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This global covid-19 pandemic situation has made all
people feel worried, anxious and misgivings, either
physical, psychic as well as material. This makes people
finally focus on self-safety and how
How to maintain life in the middle of a pandemic.
However, as social creatures we cannot live without
somebody else. Therefore during the pandemic, we are
He had to work shoulder and give me shoulder
support each other so we can get through
this pandemic is fine. +
Me as a sommunity see residents who are affected by disasters such as, fires, floods, which cause these residents to lose their property and food and clothing and i feel sorry because I imagine when I was in that position, therefore we are the same citizen. We have to help each other even if inly a little we can only give but for them it is very valuable and useful for them so in conclusion give some of our wealth to those in need even though we can’t give much at least we have the intention of helping. +
Jalangkote is one of the traditional snacks typical of Makassar City whose popularity cannot be doubted. Therefore, this snack can also be very easily found in various areas of Makassar city.
There is no doubt about the popularity of jalangkote as one of the traditional snacks typical of Daeng City. This food is loved by all groups and is often eaten on various occasions.
Its size is quite large, with a complete filling of vegetables, eggs, vermicelli, noodles and meat, making this food very popular. The vegetable filling includes carrots, sweet potatoes, bean sprouts, and others.
As a complement, this food is served with liquid chili sauce made from chilies and a mixture of vinegar.
Therefore, even though it is classified as a light food, jalangkote is quite filling. Not only as a snack, local residents often make it a breakfast menu, as well as a dish at various events and celebrations. +
Author : M.Saldy
War seems to have become an inseparable part of human life on this earth where war is something that is not desired by every human being on the grounds of violence by killing each other, costing enormous amounts of money, as well as damage to important facilities that support life. many people are the impact. Why did the war happen? Of course, this is motivated by various motives such as differences in interests, ideologies to beliefs (religion).
As a young person who was born from a nation and country that had been colonized for 340 years, it makes me very concerned about the humanitarian tragedies that often occur lately. Not without cause because the impact of these events will continue to imprint from generation to generation. One of the crucial impacts resulting from the existence of war is what is the fate of its citizens? Of course, almost some citizens who experience war/armed conflict in their country prefer to flee and even ask for help from other countries.
In Indonesia, the current government policy related to accepting refugees has been regulated in the formation of Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia (PerPres) Number 125 of 2016 concerning Handling of Refugees From Abroad. At least this Presidential Regulation has become a breath of fresh air for the refugees and a form of Indonesia's concern for the humanitarian crisis that is rife.
Therefore, to maximize the handling of refugees from abroad, it is necessary to have support from all elements of society, especially youth. As a part of youth, I believe that today's youth have a very big role to take part in the process of handling refugees from foreign nationals (foreigners) whose countries are experiencing conflict. The steps that can be taken as Indonesian youth are:
1. Conducting social activities for financial assistance to refugees.
Through the provision of these social activities, youth can promote material (financial) assistance from the community, which then the funds can be used for the needs and needs of the refugees.
2. Build a good emotional relationship with refugees through various activities.
It is undeniable that this humanitarian tragedy can cause refugees to become stressed, depressed and even crazy. Therefore, efforts that we can do as youths can be in the form of counseling, spiritual and moral assistance so that they can help increase the morale of the refugees who are experiencing conflict.
3. Promoting support and assistance through various social media platforms
Three billion people, around 40% of the world's population use social media, this rapid development of information technology can be used as a positive instrument to promote support and assistance from various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp etc. By utilizing social media platforms It is hoped that it can foster a sense of empathy for others and as a material to raise awareness for the world community that war is not a solution to solve problems between countries.
By seeing the great potential of today's youth, I believe that all the problems and challenges faced by foreign refugees (foreigners) can gradually be overcome. Just as the hopes of the founders of the former Indonesian nation who formulated that the goal of the Indonesian state was to abolish all forms of colonialism in the world.
