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General elections (abbreviated as Election) are the process of selecting someone to fill a particular political position in Indonesia. The election contest is just a matter of counting on one hand, so it is necessary to reform outdated thoughts and modernize the stigma regarding the figure of the next president. Currently, we live in the era of society 5.0, an era of technological change because 5.0 devices are starting to slowly indoctrinate people's mindset and way of life. So we need the role of today's young people as the golden Indonesian jargon of 2045. We call it Gen Z, namely the figure of young people who are full of various different characteristics. One of the positive characters of Gen Z is that they are people with a critical spirit so that the potential of today's young people is seen as having a good contribution. in recommending the management of the 2024 democratic election party by voicing something that is common sense and good. "The problem is that today's children are able to handle politics and high-profile countries in ordinary language in news and broadcasts"
They are happy if the content delivered seems visual and illustrative, such as fashion, food, vintage photography and lifestyle of public figures, then educational content with speech content designs as voiced by young figures, namely Rian Fahardhi as President of Gen Z. He comes from Barru, South Sulawesi "Sikampungna Anak-anaka" so that the right solution to maintain the existence of elections will still be accepted by Gen Z when the combination of education and content as a design meets the standards of interest of today's young people. +
Youth is the next generation of the nation that has an important role in determining the future direction of the country. One form of youth participation in the life of the nation is by voting in general elections.
If politics is run by youth who are only concerned with memes and emojis, not the law, then this will be a disaster. Governments will be run by people who lack the knowledge and experience necessary to make important decisions that affect the lives of millions. Laws and regulations will be ignored, and the country will be in chaos.
To illustrate this scenario, imagine a fictional story about a group of young politicians who only care about memes and emojis. They call themselves the "Meme Party" and their goal is to make politics more fun and entertaining. They believe that politics should be more like social media, where people can express themselves freely and share funny memes and emojis.
In the beginning, the Meme Party was very popular among young people who were tired of traditional politics. They used social media to spread their message and gain support. They promised to make politics more accessible and interesting for everyone.
Once they were elected, things started to change. Meme Party members didn't take their responsibilities seriously. They spend most of their time creating and sharing memes rather than working on important issues. They ignored laws and regulations, and made decisions based on what was popular on social media.
As a result, the country is in chaos. The economy is in disarray, the crime rate skyrockets, and people lose faith in the government. Meme Party members were more concerned with their popularity on social media than the welfare of the country.
In the end, the Meme Party was voted out of office, and the state was left to take action. The young politicians realized that politics is not a game, and they need to take their responsibilities seriously. They realize that memes and emojis alone are not enough to run a country, and they need to have a deep understanding of laws and regulations in order to make the right decisions.
However, in recent years, there has been a worrying phenomenon that more and more young people are apathetic towards elections. What causes youth apathy towards elections?
Causes of youth apathy towards elections:
- Distrust of the political system: Youth feel that the existing political system is unable to fulfill their needs and aspirations. They feel that elections are just a platform for political elites to maintain power and have no positive impact on their lives.
- Lack of political education: Youth often have little understanding of politics and elections. This makes them uninterested or unaware of how to participate in elections.
- Lack of representation: Youth feel that no candidate represents their aspirations and needs. They feel that existing candidates only represent the interests of certain groups and do not pay attention to the interests of youth.
However, youth apathy towards elections can have a negative impact on the future of the country. Elections are an important form of political participation in a democratic system. By not voting, youth lose the right to choose leaders who represent their interests. In addition, youth apathy can also strengthen the dominance of political elites who do not pay attention to the interests of the people.
Therefore, efforts are needed to increase youth participation in elections. Some of the efforts that can be made include:
- Improving political education: Youth need to be given sufficient understanding about politics and elections. This can be done through political education campaigns that target youth.
- Increasing representation: Youth need to be given the opportunity to participate in politics. Political parties can provide opportunities for youth to run as candidates in elections.
- Increase transparency: Political elites need to provide clear and transparent information about their programs and policies. This can increase youth trust in the political system.
In conclusion, if politics is run by young people who only care about memes and emojis, it will be a disaster. Governments will be run by people who lack the knowledge and experience needed to make important decisions. And the number of youth who are apathetic towards elections can lead to distrust of the political system, lack of political education, and lack of representation, so there needs to be an effort to increase youth participation so as not to be apathetic in elections, namely increasing education, increasing representation, and increasing transparency.
