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This traditional cake is also called Umba-umba by the Bugis-Makassar people. The melted brown sugar shavings filling gives it a distinctive sticky sweet taste. Meanwhile, a mixture of rice flour and grated coconut provides a subtle savory taste.  +
The origin of the word Umba-umba is ammumba (appear/appear). In the process of making it, the immature umba-umba will be at the bottom of the pan while the mature ones will rise to the surface, this is what is called ammumba. This umbrella contains the meaning that good things will appear in the household life of the newlyweds. The very sweet taste in traditional cakes means that those who have a celebration will always taste sweet things and will not be troubled. Apart from always being a mandatory food for bridal ceremonies and circumcisions, these umba-umba will also always be present when there is something new. New house, new motorbike, new bicycle, new job, then it will be considered legitimate if there are umba-umba.  +
When to study offline?  +
Kapurung is a food made from The most popular sago is Takkalala Village, Palopo City. This food is made from sago juice or flour. Kapurung is cooked with a mixture of various vegetables and ker fish  +
Kapurung is a food made from The most popular sago is Takkalala Village, Palopo City. This food is made from sago juice or flour. Kapurung is cooked with a mixture of various vegetables and fish  +
Education is indeed very important for life in the future. In addition to the needs for clothing, shelter and food, everyone must have a guaranteed education. This is because with the existence of education, everyone must have a mindset and enough knowledge to influence the progress index of a country. With increasingly sophisticated technology, it should be a quality teaching and learning tool. This is because learning material is easier to find and learn. The existence of the internet makes the teacher's role shift slightly to become a facilitator, motivator, and dynamist.  +
Garbage Categorization Garbage is the residue of human daily activities or natural processes in solid form. This waste is produced by humans every time they carry out their daily activities. Waste based on its type is divided into organic and inorganic waste. Organic waste (Degradable) is waste that can decompose and decompose so that it can be processed into compost. For example food scraps, dry leaves, vegetables, and others, while Inorganic (Undegradable) waste is waste that is difficult to decompose and cannot be decomposed. However, inorganic waste can be recycled into something new and useful. For example plastic bottles, waste paper, cartons, used cans, and others. Categorizing the waste certainly has great benefits. The use is to prevent bleeding so that the selection and reuse of the waste becomes easy to make the surrounding environment clean and healthy. How good waste management? According to the Ministry of Environment, manage waste properly by means of 3R. 3R consists of reuse, reduce, and recycle. Reuse means reusing trash that can still be used for the same function or other functions. Reduce means reducing everything that causes waste. And Recycle means reprocessing (recycling) waste into useful new goods or products.  +
To produce a clean and healthy environment, we can at least take care not to throw garbage anywhere. Then to make the environment productive, we must differentiate the types of waste so that it can be reprocessed or can be used as something useful for the environment on the other hand.  +
Recently, there has been a lot of news about the occurrence of sexual violence in the educational environment. Of course, this tarnishes the good name of educational institutions that should be safe places for students. Sexual violence can deprive students of opportunities to get a good education. This must be addressed immediately. Schools as drivers of the world of education are obliged to prevent this problem from reoccurring. The data I got said that recently, there have been cases of sexual violence that are very concerning. Starting from students who were harassed by lecturers, to ustadz who had the heart to rape their students. Not just one person, there are dozens of them. Ironically, many rape victims get pregnant and give birth to children. My opinion to prevent this is by selecting teachers very strictly not only by looking at their ability to teach but also having noble and good morals, not to forget students and students should be given sexual education so that students and students have an understanding of the body parts which is privacy and must be protected, and lastly is to impose severe sanctions on perpetrators such as reporting to the authorities and dishonorably dismissing them. Those are some of my opinions on how to prevent and how to deal with sexual violence in an educational environment. That is all and thank you.  +
Cases of sexual violence against women are a problem that continues to occur, even increasing. This causes concern and unrest in the community. Sexual violence can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time, including in schools. In fact, one of the roles of schools is to supervise students. When in school, students are the responsibility of the school and are under the supervision of teachers and other related parties. However, the high rate of sexual violence in the school environment makes schools seem to have lost their function as safe and comfortable places to learn. Sexual violence often occurs because of the lack of knowledge about sex education to children. This is because there is a taboo view when talking about things related to sex. Sex education from an early age is very important so that children can know all their body parts and what their functions are. Even the psychological impact on the victim's mentality is very large, namely fear, trauma, loss of confidence, and even their inability to live life as usual. Like one case I saw on the news that occurred in December 2021, sexual violence by a religious teacher with the initial MAYH on 15 victims of elementary school students. The perpetrators tried to get good grades on the student, who was in fourth and fifth grades of the elementary school, and was sexually assaulted within three months. And the factor that causes the rise of cases of sexual violence in the world of education is an unequal way of thinking that causes one party to be made a sexual object. Often victims of sexual violence are women and children. the existence of an unequal power relationship between teachers and students, where the teacher is more dominant over the students, causes a teacher to have the potential to commit acts of sexual