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In general, refugees are carried out because of the suppression of the human rights of refugees in their country. In general, they are also looking for land or other countries as their new place or residence which is certainly far from the suppression of human rights. The search for a new country by refugees must of course be considered a human right. Refugees are people who are forced to sever ties to their area of origin because of an underlying fear and oppression. It is this underlying fear that distinguishes refugees from other types of migrants. No matter how tough the situation is and from other people who need humanitarian assistance, because refugees cannot rely on a country that should provide protection for them Our fellow human beings must help the refugees by asking the community for help to donate funds, clothes, food to refugees. So to respond to the deplorable situation faced by refugees, special preparations must be made by the international community. The handling of refugees is mainly driven by a sense of humanity to provide protection and help refugees.  +
so this is types of collage student while they are in room meeting explicitly during pandemic or transition era ,quite funny and random behavioral collage student ;)  +
Refugees are one of the global issues that are widely discussed by the international community. The issue of refugees is of particular concern both because of refugees from natural disasters and from the international community itself, especially because the number continues to increase and has become an issue that requires special attention from the international community. The refugee problem is caused by natural disasters, Indonesia is always plagued by various natural disasters. Still strong in our memories six years ago. In 2004, to be precise. The earthquake in Alor, Nabire, was followed by an earthquake and tsunami in the western tip of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and Nias, North Sumatra. It is as if this country is constantly rocking due to the mountains and earth experiencing movements that destroy the objects around them. It seems that disasters will continue to approach this country, because Indonesia has a geographical and geological potential for natural disasters, so it is nicknamed the land of the ring of fire. From the estimates of experts, there are currently 20 mountains scattered in several central regions showing signs of activity. Call it one of the children of Mount Krakatoa, who is now on alert status. Disasters have an impact on the survival of the community. Not only damage and loss of property, casualties also fell and many refugees lost their homes so that they built temporary and permanent refugee houses even though illegally. Likewise, the earthquake disaster has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, with massive infrastructure damage. However, in addition to accepting this disaster as a calamity and trial from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, we as a nation of God must be able to accept it sincerely, patiently, accompanied by trust in the Owner of this Earth, and make efforts. The problem of the emergence of refugees, especially refugees from the international world, is caused by deteriorating conditions in the political, economic and social spheres of a country, forcing its people to leave the country and seek safer shelter in other countries, on the grounds that they want to seek protection and save themselves from danger that threatens the physical. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, refugees are defined as people who seek a safe place when there is danger in their area. The high number of refugees who leave their country and enter another country illegally directly causes a lot of losses for the security and defense of a destination country for the immigrants. After the war they lost their homes, then went to other places and made houses there, those who normally live normal lives suddenly stopped and all were taken away and had no freedom.  
During the pandemic, a lot of people are sick because of the corona and the economy is very down. unemployment increases, poverty also increases. Therefore, if I become a leader for 1 month, I want to promote UMKM, because UMKM have many benefits. One of the benefits of advancing UMKM is that it can move the economy in Indonesia. If UMKM thrive, people's purchasing power will increase and unemployment will decrease.  +
If the refugees are around us, the first thing I do is coordinate with the local government to set up emergency tents as temporary shelters and provide logistical assistance in the form of food and other basic needs. I will also help as much as possible to help the refugees, for example when they need clothes I will set aside a little clothes that I don't use and are still fit to be used to give to refugees in need.  +
In my opinion, the attitude that must be taken when there are refugees around us is to provide assistance both commercially and materially. and occasionally invite him to talk or go for a walk so that the refugees do not feel bored and isolated. also give enough attention to them as much as we can. because, we are not asked to ask that someday we who are refugees can get reciprocity from our previous treatment. We must complement each other regardless of ethnicity, race and culture because our fellow human beings must help each other so that they also do not continue to feel the anxiety that they have faced in their country because they have experienced enough suffering they must feel the happiness that we feel too  +
As a human, I certainly have a high sense of empathy and humanity. My attitude and responsibility when there are refugees around us is that I will voluntarily help the refugees, for example by distributing donations to people in need. In addition, I will provide entertainment to them, so that they do not continue to grieve over the calamity that befell them. I also want to provide useful education to them, especially to children, so that it can provide fun for them. In the process of providing entertainment and education to them, of course, I experienced challenges. One of the challenges I faced was that some of them were not focused and some did not follow the education I gave. As a solution to the problems I face, I create things that attract attention so that they can be interested in participating in my educational activities. The interesting thing that I gave them to make them interested in following my education was that I gave gifts to all participants who took part in educational activities. The gifts I gave were in the form of stationery equipment for the children and donations of food ingredients for the adults.  +