Refugee is a person or group of people who leave an area to avoid a disaster or calamity. This disaster can be caused by nature and can also be a disaster caused by human activities directly. In Indonesia, the number of refugees and asylum seekers recorded is around 13,700 people (Reliefweb. int, 2022) of which 7,600 are from Afghanistan (the Hazara ethnic minority), and the rest are from Somalia, Iraq, Myanmar, Already, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Palestine, Iran, Pakistan, Eritrea and Ethiopia. There are several ways for refugees and asylum seekers to enter Indonesian territory. There are those who depart by plane with passports and visit visas (tourists) but remain in Indonesia without wanting to return to their country of origin. Some are victims of human trafficking and people smuggling. Some entered Indonesia by sea through unofficial entrances. Remaining in Indonesia and reluctant to return to their country means that they hope to live in a third country as refugees. As legal citizens, in my opinion, when they come and settle in Indonesia legally, they deserve to be treated and treated as if they were genuine Indonesian citizens. However, if they stay illegally in Indonesia, for reasons that are not clear and without data from their country of origin or from Indonesia itself, they must be returned to their country of origin and subject to sanctions in accordance with the laws of that country. But in my opinion, there is special treatment when they come illegally to Indonesia but for reasons that require them to stay here as I mentioned earlier i.e. victims of human trafficking and people smuggling, our country must take care of these people until the situation is conducive and safe. to repatriate the citizens of that country to their country of origin. Because if they don't, it is feared that when they are immediately sent home without waiting for the right time, the bad event could happen again without the knowledge of the country concerned. +
Starting from Burma, which is an ASEAN country bordering China, Bangladesh, Laos, Thailand, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. Since 1989 Burma has changed its name to Myanmar. The Burmese are not natives, they came from Tibet-China in the 16th century AD Buddhist. Since the Buddhist rule, the name Arakan has been replaced by the name Rakhine, the residents are called the Rohingya tribe. The Rohingya are of mixed Arab descent with Turkey, Bangladesh, Persia and Mongolia. As a form of solidarity, seeking assistance humanity, encourage the government to make diplomatic efforts, pray as a form of spiritual concern.the incident in Myanmar has occurred unconfig, namely there is a state against armed groups in the country subject to conventions, related to cases of Rohingya, whatever the issue is religion, ethnicity such as this is not new like in Bosnia, Rwanda, etc. not religion but ethnicity of fellow tribes. Violence or violations of human rights cannot be tolerated. Whatever the reason for the violation of human rights, the right to life, the right to security, the right to own a house must be respected. Now it can't be said that the issue of sovereignty itself has the right to regulate, even Indonesia can't anymore because it's a household problem, therefore it can't be accepted by the outside community because we as part of the international community must submit. Moreover, the right to life, the right to life is undeniable, All countries in the world must comply, even if they have not ratified the Geneva Conventions or have not ratified civil rights. This cannot be used as an excuse, in the international world, talking about law is not enough, the legal mechanism is inadequate so that to change a situation there are many ways that countries usually take in other ways, diplomatically, Indonesia came there to Myanmar because of what happened. in a country, it can affect other neighboring countries. Regarding sanctions, one of them is economic sanctions and there are various kinds such as protected trade. It is clear that politics also has an influence, such as China has taken a position or taken steps to carry out an economic embargo. China will stand ready to support Myanmar with trade assistance and China will take the opportunity to assist diplomacy in the South China Sea.ASEAN cannot intervene in principle, but there must be someone who starts as a brave country, and the right position is Indonesia. Bringing the Indonesian Foreign Minister to Myanmar is an extraordinary thing that Indonesia has done because it means that Indonesia is still respected. With the arrival of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, it may not necessarily stop this case. This step should be followed by other ASEAN countries but of course it must be with the permission of the Myanmar government. This conflict has spread, I think that ASEAN embargoing is good too, but China has taken a position. The impact of this conflict, refugees will be many possibilities, the second is security. If this case is bigger, many interests go to China, America joins in, it could be a widespread conflict and not good for Indonesia.
Approaching the start of the new year, Indonesia will enter a political period, where there will be
many campaigns from various parties. As the nation's next generation, we need a sense of political
concern, about who our leaders are, who will govern the country. Therefore, we as young people
need to be critical, we need to voice what is in the hearts of the Indonesian people. We need to
understand how politics works.
The size of a nation is determined by its youth. The Youth Pledge is proof that we as youth are
united. However, what about people who don't care about elections? Who doesn't understand the
important role of voicing the nation's future leaders? We seek knowledge to understand life. This is
where youth self-awareness is needed so that they are not used by Indonesian politicians, we are
the nation's successors and our generation needs to criticize the government's performance, we
must be more active in understanding world politics. Our role as young people is to increase our selfawareness and influence other people. We as young people must first voice the importance of
political understanding.
It's time for us to open our eyes. Caring about politics is the main thing for the life of the nation. We
study from an early age to adulthood to live in the world and be involved in every aspect of life, one
of which is politics. Education is for us to learn. The existence of education is where we are free to
voice our opinions, as Mbak Najwa said, young people don't hold back their shame veins, just break
your shame veins, you only get to be young once.
