se're allo ri butta kalassukang

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se're allo ri butta kalassukang
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    Of all the places you explored this morning, which one did you think was the most interesting? Come on, tell your version!

    In English

    One day in the homeland.
    Exploring the alleys in the city of Makassar with @temankalan.mks, remembering the lyrics of the song Sulawesi Parasanganta 

    "Look at the village far away Progress/development has come a long way Very good association The area is safe and peaceful Our friends It would be good for us to unite our hearts So that you are safe, peaceful and prosperous Sulawesi, our village/region"

    Makassar is not perfect, but Makassar is worth fighting for

    In Makassar

    In Indonesian

    Satu hari di Tanah Kelahiran.

    Menyusuri lorong-lorong yang ada di kota Makassar bersama @temankalan.mks, teringat dengan lirik lagu Sulawesi Parasanganta

    "Lihatlah kampung yang jauh disana Sudah sangat jauh kemajuannya/perkembangannya Persatuannya yang sangat bagus Aman tentram daerahnya

    Wahai teman sedaerah Alangkah baiknya kita menyatukan hati Sehingga aman tentram dan sejahtera Sulawesi kampung/daerah kita"

    Makassar memang tidak sempurna, tapi Makassar pantas untuk diperjuangkan