Punna nakke anjari pemimping, tujuang utamaku anjo erokka kasi appagannaki pasilitas umumka anjo na pakea masaraka ka. iamintu pakabajiki oloang panraka. hal maka se're, na ku gaukang iaminjo langsunga mange akkuta'nang ri masaraka ka tentang oloang panraka. oloang panraka biasana ri gappai ri oloang anjo biasayya ri oloi oto truk siagang oto lompo anjo jai lurangang battala na. maka rua, ku pa la'bi tujuangku ke anggaranga supaya lebih ta'salurkangi ke oloang-oloang panraka. ka biasa anjo anggaranga tena ta'salurkang dengan baji', na kulle na kasi paresahkan masaraka ka. maka tallu, nakke nampilei bahan-bahanna anjo bajika kualitasna conto na anjo kassaka nampa salloi attahang, manna poeng jai na pake anggarang. maka appa, ku pauangi ana' buaku supaya na ciniki proses pabajikang na anjo oloanga, nakke tong tassikali-kalia mange anjoreng anciniki perkembanganna. selaing ampanaiki pa'bakka na ekonomia, i katte parallu tong ki ampabajiki pasilitas siagang inprastruktur masaraka ka. jaina kecelakaang lalu lintas ka beru-berua anne na capai 5%, jari punna ri pakabajiki oloang panraka, jaina kecelakaang lalu lintas ka kullei naung nampa masaraka ka poeng lebih nyamangi a'montoro siagang a'oto.  +
Amnesty has championed the human rights of refugees for decades. But we must campaign for governments to respect the shared responsibility to protecting the rights of refugees. We condemn any policies and practices that undermine the rights of people on the move. We must push for other safe ways for refugees to start new lives, such as by reuniting families who have been separated, through community groups sponsoring refugee families to move to their country, and through universities and businesses offering people study or work visas to start a new life.  +
In my opinion, in addressing the refugees around us by encouraging them from the nature of humanity to provide protection and help them. Where as we know that refugees are people who come from certain areas, who expect assistance and the conditions of the area that forced them to leave. And to prevent things that are not desirable so that conflicts or problems do not occur in the areas of origin of our refugees. We really have to give treatment to them, not arbitrarily and continue to give encouragement so as not to be discouraged, without having to discriminate between one another in terms of religion, social status, economic status, ethnicity, race and so on. Because what we know as a good society we must play an important role in humanizing humans, by caring for the refugees who are around us is one of the good social forms that we must apply as humans. In helping refugees who are around us, we don't have to use money if we really want to help them, it can be in the form of food, helping them by using social media by opening donations, giving used goods or those that are no longer in use. but still feasible to use and provide the facilities they need. And not only that, one way is to make them comfortable around us by not hesitate to say hello, smile, and occasionally invite them to tell stories so they don't feel alone or different from other people. Because fellow human beings must respect each other, respect and not judge. There is no demeaning, sneering or anything else that makes the heart hurt. Where we know as social beings who already have nothing, of course, cannot live alone, definitely need and need help from other people. Therefore, the importance of planting and a humane attitude is needed so that each individual feels valued and no one feels disadvantaged.  +
This video describes intelligent creativity and collaboration between teachers and students  +
We have all heard of the refugee crisis of people fleeing war-torn countries, separated immigrant families, parents risking their lives and limbs to provide a brighter future for their children. Refugees are individuals who have been forced to leave their country due to persecution, war or violence. The majority of them are from Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Iraq . Where their lives are threatened, their freedoms are threatened and their human rights are violated. Because of their religion or ethnicity, they are treated like second-class citizens in their own homes, faced with symptoms of inner displacement due to conflict such as violence, discrimination, severe poverty and political instability. A total of 1,660 refugees from other countries still survive in Makassar, South Sulawesi, and are monitored by the local Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim). Various confessions from refugees in Makassar said that they experienced discrimination from the hospital, such as they were not given proper medicines and refused to get a free dose of vaccination. The Ministry of Health admits that it cannot prioritize vaccination for refugees because it is still focused on meeting the needs of Indonesian citizens. In addition, the lack of certainty of protection guarantees from refugee institutions and local governments is certainly a big problem that must be suffered by refugees. In my own perspective, helping refugees is the duty of all of us as fellow human beings, we too must be sensitive to the pain and suffering experienced by our brothers and sisters. Therefore, we can start from ourselves such as doing online donations, donating food and drinks, and spreading news about the suffering of the refugees because of the fact that there are still many people who turn a blind eye to reaching out to refugees because of their ignorance of the suffering and problems that refugees have to suffer. Therefore we can take advantage of the very rapid technological advances to disseminate information that can help our brothers and sisters instead of using it for useless things.  
