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Fahrezy, Vendredi, 18 Octobre 2024 As we know, it is almost time for us to determine regional leaders for the next 5 years. And as students (often called agents of change), we also have some hopes for prospective leaders. Seeing the sad state of school education in Indonesia which is very worrying. Why do I say "worrying"? Because there are still students who still cannot read and/or write. The truth of this is questionable. Hearing stories from several fellow students who went to schools to take part in the Merdeka Campus program. Where students are directed to schools from Kindergarten (TK) to High School (SMA). My friend said “Ditempatkan ka di sekolah menengah pertama yang dijalan tamalate. Sampe ku disana, ada ku dapat anak-anak tidak bisa membaca. Maksudku saya tohh, kalau memang tidak memungkinkan ki untuk naik kelas yang pasnya SD karena belumpi bisa membaca, jangan dikasih naik kelas”. Therefore, we hope that future leaders will pay more attention to the quality of our education. In our opinion, this is very important because it involves the future of the nation and the fate of the nation's future is in their hands. So, where is the problem behind all this? Through a fairly long discussion process, we managed to try to answer this question. One factor that is quite interesting to discuss is parenting. "Parenting is the process of raising children, which is usually done by their parents/guardians", Khairally (2023). We assume that the lack of education at home is a factor in why children cannot read and/or write due to the lack of teachings from their parents from an early age. But to overcome this problem is very difficult. Because the daily activities of parents are not only caring for children, but they also have to take care of themselves and also work to support their children. Kim (2021) also said "Daily pressures such as preparing children for school, working from home, or doing additional tasks, can make the role of a parent more difficult". Therefore, we turn to another factor, namely teachers. As we know, teachers are jobs that teach knowledge to children in their schools. They are also the ones who teach children how to read and write in kindergarten. And start counting when they first enter elementary school, Caesaria (2023). However, the teaching profession in Indonesia is often considered trivial. Their salaries are also very small when compared to other professions. According to Oktyandito (2024), "Teachers who have Group I are usually new teachers who have graduated from the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) or are bachelors of education. Quoting Government Regulation Number 5 of 2024 concerning Civil Servant Salary Regulations, the salary of a Group I PNS teacher is IDR 1,685,700 to IDR 2,901,400 per month". Seeing that small number certainly makes me personally not want to be a teacher in Indonesia and prefer another profession. Teachers oftentimes take side jobs to cover their needs. So no wonder, if teachers at school are not focused when teaching and assessing their students. So those who are not competent are still given permission to continue their learning at the next level (Moving up a class), even though the student cannot read and/or write. However, what if there are no more students who want to become teachers because of the low salary?. What will the future of this nation be like without them? (the teachers). Therefore, we hope that teacher salaries will be increased to the point of being "adequate" as teaching staff in Indonesia. With the increase in teacher salaries, students will be interested in making the teaching profession their option when choosing a major at university. Although it can hurt the country's asset, but at least we can also raise the standard of teacher quality in Indonesia by raising the standard of quality of Teacher Professional Education (PPG). So the tests that will be given to prospective teachers will be more difficult and strict. This is done to improve the quality of teaching methods for prospective teachers, and to take the teaching profession seriously. So, the solution that I can offer is to raise the standard of teacher quality by making the teaching profession a profession that is worth considering when choosing a major at university, and also tightening the screening of prospective teachers during the Teacher Procession Education (PPG) in order to produce more qualified teachers for this nation.  
Makassar is a beautiful city that has grown a lot over the years. While it is generally clean, there are still some important issues related to waste management and environmental sustainability that need attention. In this essay, I would like to discuss these issues and suggest a few ways to make the city even better. The Problem of Burning Trash One of the common practices in Makassar is burning trash in front of homes. While some people may think this is an easy way to get rid of waste, it can actually cause problems. The smoke from burning trash creates air pollution, which is harmful to the environment and to the health of people. It can be especially bad for neighbors who have to breathe in the smoke. A better solution would be to collect the trash and burn it far from the city, in a controlled area where it won’t affect people or the air quality. Good Policies in Tourist Areas Makassar has some very good policies in place, especially in tourist areas like mountains and camping sites. For example, when people go hiking or camping, the staff counts all the items they bring with them, like coffee packets or food cans. When they return, the staff checks if they have taken back all their trash. If they have left any trash behind, they are fined. This is a great way to keep tourist areas clean and protect nature. If more places followed this rule, the environment would stay cleaner and more enjoyable for everyone. Supermarkets Reducing Plastic Use Another positive change in Makassar is that supermarkets like Indomaret and Alfamart no longer give plastic bags. If you want to buy something, you need to bring your own bag. This policy encourages people to reduce their use of plastic, which is good for the environment because plastic takes a long time to break down and can harm wildlife. Small changes like this can have a big impact on keeping the city clean. In conclusion, there are both challenges and solutions when it comes to waste management in Makassar. While practices like burning trash in front of homes should be improved, there are also good policies in place, such as in tourist areas and supermarkets. I believe that by raising awareness and making small changes, Makassar can be a cleaner and more sustainable city for everyone.  
