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Assakamu alaikum wr.wb first of all, let's say thanks to Allah SWT who has given mercy and guidance so that today we gather in this place without any obstacles and obstacles amen....
I am on behalf of KARTINI standing in front to introduce myself, I come from the land of Gowa who wants to nominate myself to be the government (president) to lead the people so that they can be safe and prosperous
As for my promise to the people, if there is a fate that I will become a leader (president), I will establish a culture to improve the people's economy so that people become safe and prosperous, repair roads, open job vacancies, provide assistance to nursing homes (elderly), assistance for layoffs, KIP, KIS. If people want to be prosperous and prosperous, don't forget to support and pray for me
Thus my delivery for the shortcomings and the rest, please forgive me, wabillahi taufik walhidayah, assalamu alaikum Wr. Wb +
Indonesia is a very rich country, rich in culture and customs. One of the riches of the Indonesian nation is the variety of languages throughout the country to be preserved as the cultural heritage of the archipelago. Many youths consider the local language to be ancient, undeveloped and out of trend. Not a few young people today are proud to use a foreign language compared to their local language. The lack of pride in using local languages increasingly makes this archipelago's cultural heritage lost and eroded by the times. There are a few young people who are afraid that their growth period will not develop if they learn the local language. The lack of optimal comprehensive socialization to the younger generation about the importance of preserving regional languages has contributed to the loss of regional languages to the times.
Indonesia has 718 regional languages whose existence must be protected because they are heritage as well as national identity. The commemoration of International Mother Language Day 2022 is a very good momentum to introduce the richness of regional languages in Indonesia. In addition, to encourage local speakers to pass on their mother tongue to the next generation, “In an effort to preserve the endangered language and literature, we as Indonesian youths and as students take several approaches. One of them, speaking in regional languages, incorporating regional languages into the school curriculum, and holding competitions and competitions about regional languages. +
In today's era technology is developing rapidly. As if there are no boundaries between one place and another, and foreign languages have entered the surrounding area, such as English and the slang of young people. Unfortunately, the local language is not like that, even though it is our identity. If this happens without a successor, it will disappear over time that even young people don't care about the local language
However, that doesn't mean it can't be solved. There are things that young people can do. How is that?
So, before moving on, it is necessary to know what causes at least people to use the local language?
The reason is because it is not needed and rarely heard. That is the reason for the lack of use of local languages. So, what can young people do?
First, young people voiced their voice regarding the mandatory use of local languages starting from government officials, if officials started using it, the community would automatically follow.
Second, involve youth leaders. With the help of social media, then make a viral and “challenge using local language” and involve influencers so that they can influence other young people to join, so that the quality of the local language is promoted and used by many people.
If these two things are done as a first step, then the local language will automatically be used by young people, especially if it involves local influencers, it will go viral like the local language term that is often used by local influencer Tumming Abu
That's what young people can speak out so that the local language is timeless, and applied in everyday life, teaching it to the closest people, relatives or other relatives.
Regards +
Apa yang akan terjadi jika politik dijalankan oleh anak muda yang hanya peduli pada meme dan emoji daripada undang undang +
Where every morning young people whose daily life is just lying in bed, eating and then lying down again and just playing with their cellphones and continuing to scroll through the TikTok and Ig homepages. Their daily life is just doing that while laughing out loud looking at their cellphones because they see Memes on their cellphones. Suddenly he received a chat message from WA from his father that he had to help him in running his political party. Suddenly the child, who spent his days lying down, was shocked, but he ignored it, but his father threatened not to give him pocket money for a week. He was finally forced to carrying out his father's politics with a sense of laziness. When he was carrying out his duties he was required to make a speech in front of the people his father was visiting because he didn't know anything about the situation, he instead digressed and said silly things which made the people present even confused and sometimes there were who laughed until he heard a joke from this young man. After helping his father in carrying out his duties, his father finally said, 'Father was wrong to invite you, I hope you can replace father one day to continue father's duties'. The young man ignored him and continued scrolling. look at the memes on his cellphone. +
Humans are social beings has growth with mindset, each of them has the right to freedom in life. Those who experience acts of terror exercise, their right to be protected.
If there are refugees in my area with the fact that the area where they live is threatened with bombing or exploitation, then I as the same creature, regardless of background, will take on a role to fulfill their protection rights.