Bannang-bannang is often interpreted as a symbol of an intertwined relationship, which is why this cake is always present at wedding ceremonies as a symbol of the interconnectedness and close relationship between the two families who are carrying out the wedding ceremony. The bride and groom and their families are expected to need each other and work together until death do them part. Bannang-bannang looks like a rectangular tangle of thread. The taste is savory and sweet, suitable as a snack when sipping tea or coffee at a wedding party. Bannang-bannang is made from rice flour and brown sugar. Traditional Makassar society and surrounding people think that Bannang-bannang is a symbol of eternity and undecided. This means, that in marriage, husband and wife must always together in unceasing relationship, even in conditions of incapacity the couple guessed.  +
Good economic performance is often considered an indicator of government performance. People usually associate the government's ability to manage the economy with their legitimacy. Economic failure can undermine a government's legitimacy, while economic success can strengthen a government's political position.  +
My response when refugees are around me, I think it would be better if we work together to help the refugees and do not discriminate how is he and where does he come from. However, if you work together, it's hard to do what's more during the current pandemic, the other option is to return it to the state. The government has a place for refugees and homeless people in the Surabaya area which is called LIPANSOS (Social Pondok Environment). I think this is one of the steps very good from the government to reduce the poverty rate in Indonesia which is already high from before. In LIPANSOS, the refugees can find a comfortable and comfortable place to live health care by the municipal government. The LIPANSOS residents now have more than 1000 people, the first contains psychotics or people people who are mentally disturbed (ODGJ/People with Mental Disorders). LIPANSOS delivers therapy for ODGJ, and the residents are separated between men and women. Second, men and women who general public such as refugees and homeless people of productive age, are usually briefed so they can independent. At LIPANSOS, their cells/rooms are separate. Third, the elderly who usually don't have a family and live alone. Finally accommodated by the state in LIPANSOS, treated until the end of his life. And when he died, he was buried in the T4 cemetery (Temporary Residence) whose place is in the form of a cemetery in general, it's just that this cemetery does not have a tombstone. LIPANSOS remains open to all those who wish to do good. And Lipansos can adjust to the budget of the donor. We can help by making posters and upload it on various social media to help refugees who are no longer have a home to feel comfortable and safe. Maybe with some used stuff, groceries, or in the form of money. That would really help them survive, from that in the beginning did not exist to exist.  +
If the refugees are around us, the first thing I do is coordinate with the local government to set up emergency tents as temporary shelters and provide logistical assistance in the form of food and other basic needs. I will also help as much as possible to help the refugees, for example when they need clothes I will set aside a little clothes that I don't use and are still fit to be used to give to refugees in need.  +
In my opinion, addressing the refugees around us is not only one thing to look at, but one thing to be wise about them. As we know refugees are foreigners who come to our area expecting reinforcements. The Indonesian government has even made a law on this matter. Lest conflict in other refugees' homelands aggravate conditions in our area (where they have been displaced). And yet we as society certainly play an important role in humanizing human beings. As humans we need to care about our fellow man no matter what it may be. Addressing the refugees around us, you can start with the small things. As we know, relationships between fellow humans are mutual. It is also important for us to put ourselves in the place of others so that we know how they feel. Those who have no place like us need more attention. Imagine us in a position. they have no place to live, no property, nothing. Of course we need a helping hand from someone else. In modern times we can use technologies like social media and the Internet to fund refugees. It is now common to meet in social media, many infludiluents or colds that do open donations to help our brothers. These are all the things we can do to treat refugees, as human beings and human beings.  +
learning in pandemic era has to sides, negative and positive sides, in positive sides we can learn about technology, and the negative side is about network condition, and so on.  +