Improving agricultural infrastructure in Sidrap Regency is essential to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. Good infrastructure, such as roads, irrigation, and storage facilities, allows farmers to access markets more easily and speeds up the distribution of agricultural products. An effective irrigation system will ensure the availability of water, which is essential for increasing crop yields. In addition, improving infrastructure will help farmers sell their products at better prices, reducing losses due to crop damage. It also contributes to regional economic development by attracting investment and creating jobs. Thus, improving agricultural infrastructure will optimize the potential of natural resources in Sidrap and improve the welfare of the community as a whole. Therefore, if there is a decline in agricultural infrastructure in Sidrap Regency, it will have a significant impact on the agricultural sector and the local economy. First, poor infrastructure hinders the distribution and access of farmers to agricultural tools and materials, so that agricultural production decreases. In addition, the lack of a good irrigation system can cause problems in water management and soil quality, threatening the sustainability of agriculture in the area. Declining crop yields also have an impact on farmers' incomes, which can increase poverty levels. In difficult situations, some farmers may be forced to migrate to cities, which reduces the number of workers in the agricultural sector. This leads to threats to local food security, increasing dependence on imports. Therefore, improving agricultural infrastructure is very important to overcome this problem, increase productivity, and strengthen the local economy. Improving agricultural infrastructure in Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) Regency must be improved because it can improve people's welfare, alleviate poverty, increase rice production, optimize the use of rice fields in swampy areas, and increase the planting index. Some examples of work that can be done to improve agricultural infrastructure in Sidrap Regency include: Dredging and normalizing rivers or irrigation channels, Construction and rehabilitation of pumping irrigation, Construction of water gates or ditch dams, Construction of drainage in the form of duekker plates and culverts, Construction of farmer bridges The local government will also likely respond positively to improving agricultural infrastructure, emphasizing the importance of improving roads, irrigation, and accessibility to markets. They will underline that good infrastructure can increase agricultural productivity, enable farmers to sell their crops more efficiently and get better prices, thus having a direct impact on their welfare. In addition, the existence of an adequate irrigation system is very important to maintain the sustainability of agriculture, especially amidst the challenges of climate change. It will also encourage collaboration between government, farmers, and the private sector to ensure that infrastructure development meets the needs of the community. They may add that supporting programs, such as training in modern agricultural techniques and marketing management, are also needed to maximize the benefits of existing infrastructure. Overall, the regional head will emphasize that improving agricultural infrastructure is an important pillar in the economic and social development of Sidrap Regency.  
Education is one of the most important aspects of human life and plays a major role in the development of a nation. Through education, individuals can develop their potential, skills and knowledge needed to face future challenges. In Indonesia, the issue of education is very important because there are still many challenges to be faced, such as the low quality of education, the gap in access between urban and rural areas, and the lack of adequate facilities. In the context of local elections, education issues should be a top priority for prospective leaders. Improving equitable access to education not only helps children acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, but also contributes to poverty reduction and overall improvement in quality of life. Indonesia, which is known as a country with a vast geography, causes inequality in education. This is because there are still many remote areas in Indonesia that are still not covered by proper formal education facilities. Poor infrastructure, as well as a lack of educators, is the first problem in providing quality education in these areas. This can be seen in the difference in school quality between urban and rural areas. Schools in urban areas tend to have more learning facilities and better teaching quality than those in rural areas. Although the government is trying to equitably distribute facilities across the region, it is often faced with a bottleneck in the educational facilities provided to rural areas. Therefore, this issue should be prioritized by regional head candidates in their work programs. In addition, economic inequality has resulted in Indonesia still being classified as a developing country. This can be felt when jobs are difficult to find, the number of unemployed people increases every year, schools are still paid, and many people live below economic standards. As a result, economic inequality has an impact on education. Children from poor families often find it difficult to access quality education due to economic constraints. Although the government has provided various programs such as free schools, scholarships, and so on, educational inequality still occurs because of the unequal assistance provided. Even the assistance provided by the government, not infrequently undergoes periodic cuts until it finally reaches the person concerned not in accordance with the actual amount given. From these problems, regional head candidates must prioritize the issue of education for the better. Improving access and quality of education is an important step towards achieving sustainable development and community welfare in Indonesia, especially in remote areas. Therefore, regional head candidates need to prioritize these issues in their work programs to ensure that every citizen has equal opportunities in obtaining quality education. By prioritizing education issues, regional head candidates can make a significant contribution to regional development. Improved access to and quality of education will give birth to a better generation, ready to face future challenges, and contribute to the overall progress of society.  
