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General elections are important in the country's political dynamics, where the people have the opportunity to elect their representatives who will shape the direction of the country. The role of youth in elections and politics is becoming increasingly significant, but also often explores a future full of uncertainty. Youth activism in elections is the core of the democratic participation of the younger generation in the political process. Youth often bring unique perspectives and special interests to the political game. They can be powerful drivers of change and influence election outcomes through campaigns. However, young people also face various challenges in their efforts to unravel an unclear future in politics. Like the political apathy that sometimes affects the younger generation. Many young people feel bored with politics because it seems distant from their daily lives, or they feel there are no choices that represent their aspirations. The importance of young people in elections is that they have a direct interest in the future of the country. They will inherit policies and election results, so they have the right to shape policy directions that reflect their needs and aspirations. Elections are also very important in that young people can change political direction and vote on issues they consider important, such as education and inequality. Therefore, supporting youth activism in elections is important to ensure that the political and social future reflects the aspirations of the younger generation or Gen Z. Therefore, youth in elections and politics are an important element in dismantling an unclear future, they must be supported and given space to actively participate in creating positive changes in society and politics.  +
When we talk about youth and politics Politics and youth are components or inseparable parts of a nation's development because youth can contribute to national development. It is hoped that young people's involvement in politics will bring positive changes to Indonesian democracy. What if young people played a role in the world of politics? Youth and students play an important role in a nation because the young generation is the foundation of the nation, or students and students are future leaders of the nation who have a significant role. These youth are agents of change for Indonesia, because they are the center of the country's progress. This nation's development is also facilitated by these young people. Youth in Indonesia have an extraordinary obligation to be able to jump, start and complete various kinds of progress in various fields. The modernization of this nation is also driven by the younger generation. The ability to analyze future changes is an obligation for young people. They should have the option to break down so they have control over developments that will occur, whether it is a small change or a major change. There are several aspects that might happen if young people have a role in the world of politics 1. Innovative Thinking: Youth are often identified with innovative and creative thinking. Openness to new ideas and a fresh approach can bring positive changes in government policy and governance. 2. Technology and Communication: Youth grow up in an era of sophisticated technology and communication. Their ability to use social media and information technology can help create more effective political campaigns and communicate directly with voters. The positive influence of youth in politics depends greatly on the approach taken, the quality of leadership, and how democratic values are maintained. If youth can unite to achieve common goals and work for the benefit of society, they can play a key role in the development and progress of a country.  
Quoted from the book Project Module for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles (2022) by Hanik, it is easy for children to participate in democracy because young people will enter a period of determining the continuation of the government system. people's government or a system of government in which all the people participate in governing through their representatives. Democracy is a "surrogate election" by incompetent parties in which many agreements are perverted. Youth have an important role in democracy because they are the successors who bring fresh ideas, energy and new perspectives to the political process.  +
Youth and politics are two things that should not be separated. However, in reality, many young people are apathetic towards politics in Indonesia. This is caused by various factors, such as reduced trust in political institutions due to waning nationalism and professionalism within the bureaucracy in Indonesia. Many people think that the world of politics is dirty, vicious and far from good. The good values resulting from politics are increasingly fading, causing public trust to decline. However, if politics is run by young people who only care about memes and emojis rather than laws, then this will be a serious problem. Politics must be carried out seriously and responsibly, because politics affects the lives of many people. However, if youth suddenly dominate the political scene and rule the world with memes and TikTok dances, then the world of politics will become hilarious and ridiculous. If young people take over the role of political leaders today, they must be able to face serious problems such as climate change or the global economy seriously and responsibly. However, young people can also use humor and satire to respond to politicians' unreasonable claims. Youth must be able to play a role in politics in Indonesia, because currently the bureaucratic structure is filled with older groups and there is minimal role for youth there. If young people created a truly unique political party, such as the “Cat Enthusiast Party” or the “Anti-Meeting Party,” then those parties would operate in different ways and influence politics in unique ways. However, young people must remain serious and responsible in running these political parties. In a chaotic political situation, young people may try to win over voters with jokes, riddles and magic shows. However, young people must still pay attention to the serious problems that exist and look for appropriate solutions to overcome these problems. In the face of political apathy, youth may try to hold elections in which candidates must compete in ridiculous competitions. This can attract the attention of youth and make them interested in participating in politics. In this case, imagination and intuition can help young people to think creatively and find the right solutions to overcome political problems. However, young people must remain serious and responsible in carrying out politics, because politics affects the lives of many people.  