That's why I am presenting this opinion, our awareness as youth, students must care because later
we will be the nation's successors. Therefore, be a young man who studies education and thinks
about things that are not in accordance with the rules. +
The world of education is currently advancing with the changes that occur in the world of teaching. Everyone pursues a value for their future regardless of whether it is done right or not. Learning activities can be done from anywhere at this time with various sources such as books, teachers, YouTube, and Google. Learning must also be supported by the surrounding environment, namely, school and family. Schools and families also play an important role in children's learning. An environment that is too noisy can disturb the focus of the child. Currently, reading activities have also decreased for some children nowadays. Mingling with others in playing together is also important in future learning activities to better understand the surrounding environment. It is hoped that in the future for Indonesian education, it can be even better in paying attention to the percentage of learning in children. +
fire, flood, etc. which resulted in the residents losing their property, clothing and clothing
the food he has. I feel sorry and sad to see them afflicted with a heavy misfortune, but it is the will
of Allah swt., to test his servants. I imagine when I
being in that position, it must be very sad and hurt, therefore we as citizens of the same country we
must support each other
help even if it's only a little that only we can give, but for them it's very
valuable and useful to him. So in conclusion, give some of our wealth to those in need, even though
we can't give much, at least we have the intention of helping our fellow brothers and sisters who are
in trouble.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala berfirman:
بِ ل ر َيْ
ال اَ ْن ْوا
ْم قِبَ َل َول
ُو ُجْوهَكُ
َم ْشِر ِق تُ
ِر ِب َو ال
ال ـ ِك ن ْ
بِ ر َول
َم َن َم ال ْن ْ
َو بِ هّٰللِ ا ا ا
يَ ْوِم
ِر ا ْلٰ
ئِ َک ِة َو ِخ ا
ِب َو ل ا
َن َو ل ا
لن بِي ۚ ّٖ
َو ى ا
َم تَ ا
َل ى
ِ ّٖه ٰ
ْرٰبى ِو ُحب ى َعل
ذَ قُ
ٰم َو ى ال ا
َم ٰس ِكيْ َن َو ل ا
َو ل ا
ِل ۚ ا
َو لس آٰئِِليْ َن فِى َو بْنََ الس بِيْ
ِ رقَا
َو ال ِب ۚ اَ
م وةَ
ال صل
َو ى ا
َو ال ز ٰک ۚ ا تَ وةَ
ْو َن
ْم ل
َه بِعَ ْهِد ِه اِذَا دُ
ِء يْ َن َو ٰع ۚ ا
َس ل هصبِ ِر فِى آٰ
ِحيْ َن ِء َو ال ا
ِس َو ل ض رآٰ
ال ۚ ئِ َك ْ
ا ِذيْ َن ُول
ال ْوا
َص َدقُ
ئِ َك َو ۚ اُ
ْو َن ٰ
ُمت قُ
ُم ال
ول هُ
"The virtue is not turning your face towards the east and west, but the virtue is (virtue) those who
believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the books, and the prophets, and give the wealth he loves
to his relatives, orphans, the poor, those on the way (travelers), beggars, and to free slaves, those
who pray and pay zakat, those who keep their promises when they make promises, and those who
are patient in poverty. , suffering, and in times of war. They are the righteous and they are the
(QS. Al-Baqarah 2: Ayat 177)
So don't forget to share with those in need, even if it's small for them, it's big.
Humans are social creatures, meaning that fellow humans will need each other. Humans also grow up with their own mindset and the right to freedom in their lives. Those who experience acts of terror training, have the right to be protected.
Therefore, in my opinion, if refugees are around us, then we as fellow human beings must help each other, for example we can provide assistance in the
form of money so that they can buy their own needs, or we can provide food construction assistance. For them to meet the nutritional needs of the refugees.
disaster victims or refugees. We as humans can also provide assistance in the form of a comfortable and proper place to live and rest for them. By helping
them we calm down because they have no trouble meeting their needs. We as humans must help each other without discriminating. We must take care of
each other, love when they need help from us. +
With the existence Covid-19 Pandemic, the presence of technology is felt in the learning process. Because, in current condition it is not possible to conduct face to face learning. Online learning is the first choice. Don’t just focus on learning barriers, but we can also feel the benefits. Although there are shorcomings in the implementation of online learning, at least it provides many benefits. Classroom learning in current condition is not possible. We can intergrate technology in learning. The benefits of online learning include being done anywhere and anytime, especially students who come from outside the region even though there are some network problems outside the region. Online learning does not completely solve problems in learning. But at least through this learning there are many benefits. +
The disadvantages of online learning are:
It is difficult to control which students are serious about taking lessons and which are not. Learning is more theoretical and minimal in practice because it is not possible to have direct interaction with students. +
In my opinion, dealing with refugees around us does not necessarily have to be from one perspective. We have to deal with this wisely. As we know, refugees are foreigners who come to our area and look for help. The Indonesian government has even passed a law on refugee issues.