Improving human welfare and development. Linked to savings in spending on employees to cover the cack of funds for infrastruktur so that the people can be funded  +
An important priority for regional head candidates is to improve the quality of education for human resources for future generations. This needs to be worried about, because the development of technology is decreasing the quality of education. Then it can cause cases that occur for the younger generation, especially children. There are some children who do not know what BPUPKI stands for, do not know how to read the clock until the emergence of AI makes a lot of changes. next, we need to support regional children, especially in South Sulawesi, who want to uphold education abroad in this era of global competition. there are several challenges that must be considered starting from the curriculum, the quality of teachers who teach, access to education and the education budget. because it is in a remote area, children are eager to realize their dreams, it is a challenge for them. Therefore, what must be considered for prospective regional heads for the next generation for the future progress of the region and nation.  +
In my opinion, environmental pollution occurs because of human carelessness who do not think about the surrounding environment and unconsciously do things that pollute the environment.  +
In my opinion, the regional head must pay more attention to existing education problems, such as if there are those who cannot afford school fees, the regional head must provide scholarships to these students because as we know, many school children have to drop out of school because of financial problems, so the regional head must provide scholarships to students in need.  +
Economy: Boost economic growth and job opportunities. Education: Improve access and quality of education. Health: Enhance healthcare services and accessibility. Infrastructure: Develop roads, transportation, and clean water infrastructure. Environment: Address pollution and promote sustainable environmental practices. Poverty Reduction: Implement social programs to reduce poverty.  +
Inggris: Infrastructure development, including roads, schools, and health facilities, should be a priority to improve the overall quality of life and support economic growth.  +
3.Inggris 1. Economy: Create jobs and encourage investment. 2. Education: Improve access and quality of education. 3. Health: Improve health services and medical access. 4. Infrastructure: Develop roads, transportation, and clean water. 5. Environment: Address pollution and climate change sustainably. 6. Poverty Alleviation: Reduce inequality through social programs.  +
A regional head candidate should prioritize: 1. Infrastructure: Ensuring access to transportation, clean water, and reliable digital infrastructure. 2. Social Welfare and Economy: Creating job opportunities and supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs). 3. Education and Healthcare: Providing fair access and high-quality services to the community. 4. Good Governance: Enhancing transparency and reducing corruption. 5. Environment: Implementing sustainable solutions for environmental issues. 6. Security: Strengthening public order and law enforcement. 7. Public Participation: Involving the community in the decision-making process. These priorities will enhance welfare and drive regional development.  +
. bahasa inggris Prospective regional leaders need to prioritize issues such as affordable healthcare, access to education, and environmental sustainability. These are all important for community well-being and economic development.  +
The development of basic infrastructure such as roads, bridges, electricity and clean water needs to be considered. In addition, access to public transportation services and other public facilities is very important to improve people's quality of life.  +
Seeing the progress of several other Asian countries, such as Singapore and other developed countries, has become a big problem for the next leaders. The unequal quality of education is a big factor hindering Indonesia's golden generation. Good education cannot be separated from the role of a leader in a region or region. regionally, this must be the center of attention of a leader, which I as a student feel sorry for, when I found out the fact that many children dropped out of school because of economic obstacles, this is in line with the issue of insufficient employment opportunities in Indonesia. Yes, employment opportunities are limited. The government should be paying attention, they only focus on infrastructure development, but in fact there are still many roads that are not repaired. So is that their focus on infrastructure??? The focus for regional heads should be more on the quality of education, health and job opportunities, as well as the availability of electricity and clean water, after that, it can be reduced by the development of good infrastructure... Because yesterday it was on the news radar, the people in Cambaya are lacking clean water, where is the role of the government?? Hopefully this suggestion can be included and become a focus for the next government or regional heads My hope for the future for regional heads is that I believe that you are great and my hope is that the community will not make the wrong choice because they have chosen you.  +
Infrastructure or development gaps such as road repairs reflect injustice in the allocation of development budgets. Regional head candidates must ensure that all regions receive  +
Candidates for regional head bajikna na prioritize the threshold of infrastructure iamintu ni pabajikki oloanga, bridge jekne tangkasaka electricity standby, anjo ni parioloangi so that they support pattimbona's economy.  +
