of Gowa and a national hero of Indonesia. Sultan Hasanuddin was born with the name Muhammad Bakir I Mallombasi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangape. After ascending the throne, he was called Sultan Hasanuddin, after his death he was called Tumenanga Ri Balla Pangkana. Because of her courage I chose Sultan Hasanuddin to be my role model because he has great leadership qualities that make me also want to have these leadership qualities, but to get these qualities is not easy because we also have to have courage and also have a good personality.  +
Ki Hajar Dewantara National Education Day is commemorated as a tribute to the birthday of the figure of Ki Hajar Dewantara. National Education Day has also been stated in Presidential Decree No. 316 of the year 1959, on December 16, 1959.. So who is Ki Hajar Dewantara? Why is his name so respected and known by the Indonesian people? Ki Hajar Dewantara is a hero of education or who is known by the nickname “the Father of Indonesian National Education”, who was born on May 2nd, 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara was given the nickname as the Father of Indonesian National Education, because of his services in the field of Indonesian education during the Dutch colonial period. Ki Hajar Dewantara dared to oppose and criticize the policies of the Dutch East Indies Government, which at that time only allowed people of Dutch descent and the rich to get an education. Because of his criticism, in the end the Colonial Government exiled Ki Hajar Dewantara in the Netherlands. After returning to Indonesia, Ki Hajar Dewantara finally succeeded in establishing a school or educational institution named Taman Siswa. Ki Hajar Dewantara finally died on April 26th, 1959. From his struggle, as a tribute to his services to the world of education, the Government of Indonesia set the date of Ki Hajar Dewantara's birth to be commemorated as National Education Day. His popular philosophy of 'tut wuri handayani' is also widely used as an encouragement and motto in the Indonesian education. Until now, National Education Day is still celebrated, and its also one of the historic days for Indonesia. Well, that's the brief history of Indonesia's National Education Day and the figure of Ki Hajar Dewantara in the world of education.  +
So I remember when I used to drink herbal medicine "beras kencur", i dont like it. Maybe it still feels strange?  +
Pancasila Sanctity Day is also a form of respect for the services of the Revolutionary Heroes. The determination of Pancasila Sanctity Day is very closely related to the events of the 30 September Movement/Indonesian Communist Party or G30S/PKI. The rebellion incident caused 6 high-ranking officers and 1 middle-ranking TNI AD officer to die. Inspirational words of Pancasila magic 1. Don't just memorize Pancasila, also apply its values in everyday life! Happy Pancasila Sanctity Day. 2. Happy Pancasila Sanctity Day. Continue the noble ideals of the founding fathers of the nation, don't let Pancasila become just a legend. 3. Happy Pancasila Sanctity Day, I hope all Indonesian people can understand the meaning of difference. Indonesia's Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.  +
The number of teenage smokers in Indonesia is increasing every year. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020 shows that there are around 27.3 million smokers aged 13-15 years in Indonesia. This number has increased from the previous year, which was only 26.6 million people. The influence of the environment, including advertising and peer pressure, are the main factors that influence smoking behavior in teenagers. Society needs to work together to overcome the perception that smoking is a symbol of masculinity or modernity. Anti-smoking campaigns must be carried out vigorously to emphasize that smoking is not a cool act, but rather endangers the health and future of the younger generation. One form of solution that is issued by the government is to provide a reminder through images of the dangers of smoking and a reminder to prohibit selling to children under the age of 18 and pregnant women in accordance with the Minister of Health Regulation No. 28 of 2013. However, these reminders have not been able to become the right step in reducing tobacco use. Cigarettes that are easy to get by buying in sticks are one of the factors that make cigarettes affordable for children, sometimes the pocket money that should be used for useful things eventually ends up in ashes in their hands. The communication pattern between parents and children becomes the most appropriate solution in controlling the daily life of children so that they remain in positive things. Positive activities such as sports, deepening hobbies and other positive activities so that they can avoid the influence of cigarettes  +
Sakaria, an 11 year old boy, lives on a beautiful beach but is full of challenges. His family's economic ties had forced him to drop out of school. Every morning, when his friends his age went to school with their bags full of books, Sakaria could only stare from afar, with deep envy. Since dropping out of school, his days have changed drastically. No more studying, just playing and helping their parents earn a living on the beach. Sakaria realizes that even though her life has changed, she still tries to be grateful. He is grateful to be able to help his parents, even though playing is his day job. Every time the wind blew and the waves came, Sakaria and his father set out to look for clams and small fish. Sakaria's mother lovingly cooks their catch. Even though they live a simple life, laughter never leaves their faces. However, amidst the cries of the waves, Sakaria still yearns for books and pens. He dreams of the days when he can go back to school, learn new things, and fulfill his dream of becoming a Soldier.  +
Each cigarette contains more than 4000 types of chemicals harmful to the body. Four hundred of them can be toxic, while 40 of them can cause cancer. Based on data from Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2013 and 2018, there has been an increase in the number of smokers. Data from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) shows that there has also been an increase in the number of child smokers aged 13 to 15 years. Cigarettes have a major impact on the lungs. About a third of all cancer cases occur due to smoking. For example, it can affect breathing and cause shortness of breath and coughing, it also increases the risk of respiratory tract infections which ultimately reduces quality of life. This is possible due to exposure to advertisements and seeing smokers around the environment, including public figures displaying tobacco products on TV or outdoor media. The government continues to work to reduce the number of first-time smokers through Government Regulation number 109 of 2012 concerning the Protection of Materials Containing Addictive Substances in the Form of Tobacco Products for Health designed to control and reduce novice smokers, especially in terms of advertising. Knowing the various dangers of smoking to health, it is necessary to make efforts as early as possible to prevent or stop smoking in adolescents. Starting from the intention within yourself to stop smoking, educate the dangers of smoking, choose a good environment, and find out the reasons why he smokes. Based on Law number 36 of 2009 article 115 concerning health KTR applies to health facilities, places for teaching and learning processes, places for children to play, places of worship, public transportation, places of work, public places and designated places. Each local government is obliged to establish smoking-free areas in its territory. However, the policy does not list homes as smoke-free areas. The house should be a smoke-free area and provide initial protection for all family members from exposure to addictive substances. That is the effort we have to do to determine the prevalence of smoking in adolescents so that they are free from early disease and maintain a healthy environment. Remember, care for your environment by educating the dangers of smoking!!  
