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Based on data from the 2024 election in 38 provinces, there are 204.8 million voters, while Generation Z numbers 113 million voters or around 60%. Young people in generation Z themselves are more likely to use social media, which means it will have a big influence on the 2024 general election. Maybe you can see from the news "FIFA has officially revoked Indonesia's hosting status for the 2023 U-23 World Cup," one of the reasons was that a Central Java governor expressed his objection to the arrival of the Israeli national team at the U-20 World Cup. Finally, FIFA said that Indonesia had officially been excluded. as host of the U-20 World Cup. This has caused a lot of pros and cons, especially among generation Z, and has given the mayor of Central Java a bad view, plus now he is nominating as a presidential candidate in 2024, which has caused generation Z themselves to feel hesitant about voting because of things they have already done. did this even though previously the image of the mayor of Central Java was already very good, as can be seen from the posts uploaded to his TikTok account, where he knows how to win the hearts of today's young people.  +
In every election, young people are always the targets of the contestants' votes. It's just that there are not many policies that support the younger generation. The younger generation needs to be seen as political subjects. An attitude of indifference or not caring about something, in the context of this research, is youth political apathy. There are still young people today who feel they don't care about politics. Even though politics determines all aspects of government ranging from social, cultural, legal, security, economic and many other things. Apathy is not a new issue on the political stage in Indonesia. Since the beginning of the reform period when all legal information could be accessed by the public through the mass media, apathy, which previously had not been a concern, began to be discussed by experts from both intellectual circles, social movement activists and political parties. In discussing apathy, the government also took part in discussing apathy. Aparis in politics is often only defined as personal action not to participate in a political agenda, experts often provide indicators of apathy just from participating in a political agenda. Apathy is not a trivial problem, in a democracy as long as all elements have equal access to the authorities, every regime in power is legitimized by elections. Therefore, both apathy and abstention are considered dangerous for a democratic country because they will lead to a crisis in the legitimacy of power. However, it is different when the state no longer thinks about community representation in its legitimacy or only relies on the nominal number of voters who take part. In this phenomenon what occurs is oligarchy. The presence of youth in politics is an inevitability that needs to be done because youth is a substitute for the baton of national leadership. It is hoped that the presence of young leaders will be able to revive the national political atmosphere which is currently still dominated by the old elite. Improving the quality of people's lives is greatly influenced by the role of youth in their participation in political life.  
Why is apathy widespread among young people? Is there something wrong with our political system? Or is it a lack of literacy about politics? This question is based on my anxiety due to the apathy that is often shown by young men and women. Why is this happening so often? Actually, it all comes back to each individual because quite a few young people are interested in politics, but there are also many who choose not to care and don't care. As a young person, I feel that this needs to be paid attention to. There seems to be a lack of literacy regarding the importance of politics and elections for young people, where the Indonesian population is dominated by young people whose votes will be very useful in the next election. This apathy usually occurs because politics is considered uninteresting, monotonous and rigid. However, recently I have seen that the efforts of political parties in attracting youth votes can be appreciated because they are taking bold steps in this regard. They can follow current trends, they dive into the world of media which is dominated by young people, they even include young people. However, I think these efforts are not enough to make young people aware of politics. As we know, young people have unique attitudes, they tend to believe when they see it directly and they are quite easily carried away by the flow. So we have to be smart in seeing this gap as an opportunity to introduce politics to young men and women and reduce apathy.  +
Regarding complaints when studying online due to covid-19  +
If I become an RT/RW in the area, I will maintain a clean environment, peace and harmony with neighbors in the area. Because for me cleanliness is very important. Moreover, we as a leader in an area must pay attention to all existing conditions, and must be responsible, have a good personality, have a high social spirit, and have good abilities in this field. Therefore, I will truly become a good leader, an honest leader, innovative, and a friendly leader so that the residents around the environment feel comfortable and at ease in the area. I will also carry out my rights, duties, and obligations as a RT/RW well and create a good society, and I as a RT/RW will establish goals such as: preserving the culture of mutual cooperation values, forming family values in society, improving the smooth running of services. regions, and I will support by developing the potential of community self-help.  +
Called the Alusu Dance, this dance is a pick-up dance in the ancient Bone Kingdom. The name of this dance is taken from the name of a dance property called lalosu. Lalosu is a tool in the form of a piece of bamboo wrapped in woven palm leaves. One end is given the shape of the head of a rooster, a parrot bird, while at the other end it is given a kind of tail of the fowl. This dance is performed to pick up guests who came to stay in touch in the Bone Kingdom in the past. Alusu' dance itself contains the meaning of showing a gentle attitude and chastity in receiving noble guests who visit the Bone Kingdom. This dance is accompanied by instruments such as drums and gongs. For costumes, female dancers use costumes consisting of bodo clothes and silk sarongs. For accessories in the form of jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, headdresses, rocking betel nut and so on. And until now this dance is still often performed at the Regent's welcoming ceremony and the bride's welcome event in the Bone area.  +