Tourism in South Sulawesi has great potential with various appealing natural and cultural destinations. In recent years, the development and management of tourism in South Sulawesi have made progress. According to the 2022 National Tourism Development Index (IPKN), South Sulawesi ranks 5th. However, several issues must be addressed to make tourism more integrated and sustainable. Key issues include infrastructure development, lack of promotion, environmental preservation, improving human resources (HR), and the social impact on local communities. The following are some of the factors: 1. Tourism Infrastructure Development Adequate infrastructure, such as access roads, public facilities, and transportation, is crucial to support tourism. Tourist destinations in South Sulawesi, such as Tanjung Bira, Toraja, and Selayar, are often difficult to reach due to limited infrastructure. Many tourists have complained about slow or even non-existent internet and cellular networks in some locations. The development of roads, bridges, and basic facilities should be a priority to prevent undesirable incidents such as accidents. 2. Lack of Tourism Promotion The South Sulawesi Culture and Tourism Office acknowledges that the media used for promotion is still limited. As a result, many tourist destinations are not well-known to both local and international communities. The use of social media and digital platforms is not optimal, compounded by inactive social media accounts of the relevant agencies, which prevents the dissemination of information about tourist destinations. 3. Environmental Preservation One of the main challenges faced by tourism in South Sulawesi is environmental preservation. South Sulawesi offers many options for nature tourism, from beaches to mangrove forests. However, unplanned development has led to environmental degradation, including pollution and the loss of flora and fauna. Additionally, there is insufficient awareness or education among the population and industry, leading to practices such as littering, illegal logging, and coral reef destruction. 4. Quality of Human Resources in the Tourism Sector In several areas, such as Tanatoraja Regency, staff at the Tourism Office do not have formal educational backgrounds in tourism. This indicates that many human resources involved in the sector lack the knowledge and skills needed to manage tourism professionally. Suggestions for the Government: While there have been improvements in various tourism sectors based on my readings, I hope further enhancements and innovations are made in tourism. Here are some suggestions for improvement: Prioritize Infrastructure Development: Focus on building roads, bridges, and other public facilities that support accessibility to tourist destinations. This includes improving internet and cellular networks in tourist areas. Collaboration with the Private Sector: Engage the private sector in infrastructure development by providing incentives to investors committed to improving tourism infrastructure. Optimize Social Media and Digital Platforms: Increase the use of social media and digital platforms to promote tourist destinations. Create engaging content to reach a broader audience. Integrated Promotion Campaigns: Conduct integrated promotion campaigns involving various stakeholders, including local business owners. Strict Environmental Regulations: Implement and enforce strict regulations related to environmental management in tourism areas, including monitoring developments that could harm ecosystems. Environmental Education: Organize educational programs for local communities and the tourism industry on the importance of environmental preservation. Ongoing Training and Education: Implement ongoing training programs for human resources in the tourism sector, including tour guides, hotel managers, and local entrepreneurs. Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Collaborate with educational institutions to provide curricula relevant to the needs of the tourism industry. I hope the government remains consistent in maintaining tourism, and for those who read my opinion, I apologize if there is any misinformation or excessive commentary. Thank you. This version reflects the original content accurately while maintaining clarity in English.  
In the 2024 regional head elections, regional head candidates should no longer need to sell grandiose promises. One of the most urgent issues that must be prioritized is creating jobs for youth. The reality in South Sulawesi is very clear: there are many young people with degrees and skills who are unemployed! What does it mean for us to be highly educated, only to end up as educated unemployed? Decent job opportunities that match our abilities are still very limited. At best, we can only pray that we do not migrate to look for work abroad. South Sulawesi should be able to become more independent. With so much potential in the tourism, agriculture, technology and creative industry sectors, the local government must proactively manage this to create jobs. The next elected leader must have the courage to break the bureaucracy that has been hampering investment, provide incentives that are real and truly felt by MSME and creative industry players, and encourage training programs that are not just a formality. We need action, not just promises! We young people have the right to live a decent life in our own country. So, for those of you who are tired of promises, it's time to vote for candidates who have concrete plans and real solutions. If employment is not a priority, then where will our future take us?  +