By giving a support in building the spirit of PTSD adversity experienced as well as providing public facilities and other supporting services such as proper clothing, food, and money. Not just forging togetherness but there is nothing wrong with spread happiness as we feel now, although not completely, to those who want to survive from the slump of reality. +
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has spread to all corners of the world, the face-to-face education system has immediately changed to online. The beginning of the online application is very fun and is considered more effective. But lately, it's starting to get boring and the network connection is not adequate, so the enthusiasm for learning decreases. Online learning is quite contradictory among students.
The government is trying to solve this problem by planning face-to-face learning in July, 2021.
In your opinion, is the online learning system effective enough to implement? +
Aparna is an unapologetic feminist, vegan, and a student for life. She is the CEO of TORAJAMELO, a women-led and women-focussed impact business that is working towards cultural, social, and environmental sustainability of indigenous hand-woven textiles in Indonesia. Aparna’s mission is to enable TORAJAMELO to create sustainable impact via long lasting livelihood generation for Indonesia’s heritage arts and crafts industry while working towards creating a decentralized and closed-loop economic ecosystem. +
Today's young generation often seems indifferent to elections. I personally think that this attitude arises from a sense of distrust of the political system, where they feel that their voices are not truly recognized or have no impact. In addition, confusing policy issues can also make them feel alienated from the formal policy process. On the other hand, I think that this apathy is an expression of dissatisfaction with the limited policy options. Young people may feel that current parties or candidates are not fully able to fulfill the promises they have made themselves. In this case, a lack of political education may be an important factor, as a deeper understanding of the political system can encourage participation. However, it cannot be ignored that some young people are still politically active, participating in social movements or using social networks to express their views. Even if there is indifference, there may be an element of disapproval that could encourage positive changes in voter turnout. The importance of understanding young people's views on elections presents both challenges and opportunities to increase their participation. A more comprehensive approach, more effective political education, and the creation of more diverse spaces for political expression may be needed to stimulate their interest and participation in the democratic process. +
Understanding the reasons for voter apathy and finding effective solutions to increase public participation is important for us in the democratic process. So this article explains the importance of public participation in general elections, as well as strategies and steps to increase participation.
Voter apathy in elections in Indonesia is a major problem in efforts to build a strong democracy. One of the biggest problems is the lack of political awareness among voters. Many voters do not know about their right to participate in elections and how their participation can influence the future political direction of the country. In addition, dissatisfaction with political performance and lack of trust in the political system are factors that influence voter apathy. Disappointment with unfulfilled election promises, political scandals and election fraud in the past can weaken voters' motivation to actively participate in elections.
Additionally, social and economic conditions can influence apathy among voters. Inequality of access and opportunity in society can influence political participation. People who are not educated will tend to be indifferent because they do not understand the benefits of voting. Meanwhile, people on low incomes will be reluctant to leave their jobs or who live in remote areas may face barriers to accessing political information and polling places. The inability to fulfill basic needs can also reduce voter interest, result in inability to participate in general elections, or even potentially lead to "vote buying" by unscrupulous politicians. Therefore, further efforts are needed to ensure equal access and opportunities for all citizens and increase political awareness and trust in the political system to overcome this problem of voter apathy.
Active participation in elections is very important and beneficial for the Indonesian nation and state. First, high participation strengthens the foundations of democracy. In a democratic country, power is in the hands of the people and elections are a mechanism to channel their votes. By participating in elections, citizens play an active role in shaping the country's future and electing leaders who represent their interests. This provides legitimacy to the elected government and strengthens the democratic system as the basis for good and fair governance.
This video is my own story while studying the covid-19 pandemic +
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu
ᨈᨅᨙ, I am ARYA FEBRIANI, you can call Farya. I really like Naruto, I am a student of the Faculty of Art and Design (FSD) Makassar State University (UNM). +
Lontara is a typical writing of the Bugis-Makassar people that has existed for hundreds of years. Lontara is a cultural art of the Bugis community in the form of traditional script. Derived from a type of leaf typical of South Sulawesi called lontar until then the local community named it Lontara.