violence. In this case, the victim is often under threat from the perpetrator, for example being threatened not to go up in class, dropping grades, and other threats, the lack of education about sex and social ethics is due to taboo views when talking about things related to sex. Sex education from an early age is very important so that children can know all their body parts and what their functions are. Children can know what can and cannot be shown to others on these body parts. The role of the government in responding to cases of sexual violence in my opinion has not been effective because it is less useful when women need help when sexual violence occurs, because they are not only thinking about how to deal with the impact but also have to think about how to overcome so that the incidence of sexual violence decreases. And not only provide socialization to protect themselves as women but also provide socialization for men so that they do not have thoughts of committing sexual violence against women and children.  
cases of sexual violence in the world of education have become a national crisis. Therefore, the reporting system in educational institutions must be multilevel and connected to the local Education Office and the Ministry of Education and Culture. In addition, institutions such as KPAI, Komnas Perempuan, the Ministry of PPPA and community leaders also need to be involved to assist in the assessment. "For example, in a school in Papua there are indications of sexual violence, the information can be sent directly to the KPAI in Jakarta and can be processed immediately. The ministry inspectorate can go directly to the school and ask questions." "So we don't have a mechanism like this yet, so that the rights of the victims are not protected, and instead they are terrorized back," he said. : For this reason, the cases of sexual violence that have been reported are considered the tip of the iceberg. The government through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek) has so far tried to prevent it by making a number of regulations. Regulations drawn up to link matters related to the prevention and handling of sexual violence in universities and have been ratified as Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS). However, the regulation is still controversial, because it is considered to be able to legalize free sex. : There should have been an assessment from the start and this should be done regularly every year. And when there is a case of sexual violence, it must be immediately assessed again. "So far, educators have been said to have good personalities, but how do you check if you have a good personality? There are no instruments. So educational institutions just interview and then accept. Even though the teacher may be a pedophile or have a tendency to have a high sexual desire. It can actually be checked using a psychological assessment, "said the former member of the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). Many cases of sexual violence are not revealed quickly, or are only revealed after many victims. This happens because there is no reporting system that is full of integrity. Therefore, in the future, a reporting system must be built when someone faces a predator, he feels safe and comfortable when reporting his case.  
In my opinion, currently cases of sexual violence are generally considered only as immoral acts, not crimes that violate the rights and humanity of the victims. As explained in one of these cases, the latest occurrence of sexual harassment which has now become mass media coverage occurred at the University of Riau (Unri). A 2018 student was allegedly sexually harassed by her lecturer who is also a dean. or cases of sexual harassment that occurred at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kediri, East Java. The case of sexual harassment at IAIN Kediri was allegedly carried out by lecturers against their students, and there are many other campuses. In addition, the rectorate is not responsive to harassment cases, even though cases of sexual harassment and violence on campuses in Indonesia have generally been "hidden under the carpet" for decades because of the strong power relations between the perpetrators and the absence of a legal umbrella. Some of the factors that cause sexual violence include natural or biological factors, social and cultural factors, power relations factors that are very often found on campus, victims of sexual violence feel forced, do not dare to say no, even refuse or just stay silent when experiencing sexual harassment just because the perpetrator is someone who has a position and has power on campus, whether it's as a lecturer, staff or leader of a particular organization on campus. Victims of sexual violence on campus feel pressured and afraid, just because of their status as a student who of course will still be in contact with the perpetrator, the threat and discrimination of values or difficulties or even the failure to pass a proposal seminar or thesis trial, became one of the factors the victim did not dare report the perpetrator's actions. So, is this the fault of the "forgiving" survivor? NOT AT ALL. The principle that must be adhered to is that the perpetrator is at fault. There is enough stigma that results in victim blaming becoming a bad mindset. Indeed, there are 1001 reasons behind survivors thinking to "forgive" the perpetrator, ranging from power relations, friendship relationships, and others. However, these reasons should not cause us to fall into and succumb to the "status quo", the existing conditions. This is not just a joke. These ears and eyes continue to witness how these predators do not feel guilty and do not stop. Of these predators, one of them is still carrying out the same action until now, even though the escalation of this issue has been carried out. Others, some even hold important positions in central organizations and campus institutions. Imagine, some of us who were angry turned out to be supporting them in office. We naively laugh with them, share in their ideas, while there are still people who suffer the consequences. There are still people who are victims of depravity and lust, which he easily does without feeling guilty. It's time to stop what we're doing. Sexual predators do not deserve to be ignored and not punished for what they have done. The smallest step is to build a stigma that is pro survivors and against perpetrators. Survivors need the awareness from all of us that sexual predators cannot be tolerated. Awareness indirectly through the formation of this stigma will help the survivors stand tall against depraved humans. The normalization of sexual harassment in any form, such as jokes, must be removed.  