Learning process in Pandemic covid-19 Covid-19 is currently still in Indonesia, especially the Makassar area, resulting in the online learning process still being implemented. This learning certainly has positive and negative impacts. the positive impact is that there is no need for an alternative to go to school. In addition, with online learning, of course, more time will be spent at home so that it can help parents more in completing homework assignments. Meanwhile, the negative impact of the implementation of online learning in the midst of COVID-19, the delivery and receipt of material from teachers to students, is less than optimal. In addition, the teacher cannot assess the students' affective aspects optimally. So, students must be taught to be more independent and able to discipline themselves, here, workers work together with parents. In addition, a teacher must be observant in choosing appropriate and effective methods to be used in the online learning process during a pandemic.  +
Talking about politics is something that will never end. Politics itself was born at the end of the 19th century, and is even called the oldest social science in the world. So what is the relationship between politics and elections? Politics and elections are interrelated things, where politics itself is an effort to achieve a good life, and elections are a means of implementing democratic sovereignty of the people. So what is the political situation in Indonesia, especially ahead of the 2024 elections which will be held next February and what are the views of young people regarding the elections themselves? This year's election will be faced with something new, namely that the young generation will be the largest number of voters in the 2024 election at 56.45%. However, when asked about their views, the percentage of young people who expressed interest in politics was only 1.1%. Many young voters are hesitant, pessimistic about the political situation and lack trust in political elites, thus making young people identify themselves as abstainers (not abstainers). participation in the political process), political apathy, and being passive in politics even though they live in a more liberal political environment. in my own view (political science student), what makes young people feel indifferent to politics and less enthusiastic about welcoming political contestation is because perhaps they feel they are often looked down upon by the older generation, especially in responding to political issues, because they are considered inexperienced "pretend to know,,,". and finally felt like they didn't care and became part of the golput (white group). However, young people's votes are very influential in elections, namely 50%. Even though there are young people who think that politics is synonymous with dirty things, young people want the leaders they want, including, for example, not having a track record of corruption, the importance of young people in the present and future, education. towards young people, care about environmental issues and also awareness of technology that can provide benefits for the future. The youth think that each presidential candidate only focuses on the work programs and ideas of each presidential candidate. "Eradicating corruption, making society prosperous, clean, upholding justice, isn't that something that has become stale, in fact it is something that a president must do. " Young people want something that has a bigger impact and that can involve young people and even the whole of society, such as education, freedom of opinion and expression, in public, health, employment, and even wanting a socialist life. If young people are considered to be inexperienced regarding political issues, young people are actually politically literate and can even be said to understand what politics is like. In fact, I myself feel that I am an abstainer, after seeing and digging up information about the presidential and vice presidential candidates, I feel that there is nothing different and I also don't know how the presidential and vice presidential candidates are looking for ways to provoke young people to speak out, because in my opinion that is also the case. is one of the important things that the presidential and vice presidential candidates need to do this time. how then do they know the desires of young people, especially those in college, who want leaders who are not just good at putting together rhetoric, not just clever as disguisers, not even just those who can dance on social media, we need real work without any concept of intoxicating the people with big assumptions but torturing the people, only if they care about young people seriously, of course things like this will be included in their discussions and hopefully politicians will not consider young people as a short-term voter group, but rather as a community that must be prioritized in planning the nation's future. "the country's unequal laws are useless" cipa