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Harassment is part of sexual violence, which is currently better known as sexual crime. Where which consists of many forms and one form of sexual violence in the form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment itself is considered a crime against human dignity related to the body and sexuality, especially for women who are of full concern. In the understanding of society in Indonesia, women are often placed in the second position. So, women are figures who always have to be submissive and obedient in everything. Other forms of sexual violence include rape, female circumcision, forced pregnancy, forced abortion, trafficking, sex slavery such as the case in prostitution where a person is sexually exploited but he does not get his rights and it is done forcibly like a slave. The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) noted that acts of sexual violence against children and women reached the highest number in 2020, which was around 7,191 cases. The number of cases of violence against children and women reached 11,637 cases. Then the total number of recent cases of violence against women and children in 2021 has reached 3,122 cases. The government and society are expected to be more united in fighting sexual violence cases like fighting drugs. Sexual violence against women and even children continues. Every year it is increasing. The punishment should be increased in order to provide a deterrent effect and prevent other potential perpetrators from doing the same thing. Women have the right to be safe from all forms of sexual harassment by irresponsible people. What to do if you experience sexual violence? 1. Understand that violence is not the victim's fault. 2. Ensure safety and security. 3. Save the evidence. 4. Try to be open and tell people you trust. 5. Seek information from institutions that provide assistance. How do I report a case of sexual harassment? Compiled by Tempo from various sources, here are five complaint posts that can be accessed to report cases of sexual violence: 1. Call Center SAPA 129. 2. Komnas Perempuan. 3. Komnas HAM. 4. Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) 5. Nearest Police Station In January 2018, the Serang District Court sentenced the perpetrators of rape and murder to 19 years in prison and 6 months of social work. The perpetrator committed the violence due to his love which was rejected by the victim. This is just a small example of how the punishment given to the perpetrators seemed not commensurate with what they had done. President Joko Widodo also said that castration can also be given to perpetrators of sexual violence, if the court's decision charges the perpetrator with that sentence. But the truth is, not many get the punishment they deserve. The government and society are expected to be more united in fighting sexual violence cases like fighting drugs. Sexual violence against women and even children continues. Every year it is increasing. The punishment should be increased in order to provide a deterrent effect and prevent other potential perpetrators from doing the same thing.  
During this pandemic, of course, we experience many obstacles in learning. As for the obstacles in online learning, such as: (1) The location of the house is not covered by the internet network, including minimal student internet quotas, (2) The learning media used by the teachers is dominantly monotonous and makes the students feel bored. Then, (3) the dominant learning is not yet interactive, (4) the character or behavior of the students is difficult to monitor, (5) the learning tends to be online assignments, (6) the assignments given by the students pile up. Another obstacle, (7) the absorption of subject matter is very minimal, and (8) the assessment carried out by the teacher in the form of Daily Assessment (PH), Mid-Semester Assessment (PTS), Final Semester Assessment (PAS) including School Examination (US) lacks integrity  +
Involving Citizens in Democracy: The Key to a Successful Political System Democracy is a political system in which power lies with the people. However, a healthy and functioning democracy cannot exist in isolation. This requires active participation from citizens. Involving citizens in democracy is the essence of this system. First of all, citizen participation in elections is the foundation of democracy. The right to vote is the primary way in which citizens can influence their representatives and the policies that are implemented. However, participation in elections is not the only important aspect. Everyday political activities such as participating in discussions, providing input to elected representatives, and contributing to local communities are also important. Involving citizens in democracy is not only the responsibility of the individual, but also the responsibility of the government. The government must create an environment that supports active citizen participation, ensure fair access to elections, and listen to the aspirations of the people. Transparency in public policy and accountability of political leaders are also necessary to maintain public trust. When citizens feel that their voices are valued and have an impact in the political process, democracy will function well. It also helps avoid excessive polarization and political conflict, as differences of opinion can be resolved through dialogue and compromise. In the digital era, technology can also play an important role in involving citizens in democracy. Online platforms and social media can be a tool to increase political awareness and facilitate active participation. However, it is important to manage information wisely and combat the spread of disinformation. In conclusion, involving citizens in democracy is the essence of a healthy political system. This requires active participation from individuals, support from government, and an enabling environment. Only with strong citizen involvement can democracy develop and serve the interests of society well.  