Today's youth are tomorrow's leaders. Therefore, their participation in the democratic process is crucial to the future of a country. Unfortunately, the younger generation is often seen as apathetic towards elections, and many choose not to vote or engage in political discourse. This essay will explore the reasons behind this apathy and suggest strategies to increase youth participation in elections. Young people make up a significant part of the population, and their voices and opinions matter. They bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to politics, which can help address the complex challenges facing society. In addition, young people have a vested interest in the policies and decisions made by governments, as these decisions will have a significant impact on their future. For example, in the 2016 US presidential election, 21% of eligible voters were young people aged 18-29, but only 46% of them actually voted. This low voter turnout could have a significant impact on the outcome of the election, as the youth vote tends to lean towards progressive policies. There are several reasons why young people may be apathetic towards elections. Some young people may believe that their vote makes no difference, especially if they live in a safe place or in an area where the outcome of the election is predetermined. For example, in the 2019 UK election, only 47% of 18-24 year olds voted, compared to 67% of those aged 65 and over. This could be due to a lack of trust in politicians and the political system, as well as feelings of disillusionment with the current state of politics. To increase youth participation in elections, several strategies can be implemented. Political education programs should be implemented in schools and universities, to help young people understand the importance of their participation in the democratic process. This could include learning about the history of democracy, how elections work and the role of government in Society. These groups can provide a platform for young people to voice their opinions and concerns, and can help mobilize young voters to participate in elections. Finally, making voting more accessible and convenient can also help increase youth participation. This can include online voting or early voting options, which can make it easier for young people to vote in between their busy schedules. For example, in Estonia, online voting has been available since 2005, and in the 2019 European Parliament elections, 44% of young people aged 18-24 voted online, compared to only 11% of those aged 65 and over. Elections are the cornerstone of democracy, giving citizens the opportunity to voice their opinions and determine policies that impact their lives. However, in recent years, there has been growing concern about youth apathy towards electoral participation in Indonesia. This essay will explore the importance of youth participation in elections, reasons for youth apathy towards electoral participation, and strategies to increase youth participation in elections. Young people make up a significant portion of the population in Indonesia. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, 27% of Indonesia's population is between 15-29 years old. Youth bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to politics, which can lead to more inclusive and effective policies. In addition, young people have a vested interest in the policies and decisions that the government makes, as these decisions will determine their future. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage youth participation in elections to ensure that their voices are heard and their interests represented. In conclusion, youth participation in elections is critical to the future of any democracy.  
Complaints about online learning  +
My gripe during online classes  +
My complaints when studying online  +
Corona Troubling  +
Studying during the COVID-19 pandemic is very ineffective and in this video it is explained what obstacles you feel when studying online.  +
Obstacles when learning Online  +
In this video I will explain some of the obstacles I faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. First, I did not understand the material given by the lecturer and immediately gave assignments without explaining the material first. Second, if we learn through google meet or zoom meetings, the network does not automatically support learning that takes place less effectively. So many videos that I made more or less, please forgive me, Wassalamualaikum wr wb.  +