Youth like us are someone who is labeled as an agent of change in developing the country. But what happens if the agent of change doesn't care about politics or what we could call an apathetic attitude. I often see that the younger generation, especially in my area, seems unconcerned and indifferent to political topics like this. Of course, this can be based on many factors, one of which is ignorance or lack of understanding about politics. The younger generation like us tends to be indifferent to the surrounding environment when it has no benefit or advantage for themselves. This thinking makes them lazy to find out about the condition of the environment around them. Not only that, in my opinion the younger generation is often easily influenced by things that they think are in line with trends or could be said to be viral. For example, many young people are starting to vote for Prabowo because he is starting to appear frequently on social media and acting cute and adorable according to them.There we can clearly see how easily the younger generation can change their views and mindset by branding a presidential candidate who is “kiyowo” without looking at the performance or background of the presidential candidate. They chose because they saw that the person was "cool" and suited the image of a contemporary leader in their eyes.  +
In the 2024 Election, youth have a strategic role by selling ideas/ideas to stakeholders, collaborating with election organizers, and participating in monitoring and being part of election parties/participants to create a successful election. quality, the issue of identity politics is one of the challenges in the upcoming 2024 elections. Another challenge apart from identity politics, he said, is money politics. The announcement of the pair Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates for the 2024 presidential election drew a lot of reactions. This is no exception among the residents of Sukoharjo Regency. They believe that the 2024 election will be a battle between political party fanaticism vs figure fanaticism. The decision to appoint Gibran as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate is also considered to be damaging the Indonesian democratic process, where the election is a means for the public to participate in determining the figure and direction of state or regional leadership in a certain period. When democracy receives widespread attention from the world community, holding democratic elections becomes an important requirement in forming a country's leadership. worried about the political situation in Indonesia. They are worried that the 2024 simultaneous elections could cause conflict and division in society. Many criticize the Indonesian political system which is considered still prone to corruption, money laundering and other fraudulent practices. They hope that the KPU and the government can push for better political reforms so that the 2024 simultaneous elections run better. Most young people hope that the 2024 simultaneous elections can produce competent and honest leaders to advance the Indonesian nation. They hope that by prioritizing leadership and a clear work program, society can choose the right leader. Overall, public sentiment about the 2024 simultaneous elections is very mixed. However, it can be seen that the majority of people still have high expectations and optimism about holding simultaneous elections in 2024. Therefore, hard work is needed from all parties so that the 2024 simultaneous elections are held fairly, honestly and safely.  
Youth are a dynamic force in a society, having great potential to become agents of change. One platform that allows young people to express their role as agents of change is through participation in general elections. In this essay, we will explore the impact of youth participation in the democratic process, particularly in elections, and how it can shape the direction of change in society. Youth participation in general elections has a significant impact on the political dynamics of a country. Youth, with their spirit of freedom and aspirations for change, bring fresh energy and innovative outlook. Through their right to vote, youth can change the political landscape by voicing the interests and aspirations of the younger generation. Apart from that, youth participation can influence the political agenda promoted by potential leaders. With demographics characterized by differences in values and needs, young people are bringing issues such as education, work and the environment as a primary focus. Therefore, the presence of youth in general elections can force leaders to pay more attention to and respond to issues that are relevant to the younger generation. However, this positive impact also comes with challenges. Youth need to have a deep understanding of the political system and the issues faced by society. Political education and awareness of responsibility as voters are the keys so that youth participation can have a positive impact. In conclusion, youth have great potential as agents of change in society, especially through active participation in general elections. By bringing a fresh perspective, strong aspirations, and a determination to create positive change, youth can shape a country's political and social direction. Therefore, it is important for society and the government to provide support and facilities that enable youth participation in the democratic process, so that they can become a force that brings positive change for the future.  