In long political history, the dynamics of identity actually run deep The level of fiction is defined not as things that "don't exist" but are tied to each other in uniform or intersubjective beliefs. That in the end it always is leads humans to unique and deeply terrifying social and political dynamics certain periods. Political parties are defined as "organizations that are national in nature and formed by a group of Indonesian citizens voluntarily on the basis of equality of will and ideals to fight for and defend the political interests of members, society, nation and state and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution" (UU 2/2008 concerning Political Parties as amended with Law 2/2011). In an effort to fight for and defend his political interests, Political parties often use various methods which are of course within the party's ideals Politics always takes place in the spaces of implementing the nation's ideals of independence as well strengthening Indonesian politics and democracy. but, in the process it is often used things that will erode democracy itself. The decline of democracy in this article interpreted as a political cultural behavior that prioritizes the spirit of identity of each each and forgetting the interests of the general public. The simple impact of this phenomenon is a biased view of ideology as the basis of political parties in their efforts to transform their values in everything form of state policy. What emerged was pragmatism and political sentiment as well the prominence of identity politics in all forms of behavior coupled with gimmicks intriguing political gimmick. It is not surprising, then, that identity politics itself will become Undoubtedly, pragmatically, this is the most concrete effort to remain maintain the constituent base. Although over a long period of time, political use identity will have a chronic impact on the country's political democracy.  
I think we humans should participate in humanizing humans. It doesn't have to be money and property, but if we have mercy, we have taken part in humanizing humans. The closest example to us are refugees in Palestine, in Indonesia, many instagram celebrities who open a fund to help us as long as we want, but beyond that, there are people who can't appreciate the effort. It seems to me that helping refugees in Palestine is no longer about religion, race, or race, but humanity. We speak no more of religious affiliation but of humanizing human beings. The second is that while people around semeru mountain are displaced by an eruption. Many of those people were deeply freaked out and scared at the time, but many people had come just to "be seen" to help when they needed content.It wasn't finished when the refugees were in danger that one person had come to put on a billboard in the refuge that I thought was no help to those displaced people, and therefore we have to help freely without any preemble. Furthermore we as "hosts" for refugees should provide security and comfort so that refugees feel protected such examples as treating them kindly without distinctions of race and tribe, considering those in need of food and when necessary we contribute some of our second-hand clothing to those in need and if we have more food we can give them.They will find that even we view as small but precious. So how good it is that we can help to work together to prevent refugees from feeling displaced, abandoned, abandoned by humans and the universe. Therefore we must never forget to give thanks and thanks to the god we have sufficient. Humanizing people is the most important thing any human being in the world can do.  +
A study conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in August 2022 found that young voter participation in the 2019 election was 91.3%, up from 85.9% in the 2014 election. However, when asked about their views, the percentage of young people who expressed interest in politics was only 1.1%. Many young voters are undecided, pessimistic about the political situation and lack trust in political elites. Another study revealed that many teenagers identify themselves as abstainers (not participants in the political process), politically apathetic, and passive in politics even though they live in a more liberal political environment (, 2023). The existence of youth provides an essential influence on the country. Youth are the pillars of the country's future, because they are the hope for better change. The role of the younger generation in the world of politics is very important. Characteristics of brave young people who have an extraordinary impact on change (, 2023). One way to build political awareness is by taking part in elections. In this election event, the younger generation must take a role, not just remain silent and indifferent. In addition, elections contribute to the fulfillment of civic responsibilities by youth. Through elections, young people are expected to be able to determine their choices which will have a major impact on changes in the country as an effort to realize national integration so that the country is not divided (, 2023). In conclusion, young people should be literate and aware of political issues and take part in them, instead of being apathetic towards them. This also aims to fulfill civic responsibility to maintain the integration of the nation and state.  +
The 2024 General Election will soon be held, and this will be a place for the people of Indonesia including the youth to choose and determine the future leaders of Indonesia for the next 5 years. Younger generations make up the largest portion of the permanent voters list (DPT) for the 2024 elections with a percentage of 40% to 50% of the overall DPT. By looking at this percentage, it is quite clear that the youth vote is considered very decisive in the 2024 elections. However, apathy towards politics can hinder the important role of youth in determining Indonesia's future leaders, therefore youth need to take part in succeeding and creating a healthy democratic environment. Youth have the ability to change people's perspectives and advance the country through the selection of the best candidates, youth can also mobilize campaigns and become dialog facilitators for candidates and communities. As the future generation, youth have an important role in monitoring and selecting candidates with good and fair policies for all Indonesians. But of course, there are also some challenges that will be faced by the youth, such as apathy and lack of political insight, negative political culture, and lack of participation in the election process. Youth involved in elections as election participants and polling station supervisors can form active participation in elections. In addition, by actively participating in political activities, youth have high self-confidence and are able to produce the largest votes in each election. A quality election requires active participation from youth, because youth have an important role as a supplement to the participation of the voting public. Youth is the key to community involvement in the electoral process. Therefore, it is necessary to make various efforts to encourage youth participation in elections, such as by increasing self-awareness of the importance of participating in determining the next leader of the country, increasing regular political education and utilizing information technology.  
