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Youth expectations for Indonesian leaders generally include aspirations for justice, transparency, inclusive economic growth, quality education, environmental protection and technological progress. Youth want leaders who are able to listen to and understand the needs of young people, promote their participation in the country's development, and overcome challenges such as unemployment, social inequality, and corruption.  +
In the world website, it is recorded that the number of religions in the world is more than 4,000 religions. Each religion has a different number of followers. So now, it feels natural to say that wherever we live, there are always differences in religion. Facing these differences is not something simple. Some people think that religious diversity can be a resource that can advance the civilization of a group, but some others think that religious diversity has the potential to create misunderstandings and conflicts. Different perceptions of religious diversity also determine our attitude and behavior in dealing with it. Whether we realize it or not, everyone has an attitude towards a group in religion. There is a negative attitude towards a certain group or person simply because of membership in a certain religious group. Don't we still hear some say: "ah, it's so funny worshiping statues" or "don't be friends with Muslims, they are fanatics." The existence of negative prejudice like this can also trigger negative behavior towards people or groups that are different from us. The impact can disrupt inter-group relations, and can even divide the unity of a country. No matter how diverse our religions are, there are needs that are common to all, namely the need to be understood, accepted, valued, and treated equally. No matter their religion, no matter their caste, no matter their beliefs, no matter their level of faith, they are equal before the law and their voices deserve to be heard. Often, religion becomes a separator for us to make friends and mingle. In fact, one thing that is important to realize is understanding that religious diversity really requires open-mindedness and logic. Religious diversity can add to friendship bonds. If we are only friends or know people of the same religion, we must have few compared to friends with people of different religions, right? Religious diversity provides opportunities to learn about differences. The diversity of religions provides an opportunity to have various perspectives in looking at life. The diversity of religions provides an opportunity to understand each other and develop empathy. How to live in a diversity of religions? Of course, everything has to start from yourself. The first thing to do is awareness, the thought that everyone is different. It doesn't mean we have to follow other people's values or principles, but every difference in choice should be respected. Second, study. If there are many religious differences, act as a learner, don't interfere too much and don't blame other people's principles of life, that is their choice, try to understand and learn about the differences. The essence of maintaining relations between different religions is to apply adab in society. Develop tolerance, mutual respect, mutual respect and love for each other. We can embrace together, we can accept other people's differences, and with that we can also put aside ego regardless of differences in beliefs. To create a safe, comfortable and peaceful environment.  
In my opinion, the right to vote for young people in the upcoming 2024 elections is a step in which young people can gain experience in the world of politics. Young people still need to learn a lot from the world of politics, especially participating in the 2024 elections. There may be some young people who are voting for the first time in the change of presidential and vice presidential candidates. In 2024 there will be 3 pairs of presidential candidates and their vice presidential candidates. The task of young people at that time was for them to choose according to their right to vote and be wise in choosing. Today's youth are still vulnerable to the influence of other people who can influence who they actually choose through their conscience. It is also common for new young people to be lured with money and they immediately abandon the one they chose and choose the one based on money.Moreover, in the 2024 election, each presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate will have extraordinary capacities and supporters. Usually they are young people who choose from their hearts, but sometimes they are still confused and even change their choices just because they are easily influenced. But that doesn't mean that equally strong candidates, young people, will join in bringing down the presidential candidates because they don't like them or anything like that.Young people are free to determine their agency, without pressure and coercion from other people. Because it is a right to vote and no one can be angry with whoever we vote for. Youth must also be smart in choosing who can really care about this country and the community cares about itself. Many na also usually, they only make false promises but when they have been chosen, they forget their promises. Even though they are free to choose, young people must also be wise in voting and see whether potential candidates can truly be responsible according to their promises. But again, without bringing it down and without ridiculing, insulting, or even slandering so that many people don't like it either. It is enough for us to see and judge ourselves, there is no need to tell the story widely or even influence other people  
