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Hello SAHABA' I'm Edelin Nery M from SMA Negeri 8 Gowa. On this Wikithon #5 opportunity, I would like to provide solutions and opinions that can be taken by the government regarding the impact of the scarcity of primary needs for UMKM actors. #basasulselwikithon5 #BASAsulselWikithon5 #rumataartspace #makassarwriters #basasulselwiki #basaibuwiki #makassarevent  +
Manado porridge is made from rice mixed with various spices and vegetables such as kale, spinach, long beans, basil leaves, pumpkin and peeled corn which is only found in Manado.  +
As soon as I hear about the general election or (election), my response as a young election person who is certainly taking part in the election for the first time, I will study more deeply about the presidential candidates who I think are worthy of being chosen even though they all have advantages and disadvantages, I as The young people who vote for the first time will later see achievements, real action because in my opinion Indonesia really needs change, basically my hope as a student who is actually the millennial generation is to be able to make the 2024 election a success and produce the right leaders because our country is a big country, so definitely need a true leader. The generation that knows how to take the initiative to move and express opinions are young people, young people know better about distinguishing between lies and facts, young people themselves will know what Indonesia is like because basically Indonesia needs young people. Choose a leader who is not only good at putting words together, but choose a president who is firm and works hard, and a leader who is able to control conflicts, both small and large conflicts. The term Generation Z refers to people born from 1995 to the 2000s. If accumulated, the total number of voters from the millennial generation and generation Z groups is more than 113 million voters. These two generations dominate the 2024 election voters, namely 56.45% of the total voters. It is hoped that Gen Z will not abstain from voting at the Democratic Party on February 14 2024, they must be smart in choosing candidate pairs because their votes will have an impact on Indonesia in the future. It is hoped that with socialization and education for first-time voters, they can be more active and smart in making choices for leaders. the next five years  +
The presidential election is one of the most important political events in a country. In presidential elections, citizens have the right to choose the leader they want. In recent years, political trends in the world have begun to change. One of the changes is the increasing influence of artists and celebrities in the world of politics. Artists and celebrities began using their popularity to support certain presidential candidates. In Indonesia, this phenomenon is also starting to occur. In this essay, I will discuss what it would be like if our presidential candidate received support from K-pop artists like BTS. Can this support guarantee that the presidential candidate will be immediately elected? In my opinion, it's not necessarily because support from kpop artists is not guaranteed because there are other factors to consider, such as the vision and mission of the presidential candidate, but there is a possibility that he could be elected, because today's young people, such as gen z, are very motivated by kpop artists such as handsome guys like BTS. For example, now Mr Gangar has a son named Alam who is handsome and there are lots of fans of his children, so many people want to vote for Mr Gangar, especially if a K-pop artist like BTS who is famous all over the world supports the presidential candidate, it can definitely have an influence. Well, this is how the presidential candidate invites K-pop artists to campaign for his election, for example making a campaign video or billboard banner with a group photo, then holding a free concert with the presidential candidate. Many people are sure to be interested because the price of a BTS concert ticket alone looks so expensive it could be equivalent to one kidney. Those are just two new examples and they are sure to have a huge impact in increasing their chances of being elected.  +
"Ignite Your Passion for a Bright Future" means to harness the fire and passion within our person to achieve a better and brighter future. It means to be ambitious to always improve and develop, and to constantly strive in pursuit of our goals and dreams. It also means to not only rely on outside opportunities, but also to rely on our own spirit and thinking.  +
young people have to replace their parents in leading politics in the world. because he is a spoiled child and his daily life is just playing tiktok on his cellphone and playing with gadgets. because he suddenly has to lead the political world he is awkward and confused about how to lead the political world correctly and run well. Finally he found a way after thinking for quite a long time. He ordered the council and his subordinates to follow the most viral TikTok trends with funny facial expressions. Not only that, he also invited the political council to create educational content and how the world of politics regulates the condition of society. In this way, he thought the political party could run well, but this actually looked ridiculous in the minds of the council. As a result, only part of the political party council followed the orders of this young man. The young man did not remain silent, he recorded himself with a background. Backstage at the party with choreography that was a little odd and strange but made everyone who saw it definitely laugh, after he did the dance he uploaded the video to his social media and many people saw it and followed the dance choreography.  +
Learning Online finally Playing Futsal  +
A group of housewives are doing gymnastics as a means of morning exercise on Sunday. You can see their happy smiles as a source of positive aura. Friends who were along for the ride also felt happiness at this moment.  +
let's go on a journey, so we can understand that only one bamboo breaks.  +
How to prevent child smoking? By exercising and doing positive and healthy things to avoid smoking  +
"Pancasila sacred day is a guideline for the state that is always a source of sacred power for inspiration, motivation for families and society. This Pancasila loyalty day is very closely related to  +