Recently we have been shocked by the events between Ukraine and Russia. However, the basis of humanity is the help of foreign nationals and Indonesian citizens. This case has also happened to the caliphate of the Prophet Muhammad and Allah SWT has also determined in Surah At-Taubah verse 6 which means: "And if one of the polytheists asks for protection, then protect him so that he hears the word of Allah, then send it to him. he is a safe place for him." In the caliphate era, the Prophet gave protection to foreign nationals who were involved in political crimes called asylum. Asylum will be granted to an applicant to a safe country or Muslim territory. To get protection from Muslim areas, foreigners (non-Muslims), of course, must follow the provisions of what may and may not be done in that area. In providing protection can be divided into two forms, namely temporary and permanent. In this protection provision must also meet the criteria of each applicant. Meanwhile, one of the guarantees for the protection of foreigners (non-Muslims) is the obligation to pay taxes in order to improve the economy of the Muslim region which was declining at that time. If it is linked from a different point of view with the same method, at the time of the Messenger of Allah it had a majority of Muslim countries while Indonesian citizens had various religions (national state), and were considered a safe area. Therefore, why at the time of the Prophet did not apply in this day and age. Regarding the attitudes and responsibilities of a person's behavior when directly experiencing a refugee event like in Ukraine, it is an attitude like the motto of the Indonesian nation, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, different but still one, as humans who have empathy and sympathy even though we are different nations and our countries. still have to help each other as God's creatures. The Messenger of Allah in this regard also said, "The best of people among you are those who are most beneficial to others" (H.R. Bukhari).  
Reforestation activities to keep the quality of the environment from getting further degraded require the active participation of the community. Without active community participation, the success rate of reforestation activities will be low. If I were a leader in your area I would... I will start many greening programs. Maybe friends ask, why reforestation? Even though there are still many general problems that are our focus at this time. The reason I chose to focus on greenery is, because plants are the most important component in the balance of the earth and its contents. Most of these plants grow in the forest. However, due to the increasing human population, forests are converted into settlements and plantations for humans. As a result, many habitats of plants are damaged and threatened. If only the most important components are threatened, what about the others? more than 60% of the human population uses plants as medicine, used for industrial materials from organisms, such as building materials or chemicals, and also as a tourist attraction. With such a large percentage, it is feared that biodiversity will continue to decline every year if reforestation/conservation and forest rejuvenation are not carried out. Therefore, if I am given the opportunity to be the leader of my region, I will realize my intention to the best of my ability."  +
If refugees are around us, then we should be around humble and not arrogant. Our responsibility doesn't really exist, but it goes back to ourselves and our consciences. Because responsibility is a characteristic of a cultured human being. Responsibility will begin to appear when humans are aware of the good and bad deeds they have done. Therefore, responsibility is a very important attitude and must be owned by every human being. Through an attitude of responsibility, a person can be appreciated.  +
The interest of today's young generation in elections has a significant impact on the democratic process and governance. There are several factors influencing the interest of young people in elections, and its implications for the development of the country. One crucial factor affecting the interest of young people in elections is technology. The current generation has grown up in the digital age, which facilitates easy access to political information and election-related content. Through social media, they can obtain information, engage in discussions, and express their views quickly and effectively. This encourages active involvement in elections, including researching candidates, political platforms, and understanding crucial issues. Furthermore, education plays a key role in enhancing the interest of young people in elections. A good political education equips them with knowledge about the election process, the significance of the right to vote, and the implications of political participation. Schools and universities can play a vital role in increasing political awareness among young people. In addition to these factors, it is essential to recognize that today's youth have strong social and environmental concerns. They are increasingly engaged in issues such as climate change, gender equality, and human rights. This also motivates them to participate in elections to support leaders who are attentive to these concerns. In conclusion, the interest of today's young generation in elections is crucial for the development of democracy and governance. Factors like technology, education, and social awareness play a significant role in increasing their engagement in the election process. Encouraging the interest and participation of young people is a crucial step in ensuring more diverse and representative elections.  +