Zidni Imma Nafiah Judul harapan untuk dunia politik Smalb 1 makassar  +
There are hope's that they want to make come true  +
Thank you, it turns out there are lots of beautiful places in Makassar "Today I'm walking with my friend, tomorrow maybe I'm walking with my life partner HAHA"  +
Inter-religious harmony is a condition or relationship between religious adherents that is based on tolerance, mutual understanding and mutual respect in the practice of religious teachings and cooperation in social life or inter-religious harmony is a social condition when all religious groups can live together, without prejudice to each other's basic rights to carry out their religious obligations. Inter-religious harmony is very important because it is a necessity in the context of protecting human rights (HAM), also because this harmony is a prerequisite for the realization of national integration, and this integration is a prerequisite for the success of national development. Not only that, if there is no harmony between religious communities it will be difficult to achieve the nation's ideals, namely to be in the same position as other nations in the world. And if we don't maintain the name of harmony, there will be strife, hostility and fights. Because Indonesia is very vulnerable to conflict, there is what is called the tri-religious harmony. The Tri-Religious Harmony is internal religious harmony, inter-religious harmony, and harmony between religious communities and the government. The main objective of the Tri Harmony of Religions in Indonesia is so that the Indonesian people can live in togetherness, even though there are many differences, and not make these differences as a deficiency or as a conflict. Conflicts can occur because people still don't understand religious teachings, people like to act on their own without following existing rules, are fanatical about their own religion, are intolerant of other religions, judge other religions by their own religious standards, and like to insult other religions. Inter-religious conflicts often occur due to cultural differences and individual beliefs in viewing divine values. To avoid inter-religious conflicts, we must respect, respect, tolerate each other, take care of each other, not take the rights of others, not make noise when other people are worshipping. If there is a conflict between religions, the community must have a sense of respect between one religion and another, the community must strengthen friendship ties and try to get to know each other better, and must also have awareness that every religion adopted by the community carries a mission of peace. Therefore, we all must be able to maintain inter-religious harmony in Indonesia. Even though Indonesia is a country that has many differences in each region and that is what makes Indonesia very vulnerable to conflict. But don't ever split up just because of the conflict that the origin of the conflict is because you don't respect, respect or even ridicule other religions. Remain a citizen who obeys applicable regulations and lives peacefully in one unit according to our motto, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which has different meanings but is still one.  
Harmony among people of religions Indonesia is a country that applies its people to live in harmony. Because harmony is one of the important pillars in maintaining the unity of the Indonesian people and nation. Without the realization of harmony among various tribes, religions, races and between groups, the Indonesian nation will be easily threatened by division with all its unwanted consequences. Harmony can be interpreted as living and living conditions that reflect an atmosphere of peace, order, peace, prosperity, respect, respect, tolerance, mutual cooperation in accordance with religious teachings and the personality of Pancasila. Religion in general is a belief or belief held by the community as a norm and value that is believed and trusted. Religion is recognized as a set of rules that govern human existence in the world. Inter-religious harmony aims so that Indonesian people can live in togetherness. Even though the majority of Indonesia's population embraces Islam, there are several other religions that are also adhered to, namely Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Catholicism, and Confucianism. Of course, every religion has its own rules in carrying out its religious teachings. But the difference is not an element of division, but rather what creates national unity. Like eating the motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika "Different but still one" So it's time that we are not looking for differences or what we are talking about, but it is the similarities that we should be looking for because it is from equality that life will respect, respect and be in harmony with each other. Through equality, we can establish brotherhood and strengthen the ties of friendship, that way harmony will be created by itself.  +
In the community, of course we will encounter people who have different religions from us, but this is not a reason for us to disturb and disturb their peace because we are Indonesians with the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which has different meanings but is still one. Our attitude in dealing with religious differences in the environment around us is of course the first to respect each other so that divisions do not occur, showing tolerance, helping him when he needs help because this attitude is in accordance with Pancasila values which are the basis and guidelines of the Indonesian state. then we grow an attitude of brotherhood among fellow Indonesians even though they have different religions  +