To avoid unforeseen circumstances, ensure that conflicts in the areas of origin of other refugees do not exacerbate the situation in our area (the area in which they are evacuated). But apart from that, our society certainly plays an important role in human humanization. As humans, we must take care of others, regardless of any aspect. Dealing with refugees around us can start small. Greeting with a smile, talking, joking, and even making people comfortable is one of the little things we can do to deal with this problem. The interest in maintaining and managing beneficial relationships is a common concern.
As you know, people-to-people relationships are mutual. It is also very important for us to empathize with others and know how they feel. Homeless people like us need to be more careful. Imagine we were in their position with no housing or property. Of course, we need help from others. It doesn't have to be money. If you really want to help, there's a lot we can do, such as used clothing, food, and other basic needs that you can still use.
Now, in this modern age, technologies such as social media and the Internet can be used to open donations to refugees. On social media today, we often see many influential people and celebrities openly donating to help their brothers and sisters. When dealing with refugees, as a form of humanity and as an interest in others, we can do all this. The interest in maintaining and managing beneficial relationships is a common concern. Alien-related laws are formed in different ways. +
In the 2024 elections, there are a lot of controversies, especially those that are viral now related to issues about the Constitutional Court's decision. There are concerns about the abuse of power, the weakening of the democratic system, and the emergence of political dynasties. The Constitutional Court's decision regarding the age limit for presidential candidates, in its decision, the Constitutional Court stated that a person under the age of 40 could become a presidential or vice-presidential candidate as long as they are currently or have held state positions elected through elections, including regional head elections. This caused controversy and accusations of political dynasty, especially regarding President Joko Widodo's son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. There were many pros and cons, some rejected it because it was a family court, so the chairman of the Constitutional Court after determining the decision was dismissed because he had violated the code of ethics. In addition, Almas admitted that he was concerned about the current election because the potential of young people under the age of 40 was hindered by regulations to advance as presidential and vice presidential candidates. So in my opinion there is nothing wrong if young people become leaders because what is needed in Indonesia today is the potential of Indonesian youth, because the future of Indonesia is in the hands of Indonesian youth. Moreover, I see that there is a Political Dialogue of Candidates at Unhas so that it can provide political education to students and can measure the ability and reasoning power of future candidates for national leaders. +
Elections and youth: determining the country's future
Elections are an important moment for our country, because through elections we can choose the right dreamers to lead this country. However, unfortunately, voter participation in Indonesia is still low, especially among youth. In fact, youth have a very important role in elections.
Youth have energy, enthusiasm and fresh ideas that can bring positive change to our country. Youth are also more open to change and more daring to do new things. And the most important thing is the youth who will inherit this country in the future, so they play a role in determining the direction of this country.
Several ways that can be done to increase youth participation in elections are political education, outreach, collaboration between institutions, improving the quality of leadership and encouraging youth participation in elections.
Below are some examples of successful youth participation in elections in other countries that can be taken from several articles that I found
- Youth in the United States are involved in political campaigns and volunteer for presidential candidates' campaigns
- In India youth are involved in social and political campaigns to increase political awareness and voter participation.
- In Kenya youth are involved in campaigns to ensure peace and political stability during elections.
All of these examples can be used as inspiration to increase youth participation in elections. +
"In the 2024 elections, youth have a strategic role by selling ideas to stakeholders, collaborating with election organizers, and participating in monitoring and being part of parties/election participants to create quality elections," concluded Iin.
Elections are often a forum for evaluating politicians' performance. This provides an opportunity for voters to assess whether politicians have kept promises, addressed important issues, and acted in the public interest.
The performance of politicians can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors, including proposed policies, and the ethics in carrying out their duties. Some politicians are successful in bringing about positive change while others may have a controversial or less effective performance.