The word Refugee is familiar to our ears. A refugee is a person or group of people who are forced to leave an area where they live in order to avoid a disaster or calamity. These disasters or calamities can be in the form of floods, landslides, tsunami fires , and others caused by nature. In addition, there are also disasters or disasters caused by human activities, for example conflicts, roles. Bomb blasts and so on. The refugees were then evacuated / evacuated to a place that was considered safer and was usually called “shelter”. The shelter itself is usually provided by the government, either the regional government or the central government. Usually, the government does not handle the refugees themselves, but is assisted by the refugees. Volunteer, We have all seen refugees either directly or indirectly, namely through television or internet media such as Facebook,Instagaram,Website,and so on. When we see refugees around us, of course we will feel sad and concerned and even have a high sense of concern for the condition of those who are forced to live in shelters. In addition, we will find that some of these refugees need special handling and attention. Such as the elderly and infants who are prone to various diseases. So that some important needs such as food, medicine: medicine, toiletries and also clean water are needed by the refugees. Medical personnel are also an important item needed by refugees who full ill and are injured in a disaster or war As a human being, Nita is obligated to help those who are in need of assistance regardless of anything, especially for those who have experienced calamities. Therefore, as a form of concern and concern for the confiscation of the schise refugees, perhaps we should provide assistance, either in the form of a maten in the form of food stuff, medicines or other needs, and also in non-material forms by providing volunteers to help take care of PREA REORHDgsi Another important thing we can do is by praying for the azar refugees, to be able to survive in adversity. Itus and kondisvang metein. Plami and pray for the zervait parties who helps and takes care of the refugees jeperti. Onra volunteers, and the government both central and staerah  
Realizing that the place where they fled and built a tent was not far from the Office of Social Affairs, they then tried to meet an official equal to the head of the field and tell them about the problems and basic needs needed, mainly rice, proper blankets for the tent. But for various reasons and had to wait days to get what he asked for. While at almost the same time, and several days in a row, the need for similar assistance that had previously been requested, by several others, was immediately provided in sufficient quantities, it was later discovered that the other victims referred to were close relatives of the officials concerned. Injustice in the distribution of aid, not only violates humanitarian principles, further risks creating pressure that can threaten the safety of the survivors, as well as create disillusionment with local government authorities. Because of the questions mentioned, it is not surprising that approximately one week after the disaster, the survivors in the Donggala area eventually died due to starvation.  +
What do we think the school of the future will look like? The video above contains our opinion about the form of schools and the education system in the future which uses 'free learning' as a reference.  +
trying to understand the realities of other people's lives is very important for our development with other people's relationships and the realities of people's lives are different because humans are social creatures who need other people and other people need in life understanding each other is the key to maintaining that social relationship. Excessive empathy also causes fatigue and can make a person sacrifice many things including life and finances there is self-awareness that provides the necessary distance between one person and others compassion allows one to be more helpful than others who only experience empathy  +
As we know there has been a fire accident in one of the Police Dormitory on Veteran street on Wednesday last month to be exact on April 20, 2022. This incident scorched approximately 32 tenements. This is thought to have been caused by the explosion of the gas stove leaking and causing an explosion. Based on the information from witnesses, the explosion occurred at around five o'clock before breaking the fast. This caused several victims who were exposed to fire and suffered minor injuries and had to be rushed to Bayangkara Hospital for medical treatment. Fortunately there were no casualties in this incident. Therefore, many victims of the incident were forced to evacuate to a safer place. Some of the victims fled to their families' homes and some took refuge at the refugee camps. As form of my empathy, I try to raise funds for the fire victims. The proceeds from this fundraising will be used to purchase basic necessities such as rice, instant noodles, eggs and others. Also my form of empathy is donating clothes that are suitable for use and other items such as stationery for victims who are still in school. In addition, I empathize with giving medicines to the fire victims just in case one of the victims has an acute illness such as asthma and others. Also drugs such as bandages and betadine for minor wounds. By helping refugees who have experienced calamity such as this fire plague, we can strengthen the sense of humanity that exists within us. And with this assistance, I hope that the victims can recover physically and mentally quickly so that they can return to their normal activities. Let's care for each other on the basis of humanity.  +
The pandemic has had both positive and negative impacts on education in Indonesia, one of which is that there are several problems with online learning, namely online class access which is constrained by the network which causes slow access to information.  +
For us students, we have difficulty carrying out such online learning because of the limitations of the internet networks that are the major complaints. These online learning significantly affects students who are less able to keep on purchasing quotas, even for students who do not own phones or live in remote areas and for every limited material delivery student. Learning activities are carried out online, where more is going on is learning processes, or the transfer of knowledge with very limited materials, even the access to the information of the learners living in their area is impaired by a signal that causes them to slow access to information. Then the effective way to learn in this type of situation is to schedule a time to study, improve the study table to make more room for the study, and then make sure the focus does not divide, lastly warm enough to keep the body fit and the brain on.  +
trying to understand the realities of other people's lives is very important for our development with other people's relationships and the realities of people's lives are different because humans are social creatures who need other people and other people need in life understanding each other is the key to maintaining that social relationship. Excessive empathy also causes fatigue and can make a person sacrifice many things including life and finances there is self-awareness that provides the necessary distance between one person and others compassion allows one to be more helpful than others who only experience empathy  +