Clean Is Not Necessarily Healthy "From the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: Verily Allah is holy who loves pure things, He is Most Clean who likes cleanliness, He is Most Exalted who praises beauty, therefore your places are clear. (HR. Tirmizi) Cleanliness is a sign of good hygiene. We must also understand the benefits of maintaining a clean environment that can create a safe, clean, cool, and healthy life. The Covid-19 outbreak that has hit most of the world has also had a tremendous impact on every individual human being, one of which is the standard of personal hygiene. This is related to one way to avoid the Corona virus is to wash your hands regularly when you are outside. Adhere to health protocols, wear masks, and maintain distance. The importance of maintaining cleanliness but lack of self-awareness is a factor that needs to be considered. In our own country, the issue of hygiene has always been in the public spotlight and has become an ongoing problem. Cases related to hygiene problems continue to increase every year due to the high rate of population growth. The problem now is that the government only focuses on the city sector and does not pay much attention to other sectors. There should be equality in the city and the suburbs so that there is no comparison that is far from equitable development or environmentalists. If we look at some corners of the city, it looks clean, but is the environment healthy? Well, this is our problem in this new era. What is clean is not necessarily healthy and what looks healthy is not necessarily clean. In overseeing policies, especially the issue of environmental hygiene, of course, the government needs the role of the community as the front line. Not just an appeal, but participating in guarding until the community is able to be independent without any rules that must be remembered and forced. Not just a celebration, in August the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia certainly gives a deep meaning to all Indonesian people. This moment is reminiscent of the historical event of the proclamation of independence for all Indonesian people, which means independence from various aspects. Indonesia Inggris Tentunya ini tidak terlepas dari peran kita semua untuk mendamaikan dunia namun ini bukan masalah peperangan lagi. Menjaga kebersihan salah satu wujud kepedulian menjaga bangsa lebih sehat dan damai. Bulan agustus tentunya menjadi hari dimana kita menyuarakan kemenangan dengan membangun dan menjaga lingkungan. Misi saya dalam menjaga lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat : 1. Dimulai dari diri sendiri dengan cara memberi contoh kepada masyarakat bagaimana pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. 2. Sosialisasi kepada masyarakat tentang menjaga lingkungan. Dari pengalaman lingkungan yang terampil atau terobosan baru. Setelah itu pemerintah perlu memberi apresiasi bagi lingkungan yang bersih sebagai contoh lingkungan teladan. Lingkungan yang kalah akan malu dan belajar dari lingkungan menang. 3. Biasanya ditempat umum dilarang buang sampah namun kita tidak menemukan tempat sampah jadi kedepannya lebih memperbanyak tempat sampah. 4. Mengatur jadwal untuk kegiatan kerja bakti membersihkan lingkungan minimal 1x seminggu. 5. Kreatif dalam mengolah sampah menjadi produk yang bernilai dalam mengurangi pemakaian plastik. 6. Selalu Libatkan tokoh masyarakat yang berpengaruh untuk memberikan pengarahan kepada masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Survei lapangan mendengar saran dan solusi dari masyarakat. Of course, this cannot be separated from the role of all of us in reconciling the world, but this is not a matter of war anymore. Maintaining cleanliness is a form of concern for keeping the nation healthier and more peaceful. August is certainly a day where we voice our victory by building and protecting the environment. My mission in maintaining a clean and healthy environment: 1. Starting from yourself by giving an example to the community how important it is to keep the environment clean. 2. Socialization to the community about protecting the environment. From skilled environmental experience or new breakthroughs. After that, the government needs to give appreciation for a clean environment as an example of an exemplary environment. The losing environment will be ashamed and learn from the winning environment. 3. Usually in public places it is forbidden to throw garbage but we do not find trash cans so in the future there will be more trash bins. 4. Set a schedule for community service activities to clean the environment at least 1x a week. 5. Creative in processing waste into valuable products in reducing plastic use. 6. Always involve influential community leaders to provide guidance to the community on the importance of keeping the environment clean. The field survey hears suggestions and solutions from the community. Maintaining cleanliness is not a big problem that needs to be considered, as long as the synergy between the government and the community can be well established. The government must also be firm in punishing those who do not want to protect the environment. As the nation's young generation, it is time for us to hold the leadership relay to create a comfortable and healthy earth for the sake of human civilization in the next 1000 years from the spreading virus.  
Hello, let me introduce. My name is Bryan Raphael Kurniawan. I am a student at Makassar State University majoring in Visual Communication Design. This time I will present my typography work for the course assignment 'Basic Typography' guided by Mr. Abi Nurabdiansyah as my lecturer.  +
I bought corn porridge / bassang on the side of the road and it tasted very tasty and tasty, it tasted just right, it was sweet and the price was not expensive, it was really worth buying, but do you guys know what corn porridge / bassang is? Bassang is a typical food from the Bugis tribe of Makassar, South Sulawesi which is made from pulut corn (glutinous corn) mixed with several ingredients such as wheat flour, water, sugar and salt. Bassang is more delicious served when it's still hot. You must try it with friends 🤗😻  +
This food comes from the archipelago( Madura) This food ia Made from green beans cooked in water and palm sugar along with a bunch of pandan leaves  +
During my time living in Makassar, I just found out that there is a community as good as this, a healthy walk while telling the cultural corners of each suburb and center of Makassar city from the past to the present. really exciting and exchanging information about what we know about our culture MAKASSAR. Thank you Basasulsel and friends from Makassar.  +
Hopefully this library will continue to develop into a center of knowledge that provides inspiration and broad access for everyone to learn and develop.  +
Hopefully this library will continue to develop into a center of knowledge that provides inspiration and broad access for everyone to learn and develop.  +
Coto Makassar or Pallu Coto Mangkasarak is a traditional dish from the Makassar Tribe, South Sulawesi. This food is made from beef offal that is boiled for a long time. The boiled offal mixed with beef is then sliced, then seasoned with specially formulated spices.  +
The first typical Bugis food is coto Makassar. It seems that almost all Indonesians are familiar with the Makassar coto dish.  +