Improving politicians' performance by developing long-term plans that are consistent with their vision and ensuring that the steps taken are in accordance with these goals, as well as maintaining transparency in their actions and decisions, and being willing to take responsibility for the actions taken. +
The apathy nature in response to political topics that were accidentally embedded in the head of youth today is indeed very much. Though this young man is the successor of the nation later which they should be a container in the nation’s change to become better in the future. As we know, it is possible that these young people do less research on what the real meaning of politics is. They only see the negative side that is spread across various media without knowing ethics and the constructive thing about what politics really is. Youth is expected to play an active role in dealing with and dealing with the political world, by increasing the ability to filter information and find solutions to handle problems that occur in his country. As students we should think critically of capturing the thoughts in this world. As we don’t want to accept some ideas and opinions from various people that we must grind and accept. A small example of life that is happening today, youth is apathetic in response to the election. Most of them choose to golput, even though one vote produced means a lot of progress in the country. Encouraging the spirit and critical soul of the young man must be of his own will, they are independent in finding out and feel responsible as the successor of this nation. Determining who is elected in the election is not easy, but having no choice is not a wise nature. A good system of government is based on good human resources. I know that not everyone thinks that politics is interesting, but we still have to be literate in response to this. The stigma of politics itself has been ugly in the eyes of the youth, but this kind of thought should be avoided immediately. In following the elections we cannot carelessly vote, it must be based on long responsibility and thinking and see what cracks and impacts will happen and engage if we choose the candidate. Many believe that following elections does not give significant results. They are realistic and want something instant. This is where the need for independence in digging up an information, with knowledge we will not miss the information in the slightest and from any aspect if it has the desire to change. With exposure to information can provide knowledge and growing issues that allow for thinking and discussion. They also want candidates who benefit them in terms of personal and state. It is good if the media provides more discussion about clear and objective information in the form of educational importance of political participation.
Youth and Elections: Overcoming Apathy to Build the Nation
Elections are an important moment for a democratic country like Indonesia. However, there are still many young people who are apathetic about the election process. This apathy can hinder the nation's progress because youth are potential agents of change. Therefore, it is important for young people to overcome apathy and actively participate in elections.
One of the causes of youth apathy towards elections is a lack of understanding about the importance of elections for the country. Youth need to be given a clear understanding of the importance of elections as a means of determining the direction of state policy. Apart from that, young people also need to be given an understanding of their rights and obligations as good citizens.
Apart from that, young people also need to be given the opportunity to actively participate in elections. Youth can be involved in election campaigns, become election volunteers, or even run as legislative candidates. By being actively involved in elections, youth can gain experience and a better understanding of the electoral process and the importance of active participation in elections.
Youth also need to be given easier access to information about elections. Information about legislative candidates, work programs and the vision and mission of political parties needs to be widely disseminated and easily accessible to young people. In this way, young people can make the right and smart decisions in choosing legislative candidates who will represent them in parliament.
In order to build a developed and democratic nation, young people need to overcome apathy towards elections. Youth are potential agents of change and have an important role in determining the direction of state policy. Therefore, it is important for young people to actively participate in elections and fight for their interests as good citizens. +
Indonesian youth who are increasingly apathetic about politics is an issue that is still relevant and needs attention from the government and society. Several aspects suggest that Indonesian youth are increasingly apathetic towards politics, why? This is due to various factors such as lack of political education, lack of trust in political parties, low economic conditions, and family and friendship environmental factors that influence the shape of a person's character to agree. However, it emphasizes the importance of youth in democracy and also that youth must be active in politics to be able to influence change in this country. Therefore, there needs to be efforts from the government and society to provide capable political education to today's youth or what is usually called Gen Z, provide capable access or facilities to young people to support political activities, and develop young people to have a political role. Apart from that, the younger generation must also have the will and determination to be able to know politics more deeply, rather than being apathetic about current politics. +
Millennials and Gen Z have the potential to change the political status quo. By getting involved in elections and electing candidates who reflect the values and aspirations of young people, we can encourage leadership changes that are more inclusive, transparent and responsive to the needs and hopes of the younger generation.
The active participation of millennials and Gen Z is an important step to change the country's political direction. So, in the future the country will not only be led by the same people with the same discourses, guys.
By being actively involved in elections, not Golpot, millennials and Gen Z can set positive examples and encourage wider political participation among the younger generation.
When we show enthusiasm and commitment to the democratic process, we hope to motivate our peers and community to take part in elections.
Well, this will create a long-term positive impact in increasing political participation and strengthening democracy in Indonesia. +