The Lontara script, which is famous until now, cannot be separated from the important role of Daeng Pamatte. He was a government official at the time of the 9th King of Gowa, Karaeng Tumapa'risi Kallonna. It was from the hands of Daeng Pamatte that the letters Lontara Makassar, and the book Lontara Bilang Gowa Tallo were created. The initial story of the birth of the Lontara script, starting with Karaeng Tumapa'risi's order to create Makassar letters, then in subsequent developments Daeng Pamatte's Lontara continued to increase until the 19th century until the number became 19 with the addition of the letter 'ha'. Furthermore, it was further developed for the purposes of the Bugis language, namely ngka, mpa, nra, and nca into 23 letters. Of these 23, what was finally known as the Bugis Makassar Lontara Script. +
Asri Saraswati is an Assistant Professor at the English Studies Program and American Studies Program, University of Indonesia. She received a Ph.D. in American Studies, at the State University of New York, Buffalo. She specializes in ethnicity and migration in the U.S. and Asian American culture and literature. Her work and research seek to understand the interplay between cultural politics and the migration of humans and capital. Asri teaches courses on American literature and society, literary criticism, as well as race, gender, and ethnicity. +
Smoking behavior in children and adolescents is a serious problem that continues to increase in various countries, including Indonesia. The number of child smokers that increases every year is an alarm for the health and future of the younger generation. Smoking at an early age has adverse long-term consequences, such as high physical and mental health risks, decreased quality of life, and potential dependence on nicotine later in life. Therefore, efforts to prevent and break the chain of child smoking are urgent to address.
The causes of the increase in child smoking include various factors, such as exposure to attractive cigarette advertisements, lack of awareness of the adverse health effects of smoking, and easy access to tobacco products. The role of the social environment, including family and peers, also influences children's propensity to try smoking. In addition, the lack of effective policy implementation in addressing the problem of smoking in children is a challenge in breaking the chain of smoking among the younger generation.
To overcome this problem, there needs to be a comprehensive effort from various parties. Education and awareness of the dangers of smoking should start early in schools. Effective smoking prevention programs can give children a proper understanding of the adverse health effects of smoking and teach them to make wise choices.
In addition, restrictions on cigarette advertising targeted at children and adolescents need to be strictly enforced. Higher prices and taxes on tobacco products can help reduce children and adolescents' access to cigarettes. The impact can be felt in reducing demand and reducing interest in trying smoking.
The role of family and community is also important in preventing child smoking. A smoke-free environment at home and in public places can model good behavior for children. Involving the community in anti-smoking campaigns and education can help create an environment that supports healthy life choices.
The number of child smokers that increases every year requires serious attention from various parties. Smoking prevention efforts must start from various levels, starting from the family, school, community, and government. Education, awareness, advertising restrictions, pricing policies, and active community participation are part of the solutions needed to break the chain of child smoking. Only with concerted and consistent efforts, we can achieve a healthy young generation, free from the dangers of smoking, and have a brighter future.
Beautiful Beginning of the Month
A good start to the month starts with good things like going for a walk with your beloved friends...
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 +
Hi folks! I am Azfa Hamdan Majid,
im from makassar university as a Visual Communication Design student
I will represent my typography work for the course assignment 'Basic Typography' +
In our opinion, the school of the future, we can be facilitated and spoiled by the influence of technology and digitization, we can access all information easily and quickly by anyone, without being limited by space and time. Because the use of AI in schools will help adjust education for each student.
AI is also expected to help teachers to be more focused in giving attention to each student. AI can be used to help answer simple questions or assess student assignments that usually take up a lot of a teacher's time. +
If I become a leader, then to commemorate Indonesia's 76th independence day, then I will distribute red and white masks to the entire community for free to prevent the transmission of covid 19. Hopefully with this activity, we can break the chain of spreading covid 19. +
Chronic lunv disease.damages teeth and causes bad breath.causes strokes and heart attacks.bones break easily
Cigarettes are processed tobacco products, including cigars or other forms.
FILTER CIGARETTE/KRETETObacco and other additives that are rolled/rolled into paper either by hand or using a machine.
CIGAR Pure tobacco in the form of sheets that resemble cigarettes.
SHISHA (ARAB CIGARETTES) Tobacco mixed with the aroma or flavor of fruits and spices - smoked with a special tool.
PIPE / CANGKLONGTobacco that is inserted into the pipe.
The first effect of smokers that damages the organs of the body due to cigarette smoke is the lungs. Cigarette smoke is inhaled and enters the lungs, causing inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, pneumonia. So it's better before that happens it's better to stop smoking than now. +