Romanticize a road that has never been traveled before by seeing unique things around it. Often when we drive a vehicle we can't necessarily see things we've never seen, by walking we can experience unique things such as being able to interact with the people we pass such as vegetable sellers, the surrounding community and the buildings that become attractiveness to our eyes.  +
Sunday morning with loved ones was the first expression when I saw two people enjoying their old age in the morning at the Pa'baeng Baeng market.  +
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh, my name is muh ridha mannangngai I was born in Makassar, South Sulawesi I was born on 29-5-2005 I live on Jalan Mesjid Raya lr1 I watch anime I am the eldest of two children I go to SMKN 3 GOWA I graduated from SMPN 4 Sungguminasa Arung Palakka was the 15th King of Bone born on Friday, September 15, 1634, in a village called Lamotto, Mario-ri Wawo, Soppeng, and died in Bontoala, April 6, 1696. His father was Lapattobune Aru Tana Tengga and his mother was We Tennisui. , who was the daughter of King Bone XII. When he was eight years old, the Kingdom of Gowa fought Bone and succeeded in conquering it. Since the age of 11, Arung Palakka and his family were taken as hostages to the Gowa Palace. They are lucky to be servants of Karaeng Pattinggaloang, an important and genius figure in the Kingdom of Gowa. Under his tutelage, Arung Palakka grew into an impressive prince in both brain and sport.the reason arung Palakka cooperated with the Dutch to overthrow the kingdom of Gowa was because Inging liberated the Bugis and Soppeng tribes. I appreciate Palakka whitewater for its brave and formidable nature when it was a kingdom in Bone.  +
My name is muh.ikram tri abdillah I was born in kendari 25 april 2004 My hoby is editing video  +
"Nakke accaritaya tentang kisahna ki Hajar Dewantara, wattunna assikola, anjama, sanggenna ammoterang. Ki Hajar Dewantara Nikassukangi tanggala 2 bulang mei taung 1889 ri yogyakarta niarengi Raden Mas Soewardi Seoryoningrat Assikolai ri ELS (sekolah dasar belanda) nampa nalanjutki ri STOVIA (sekolah dokter) Anjamai ri suratkabara nampa ia akgabungi ri organisasi Budi Utomo siangang Dowes Dekker na Dr Cipto Manungkusumo niarengi 3 serangkai Ki Hajar Dewantara ammoterang ri yogyakarta tanggala 26 bulang april taung 1959"  +
During Sheikh Yusuf spent his time in Mecca, the Dutch East India Company and the British were struggling to control the Gowa region, Makassar. This was due to its lucrative trade in spices and gold. When Yusuf wanted to leave Mecca in 1664, Makassar had been controlled by the Dutch, so Yusuf could not return to his hometown. On the other hand, Sheikh Yusuf went to Banten. There he was greeted by Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Yusuf lived in Banten for 16 years until 1680. At that time, Prince Hajji, son of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, fought against his father.  +
Smokers have a higher risk than those who don't smoke. The dangers and effects of exposure to cigarettes in children and adolescents are those who are exposed to cigarette smoke from active smokers either in the family or in the surrounding environment. The dangers and effects of smoking exposure in children and adolescents are: 1. Cause skin disorders and dental plaque. 2. Children are great imitators, smoking parents will be imitated by children. 3. Children look older than their actual age. 4. Addicted to negative behavior, aggressive behavior and likes to challenge. 5. Lowering the wound healing process. 6. Asthma 7. Pneumonia 8. Bronchitis 9. Disorders of intelligence (cognitive). 10. Increase respiratory tract infections. 11. Conduct disorder 12. Meningitis infection 13. Middle ear infection. 14. Lowering the wound healing process. Cigarette Content The ingredients contained in cigarettes are Acetone, Naphtylamine, Methanol, and so on.  +