Youth are the nation's next generation who have an important role in nation development. Youth have high enthusiasm, idealism and creativity. Therefore, youth have the potential to become agents of change for the nation. However, on the other hand, quite a few young people are apathetic towards politics. Youth apathy towards politics can be seen from the decline in youth participation in political activities, both in the form of general elections and other forms of political participation. There are several factors that cause youth apathy towards politics, including: 1) Lack of understanding and knowledge about politics; 2) Negative perception of politics; 3) Distrust of the government; and 4) The impact of social media. Youth apathy towards politics can be a threat to the survival of democracy. This is because youth are the nation's next generation who have an important role in nation development. Youth who are apathetic about politics will find it difficult to participate in nation building, both politically and non-politically. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that youth are a generation that has the potential to become agents of change. However, this potential can be hampered by youth apathy towards politics. Therefore, efforts need to be made to overcome youth apathy towards politics.  +
We as society see residents who are affected by disasters such as tsunamis, fires, floods, earthquakes, ets. Which cause these residents to lose their property, clothing or family and we must feel sorry because we can imagine when we were in that position, therefore we as citizens of the same country we have to help each other even if there is only a little we can only give but for them it is very valueable and useful for them so ini conclusion give some of our wealth to those in need even though we can’t give.  +
Me as a community see residents who are affected by disasters such as tsunamis, fires, floods, etc. Which cause these residents to lose their property and food and clothing and I feel sorry because I imagine when I was in that position, therefore we are the same citizen. We have to help each other even if only a little we can only give but for them it is very valuable and useful for him so in conclusion give some of our wealth to those in need even though we can’t give much at least we have the intention of helping our fellow brothers who are in trouble.  +
We as society see residents who are affected by disasters such as tsunamis, fires, floods, earthquakes, ets. Which cause these residents to lose their property, clothing or family and we must feel sorry because we can imagine when we were in that position, therefore we as citizens of the same country we have to help each other even if there is only a little we can only give but for them it is very valueable and useful for them so ini conclusion give some of our wealth to those in need even though we can’t give.  +
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, I am Reski Febriana in this video I will explain and give a little experience about online learning, my experience while online is very ineffective because where we as students are not easy to catch material during this pandemic, the first lecturer only usually gives assignments without explaining then the lecturer also only explained a little without practicing. maybe that's all I can explain more or less please forgive Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaraktuh  +
It's been 3 days from May 17, 2022 to May 19, 2022, the flood disaster that occurred in 18 Villages in Kutai Kartanegara are still submerging villages with varying water levels. There are 50 centimeters and up to 1 meter. When the news was revealed according to the available information, no fatalities had been found yet thousands of people were isolated because of the impassable road access due to high flooding. Thousands of people must be rescued immediately due to flood conditions that have not receded. Which where the people affected by the flood need food and facilities cleanliness. The feelings of people who are isolated are very afraid because when it is night there is no one lighting plus floods that continue to rise in height. The situation of people who are still isolated is quite worrying, due to lack of intake food and hygiene facilities. electricity for lighting is also turned off as a precautionary measure so that people do not get electrocuted. When there was news of this disaster, all I did was contact my relatives and relatives to collect and provide assistance to people affected by the flood. And pray that the people affected by the disaster will continue to be given safety and given patience in the face of the disaster. Suggestions for friends, the refugees really need help and inform them family and friends so that they can participate in helping disaster victims.  +
The disaster that recently happened around me was a fire. This can cause the loss of a person's or even a family's residence lost his home. An unforeseen catastrophe that would certainly cause deep sadness for those who experience it. This makes victims who have lost their homes have to evacuate either in a place that has been provided by the parties government or family. They forced to evacuate because of the damage to their house building so there is no place that they have to live in. They certainly feel sad because of the disaster that befell them. Loss of property, house, or even worst you can lose members family as a result of the fire. Seeing this, of course as people around them also participate saddened by the incident. We seem to be able to feel their sadness when see the rubble of the house that is not standing firmly anymore as usual, the treasure that turned to ashes, and so on. As humans who also have a social spirit, of course we have desires to help those affected by the disaster. Well it's just a visit to tell stories to relieve their sadness or even set aside what little sustenance is owned to be distributed to the refugees. Let's love each other and support each other for happiness together.  +
