One notice in makassar

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One notice in makassar
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    Of all the places you explored this morning, which one did you think was the most interesting? Come on, tell your version!

    In English

    One thing I noticed in Makassar was that the sewers were quite dirty and people's awareness was quite low in maintaining cleanliness, most of them preferred to burn their rubbish which actually caused air pollution. Why isn't community service being carried out and the waste is being landfilled or thrown into a landfill?
    1. temanjalanmks
    2. basasulsel
    3. kallagroup
    4. expressio.socialspace

    In Makassar

    Kulihat-lihat ki dimakassar selokannya rantasa ji, dibakar pi kodong sampahna. Kenapa nda ada kerja bakti tawwa dan sampahnya ditimbun atau dibuang ki ke TPA?

    temanjalanmks basasulsel kallagroup expressio.socialspace

    In Indonesian

    Satu hal yang jadi perhatikanku di makassar bahwa selokannya cukup kotor dan kesadaran masyarakat cukup rendah dalam menjaga kebersihan, kebanyakan lebih memilih untuk membakar sampahnya yang mana malah menyebabkan polusi udara. Kenapa tidak dilakukan kerja bakti dan sampahnya ditimbun atau dibuang ke TPA?
    1. temanjalanmks
    2. basasulsel
    3. kallagroup
    4. expressio.socialspace