Briefly explain about covid-19  +
Social responsibility in the election era is an important aspect in building a democratic society. Embracing social responsibility is a strategic step to mobilize people's active participation in the democratic process. On this balance, each individual has a role in ensuring that elections are fair and transparent. First of all, political education is the main foundation for understanding the rights and obligations as citizens. By embracing social responsibility, people can promote a deep understanding of election candidates and their policy platforms. This is the key to building a smart and informed public opinion. Furthermore, active participation in social activities is also part of social responsibility. The public needs to be involved in discussions, seminars and forums aimed at strengthening political insight and evaluating the performance of candidates. Through open dialog, awareness of the urgency of social responsibility is enhanced. The importance of the role of mass media cannot be ignored. Social responsibility also includes judicious use of the media to disseminate truthful and objective information. People should be critical of the information they receive and be fair in assessing the performance of candidates, ensuring that elections are based on accurate information. Anti-cyberbullying attitudes and upholding political ethics are other steps in embracing social responsibility in the election era. Society needs to build a culture of healthy discussion and respect for differences of opinion, creating space for dialogue without the need to destroy the integrity of individuals or groups. By embracing social responsibility in the electoral era, society can form a strong foundation for an inclusive and sustainable democracy. The success of democracy depends not only on the role of leaders, but also on the awareness and active participation of all levels of society.  +
Sakaria, an 11 year old boy, lives on a beautiful beach but is full of challenges. His family's economic ties had forced him to drop out of school. Every morning, when his friends his age went to school with their bags full of books, Sakaria could only stare from afar, with deep envy. Since dropping out of school, his days have changed drastically. No more studying, just playing and helping their parents earn a living on the beach. Sakaria realizes that even though her life has changed, she still tries to be grateful. He is grateful to be able to help his parents, even though playing is his day job. Every time the wind blew and the waves came, Sakaria and his father set out to look for clams and small fish. Sakaria's mother lovingly cooks their catch. Even though they live a simple life, laughter never leaves their faces. However, amidst the cries of the waves, Sakaria still yearns for books and pens. He dreams of the days when he can go back to school, learn new things, and fulfill his dream of becoming a Soldier.  +
In responding to and feeling responsible for what is being experienced by refugees from foreign countries around us. Their arrival was nothing but hope for reinforcements, safety and comfort. We don't only think about the bad impact of their arrival, but we need to be wise in feeling the polemics that are being faced. Their hope is certainly only one "Be accepted and welcomed because the conditions do not allow to remain in their country of origin." So you can imagine when we are in their position, have no place to live, property, commotion, massacre, and others. Of course we need a helping hand from other people to still feel the security and comfort of life. One of the efforts being made by the community to help our brothers and sisters is to open donations for refugees so that they can continue to live. Those are small things we can do in dealing with refugees, as a form of humanity and concern for others. Prayers and support are highly expected for our brothers and sisters so that the world will remain fine. The massacres and atrocities of the rebel nation will feel the doom of destruction from worldly greed.  +
Each cigarette contains more than 4000 types of chemicals harmful to the body. Four hundred of them can be toxic, while 40 of them can cause cancer. Based on data from Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2013 and 2018, there has been an increase in the number of smokers. Data from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) shows that there has also been an increase in the number of child smokers aged 13 to 15 years. Cigarettes have a major impact on the lungs. About a third of all cancer cases occur due to smoking. For example, it can affect breathing and cause shortness of breath and coughing, it also increases the risk of respiratory tract infections which ultimately reduces quality of life. This is possible due to exposure to advertisements and seeing smokers around the environment, including public figures displaying tobacco products on TV or outdoor media. The government continues to work to reduce the number of first-time smokers through Government Regulation number 109 of 2012 concerning the Protection of Materials Containing Addictive Substances in the Form of Tobacco Products for Health designed to control and reduce novice smokers, especially in terms of advertising. Knowing the various dangers of smoking to health, it is necessary to make efforts as early as possible to prevent or stop smoking in adolescents. Starting from the intention within yourself to stop smoking, educate the dangers of smoking, choose a good environment, and find out the reasons why he smokes. Based on Law number 36 of 2009 article 115 concerning health KTR applies to health facilities, places for teaching and learning processes, places for children to play, places of worship, public transportation, places of work, public places and designated places. Each local government is obliged to establish smoking-free areas in its territory. However, the policy does not list homes as smoke-free areas. The house should be a smoke-free area and provide initial protection for all family members from exposure to addictive substances. That is the effort we have to do to determine the prevalence of smoking in adolescents so that they are free from early disease and maintain a healthy environment. Remember, care for your environment by educating the dangers of smoking!!  