Harmony between religious communities in the surrounding environment means harmony and peace. the life of religious communities in all aspects of life, such as worship, tolerance, and cooperation among religious believers. In an inter-religious environment, we must apply how to maintain harmony, namely respecting ethnic groups and cultures, helping each other regardless of background, and we must respect each other's holidays between religious communities.  +
Harmony between religious communities in the surrounding environment is a normal thing that will create awareness among fellow citizens to respect each other's beliefs. Indonesia is a majority country whose Muslim population is more than other religions, it is not a problem for citizens to live in harmony to maintain tolerance among religious people.  +
Indonesia is a plural country, consisting of various ethnicities, religions and races. This makes it prone to conflict. Although conflicts are generally not solely caused by religious factors and are more due to other factors such as politics and the economy, often these conflicts also enter the realm of religion. So that efforts are needed to harmonize the life of religious people. Harmonization of religious communities is a major human need that cannot be avoided in the midst of a human civilization that is full of differences. The differences that exist are not an obstacle to live in harmony, peace and tranquility, and prosper in the canopy of brotherhood and unity. Social harmony among religious people is a process of interaction between religious people that is based on tolerance, mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual respect in equality in the practice of religious teachings and cooperation in community life. Harmonization of religious life can be done by increasing understanding of religion. Since elementary school we have received religious lessons. However, they are still exclusive by believing that the religion they adhere to is the truest religion. This must be balanced between these beliefs with an attitude of respect and respect for other religions. As in everyday life, at school there are various beliefs, such as Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Even though there are various religions, all citizens in the school environment can respect and interact with each other without any sense of difference between religions. In addition, there are several ways to maintain and realize the harmonization of life between religious communities, including: eliminating feelings of suspicion or hostility towards adherents of other religions, not marginalizing or blaming someone if they make a mistake, giving other people a sense of appreciation in carrying out their worship, in addition to not disturbing other people worshipers, and avoid discrimination against other religions, and show mutual respect and tolerance for one another. Harmony between religious adherents does not appear suddenly harmony is the result of a shared awareness that group divisions and egoism will bring destruction. This harmony phenomenon is not only an example but also a society that can uphold the values of unity, especially religious tolerance.  
Introducing my name: Navatya Fahrisa Syafitri from class XII DKV 2 I will tell you about inter-religious harmony in the neighborhood In the environment around me, whether it's at school or at home, I tolerate well with my interfaith and they always greet well and friendly. We also often share food and there has never been any conflict between us. We always respect each other, for example if my neighbor plays a song on the speaker during prayer time, my neighbor immediately stops the song. It's the same with Muslims, on Sundays Muslims help to keep order, for example in the parking lot at the church.  +
The last trepangers a brothe from across the sea  +
Smoking is so dangerous especially for children, stop smoking children and start more exciting activities with family, relatives, best friends and friends. Friends, avoid smoking because it can be a big loss for yourself and the environment. lets healthy life, healthy is expensive.  +
Now alot of coruption happening because of the disappearance of the feel of shame in the govermen that tricks thei own citizen.  +
This photo is a photo of a music event which is generally attended by young people, but most music concert activities are sponsored by cigarette brands. This should be a concern for the government, they must make regulations regarding this matter, of course we don't want to normalize the behavior of smokers at a young age. One of the efforts to reduce the number of young smokers is by limiting the space for cigarette campaigns  +
Malino is not just a place with cold temperatures, but also a place filled with various tourist attractions in Malino, such as waterfalls or commonly known as Lembanna waterfalls, there are also lots of plants, such as strawberries, tomatoes, etc. a fresh place and the air is cool.  +
Villa Butta Karaeng is located on Jalan Manggarupii Paccinongang Somba Opu Gowa. Strategically located in the city of Makassar and Gowa, from the Gowa housing complex area, residents can reach important facilities and places more quickly.  +