Teman segalanya

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Teman segalanya
    Photo Credit/Source
    Sofi Nur Azizah
    Jalan faisal
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    Of all the places you explored this morning, which one did you think was the most interesting? Come on, tell your version!

    In English

    This is my friend's name is Hani, I met Hani in 2021 at the Kpop event. My first friend was in Makassar after being sent home from Java because of the pandemic at that time, even though I thought it was already the end of 3rd grade, but I got hit while taking the exam. Hani is really good, always reliable and our hobbies really are the same. Wow, I already think of Hani as my own little sister because I'm the first child and my little sister has two boys, all of them huhu, always healthy Haniii luv luvv

    In Makassar

    In Indonesian

    ini teman aku namanya hani, aku ketemu sama hani ini tahun 2021 bertepatan event kpop. teman pertama aku di makassar setelah dipulangkan dari jawa karena pandemi waktu itu, padahal kalau dipikir udah kelas 3 udah akhir tapi kena grebek saat mengerjakan ujian. hani ini baikkk banget selalu bisa diandalkan dan emang hobby kita bener-bener samaa wkwk aku udah nganggep hani ini kayak adek sendiri karena aku anak pertama dan adek ku ada 2 cowo semua huhu, sehat selalu haniii luv luvv