Romanticize a road that has never been traveled before by seeing unique things around it. Often when we drive a vehicle we can't necessarily see things we've never seen, by walking we can experience unique things such as being able to interact with the people we pass such as vegetable sellers, the surrounding community and the buildings that become attractiveness to our eyes.  +
If I were to become a high-ranking officer of the city or area, I would recommend making a final waste disposal site which is far from residential areas and not on the edge of the highway like this so that the city can look cleaner and more pleasing to the eyes of the public or other immigrants. . I also want to make trash cans that will be in several places so that it is easier for people to dispose of trash and so they don't litter, also make it a better trash can than before, for example, trash cans are separated by type such as plastic waste, cans, paper, etc. so that it is easy to choose waste that can be recycled and which cannot be recycled.  +
Titi noodles are a typical noodle dish from Makassar, South Sulawesi. At first glance, this dish is similar to ifumie, made from dry noodles then drizzled with thick sauce. In a portion of the bowl, there are dry noodles covered in thick broth as a result of a combination of water, eggs, starch, garlic and other flavorings. To produce the perfect taste, several accessories such as sliced meatballs, shrimp and vegetables are not spared. decorate the top of the noodles.  +
Mie pangsit is a typical food from China which then spread to various countries in Asia, including Indonesia. This noodle is inspired by noodles in Chinese tradition and has become popular among Indonesian people.  +
Sunday morning with loved ones was the first expression when I saw two people enjoying their old age in the morning at the Pa'baeng Baeng market.  +
In a small village, there is a young individual named La Cummang, whose prowess in the political arena stands out. Despite being young, La Cummang surpasses the understanding of politics among the older generation in the village. The elders in the village often find themselves trapped in outdated thought patterns that are no longer relevant to the current political system. La Cummang, with extensive insight and a profound understanding of modern political dynamics, manages to enlighten the elders who sometimes resist adapting to the changes of the times. Employing a smart and convincing approach, La Cummang explains the differences in the contemporary political system, information technology, and the more dynamic participation of the community. La Cummang's political proficiency extends beyond theory to practical action. Utilizing social media and various digital platforms on a daily basis, they disseminate information, build political awareness, and garner support from the younger generation. Under La Cummang's leadership, the village undergoes a positive transformation, with other young individuals becoming actively involved in the political process, making the village more dynamic and responsive to the challenges of the times. La Cummang, with their courage to challenge outdated norms, proves that young people can be agents of change, steering their village towards a brighter future.  +
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh, my name is muh ridha mannangngai I was born in Makassar, South Sulawesi I was born on 29-5-2005 I live on Jalan Mesjid Raya lr1 I watch anime I am the eldest of two children I go to SMKN 3 GOWA I graduated from SMPN 4 Sungguminasa Arung Palakka was the 15th King of Bone born on Friday, September 15, 1634, in a village called Lamotto, Mario-ri Wawo, Soppeng, and died in Bontoala, April 6, 1696. His father was Lapattobune Aru Tana Tengga and his mother was We Tennisui. , who was the daughter of King Bone XII. When he was eight years old, the Kingdom of Gowa fought Bone and succeeded in conquering it. Since the age of 11, Arung Palakka and his family were taken as hostages to the Gowa Palace. They are lucky to be servants of Karaeng Pattinggaloang, an important and genius figure in the Kingdom of Gowa. Under his tutelage, Arung Palakka grew into an impressive prince in both brain and sport.the reason arung Palakka cooperated with the Dutch to overthrow the kingdom of Gowa was because Inging liberated the Bugis and Soppeng tribes. I appreciate Palakka whitewater for its brave and formidable nature when it was a kingdom in Bone.  +
yo What'sapp guys, I am Muh. Arsal Student of Visual Communication Design Study Program Department of Fine Arts and Design Faculty of Art and Design Makassar public university.  +
This Bugis proverb explains about telling people not to sit in front of a request because it will hamper their sustenance  +