From BASAsulselWiki
Tolerance +
Tolerance +
agricultural sector +
History of Chinese in Makassar +
Violence against women is no stranger to hearing lately. How not, of all people and places can do it. Be it at home, the neighborhood/neighborhood, school environment, Islamic boarding school, campus, office, market, concert and anywhere it can happen. Again, the victims are women. And he couldn't understand it anymore, even children or toddlers could be victims, it's so sad in today's world. All of this is based on a method or method that is always evolving without being followed by a policy on the protection of victims and the community that can regulate their needs. However, what has recently been highlighted is sexual violence in the realm of education. +
Sexual Violence of Women in Educational Environment (Kekerasan Seksual Perempuan di Lingkungan Pendidikan) +
Cases of sexual violence against women in the educational environment often occur. Even recently, many news media have reported such cases. In high school, college, even boarding school though. Ironically, the perpetrators of harassment are none other than the teachers, who should be the reference for students to learn from them. The lure of good grades and the threat of being their mainstay weapon. +
Sexual harassment is actually not only in the form of physical violence, but can also be verbal that smells of sex. Sexual violence is also widely carried out in public places, one of which is in schools and universities. At first glance, we certainly think and reject these thoughts when sexual harassment occurs in the educational environment because that should be a place for studying and education and also prioritizing the values of decency. +
Sexual violence is any act of degrading, humiliating, harassing, and/or attacking a person's body, and/or reproductive function, due to unequal power relations and/or gender, which results in or can result in psychological and/or physical suffering including those that interfere with a person's reproductive health. and lost the opportunity to carry out education safely and optimally. +
tolerance and tolerance towards differences and pluralism in society are needed. Tolerance must be instilled from an early age so that we can accept differences. That is why, it is important for us in every aspect of our daily life, both as a nation, as a state, and in society, to promote tolerance. +
Bungku-Tolaki languages +
The Lands West of the Lakes: A History of the Ajattappareng Kingdoms of South Sulawesi, 1200 to 1600 CE +
History of five South Sulawesi kingdoms +
Review Animasi The Last Trepangers oleh Adi Rangga Satrio Utomo +
History of Makassar +
Religious differences do not destroy friendships, we can know the meaning of respect. +