"There was an eruption of Mount Semeru on Monday, 20 December 2021, at 05:56 WIB the height of the ash column observed ± 1500 m above the peak. Eruption recorded on seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 11 mm and a duration of 433 seconds". This incident is certainly a concern for the the surrounding community, many residents' houses are affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru. Thousands of refugees are still waiting for relocation after their place of residence was devoured Mount Semeru's hot cloud avalanches at the end 2021 ago. They are scattered in hundreds of points refugees in three sub-districts in Lumajang Regency, and were forced to survive relying on food assistance and funds from donors. We can know how they feel, fear, sadness, all become one but what can we do circumstances that require them to be like this. Of course we share our condolences for what happened befall our brothers there. so that show our caring attitude towards them, we can donate some food and other basic needs.  +
It is known that yesterday at 13.00 on May 17, 2022, a fire occurred on Jalan Sunu, Suangga Village, Tallo District. The fire is thought to have been caused by an electrical short circuit in one of the houses. As a result of the incident, 28 families of the 14 affected houses burned down. Luckily, there were no fatalities in this fire. As a result, the affected people had to evacuate temporarily. As social beings we must help each other and help them. I intend to give them my clothes that I no longer want to wear, the clothes are still of good quality. I also intend to give them food such as rice, eggs, noodles, water. And the spirit to keep them strong. "Let's help and encourage our brothers and sisters who are in refugee camps"  +
The 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees defines a refugee as “a person who, by reason of fear, by reason, race, nationality, membership in a social group and political party, is outside the State of his or her nationality and does not want protection from a particular State. " When refugees leave their country of origin or residence, they leave their lives, homes, possessions and families behind. As a big example, such as the State of Palestine which is continuously oppressed by Israel. It's as if they don't have the right to live in their own area. The seizure of ownership and experts take what is their right, which is not done like a human. Gunshots and bombs everywhere, rough treatment. Which causes them to lose their homes, their families, and places of refuge. Uncertain food, uncertain places to live. As fellow human beings, who have a sense of empathy and humanity, there is nothing wrong with competing to help each other, not only in material form, but the prayers and enthusiasm that we continue to channel will always help those who are oppressed.  +
My attitude and responsibility when refugees are around me is to do things like comforting refugees to reduce anxiety about the situation they are feeling. I did this because I was in the same position as the refugees. At that time I felt an earthquake that occurred in West Sulawesi. At that time, my family and I were visiting my grandmother in West Sulawesi. After a few days in the area there was an earthquake that made us have to evacuate to one of the schools because the school is a highland. When we evacuated, what we really felt was excessive anxiety about the aftershocks of the earthquake and tsunami. However, when we talk to each other and comfort each other, the anxiety we feel is reduced. After the anxiety subsided a little, what I did was embrace the children who were affected by the disaster to play together so that the children were not afraid and began to feel comfortable with the conditions in the refugee camps. Next, I give empathy by providing assistance in the form of food, proper clothing, and money to help the needs of the refugees. In addition, I carried out an open donation movement by inviting my closest friends to provide assistance in the form of money, proper clothing, and food. Then, the first responsibility that I did was to remind them of the creator, because no one will alleviate all calamities more than the creator. I invite the children to read the Koran together, invite the refugees to pray together, and teach the children how to pray when they are in a disaster. My second responsibility is to help mothers cook for the refugees, help clean the refugee camps, and help refugees who need assistance. My third responsibility is to teach a little school learning materials to children who are in refugee camps, because with the disaster or disaster they cannot go to school and cannot get lessons at school, so they really need to be taught so they don't forget. with school lessons.  +
The Aceh tsunami was preceded by an earthquake that occurred at 07.59 WIB. Not long after that, a tsunami wave appeared which was estimated to have a height of 30 meters, with a speed of up to 100 meters per second, or 360 kilometers per hour. This big and strong wave not only washed away residents, livestock, destroyed settlements and even an area, but also managed to drag a ship into the middle of the mainland. The ship is a PLTD Floating Ship which was dragged up to 5 kilometers from the waters to the middle of the mainland. The day after the incident, the United Nations (UN) declared the Aceh tsunami natural disaster as the largest humanitarian disaster that has ever occurred. Since then, international aid has arrived to help the people affected by the Aceh tsunami. Including military aircraft from Germany to aircraft carriers belonging to the United States were brought to the disaster site. After a few days and the search for victims continued to be intensified, the United Nations on January 4, 2005, issued an initial estimate that the death toll from the Aceh tsunami was likely to exceed 200,000. The number of victims from the Aceh tsunami is said to have reached 230,000 people.  +
If we watch broadcasts on television these days, we see a lot of people in various places leaving their homes to flee to safer places that are not affected by flooding. the houses they have lived in so far, when the rainy season has arrived, floods often occur continuously if there is no change in the drainage system and provide an understanding to the community about the importance of not littering. there are several things that cause flooding including the place is low, the sewer is not regular and people's awareness is low in littering. there are several things that cause flooding including the place is really low, the water drainage channel is not regular and people's awareness is very deep in disposing of garbage properly. The condition of the refugees is very concerning, both those who are affected by disease and who lack food at the refugee camps. let's work together to help the refugees and most importantly let's do good things so that there won't be another flood in the years to come.  +