Tell us about your emotional holiday moments! Post your comments here or propose a question.

Literature Perdamaian Dunia

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

Nearly 80 million people were forced to leave their homes and flee. If they are not handled properly, it can have an impact on world peace. Half of those 80 million people are children. They were displaced by conflict, famine, persecution, and economic upheaval. In 2019 alone, no less than 10 million people were forced to leave their homes and evacuate. 2020, the emergence of a new corona virus pandemic worsen the situation of refugees in refugee camps. We must show our empathy towards the people affected by the disaster.

In Indonesian

Hampir 80 juta orang dipaksa meninggalkan rumah dan mengungsi. Jikalau mereka tidak ditangani dengan benar, bisa berdampak terhadap perdamaian dunia. Setengah dari 80 juta orang itu adalah anak-anak. Mereka tergusur akibat konflik, kelaparan, penganiayaan, dan pergolakan ekonomi. Tahun 2019 saja, tak kurang dari 10 juta warga terpaksa meninggalkan rumah dan mengungsi. Tahun 2020, kemunculan pandemi virus korona baru memperburuk keadaan para pengungsi di pengungsian. Kita harus menunjukkan rasa empati kita terhadap orang - orang yang terkena bencana.

In Makassar

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