Generation Z is often looked down upon by older generations, especially in responding to political issues, because they are considered to be inexperienced or "know-it-all". This makes him less enthusiastic about welcoming political contestation next year, even though legislative candidates are aware that Gen-Z in Indonesia reaches 29 percent of the total population. They will be targets in the upcoming 2024 elections, especially for Gen-Z who are among the beginner and first-time voters to vote. The existence of Gen Z will be very influential in the 2024 elections. +
Politics is a manifestation of an interest, an interest in actualizing various valid desires, regarding policies that are acclaimed for the continuation of the rights that are said to be fought for. Politics in Indonesia refers to various crucial interests that are urgent. This interest was then packaged in a campaign declaration to invite empathy at every level of society.
This has of course been going on for a long time, what is different is that currently the manipulative nature of those in office is so visible on the surface. Social Media is currently an effective support for those who want to be widely known in a short time, efforts and ideas are no longer the main thing, enthusiasm and skills are also a matter of later concern, the most important thing is to be widely known by the people.
Social Media plays an important role in direct political practice in various countries, including Indonesia. Because through this digital platform, the delivery of the vision and mission can be carried out and then disseminated widely in a matter of seconds, and candidates can even gain support and empathy on a large scale through this.
Social media has become a means for increasing voter involvement in the political process. Through discussions and online campaigns to increase the electability of the democratic party, voters feel they have the right forum for their aspirations to express their assumptions and opinions. However, the use of social media in politics also raises various challenges, such as the spread of hoax news, polarization of opinion, and the risk of conflict between groups that are pro and con on a topic of discussion.
Currently, there are many choices of political parties that have emerged and are increasingly occupying the hot seats in the 2024 elections. It is not uncommon for us to find computational crimes through social media platforms that are carried out for political purposes. People are increasingly confused about making subjective choices because there are so many potential leaders with maneuvers that are relatively above average. Therefore, joint efforts need to be made so that leaders obtained from political results have the capacity to oversee all things that are in the interests of every level of society for the survival of the nation and state.
Youth have a crucial role in the political process, especially when involved in general elections (elections). In the midst of political dynamics in our country, Indonesia, especially in our beloved village, Makassar City, active youth participation is the basis for positive change and shaping the city's future direction. Youth are not only the voice of potential voters, but also a force capable of bringing innovation, new energy and fresh perspectives into the political arena. Political education is the key to empowering youth. Challenges such as lack of political experience, limited resources, and lack of financial support often become obstacles, but with a holistic approach, youth can overcome these obstacles.
In the context of increasingly dominant technology and social media, youth have the opportunity to use this platform as an effective tool to voice aspirations, disseminate information and mobilize the masses. By actively engaging in elections, youth can shape a more inclusive face of Makassar politics, ensure adequate representation, and elect leaders who represent their values and needs. The role of youth is not only limited to elections, but also involves themselves in the policy process afterwards. In this way, youth can become pioneers of positive change, fight for relevant issues, and participate in city development towards shared prosperity.
In this case, youth are not only voters, but also shapers of a dynamic and developing political future and social control. +
Youth have a crucial role in the political process, especially when involved in general elections (elections). In the midst of political dynamics in our country, Indonesia, especially in our beloved village, Makassar City, active youth participation is the basis for positive change and shaping the city's future direction. Youth are not only the voice of potential voters, but also a force capable of bringing innovation, new energy and fresh perspectives into the political arena. Political education is the key to empowering youth. Challenges such as lack of political experience, limited resources, and lack of financial support often become obstacles, but with a holistic approach, youth can overcome these obstacles.
In the context of increasingly dominant technology and social media, youth have the opportunity to use this platform as an effective tool to voice aspirations, disseminate information and mobilize the masses. By actively engaging in elections, youth can shape a more inclusive face of Makassar politics, ensure adequate representation, and elect leaders who represent their values and needs. The role of youth is not only limited to elections, but also involves themselves in the policy process afterwards. In this way, youth can become pioneers of positive change, fight for relevant issues, and participate in city development towards shared prosperity.
In this case, youth are not only voters, but also shapers of a dynamic and developing political future and social control. +
The year 2024 is not far away, but political discussions (elections) are already widely heard and discussed wherever we are. Hearing the word election is familiar to our ears. Starting from banners, banners and billboards from small to large sizes, they can be found everywhere. The faces of the characters are clearly displayed with sweet promises and seductions whether they are real or fake. We might consider the role of young people when there are general elections for president and others, one vote or one support, however, for example, if young people have apathetic thinking then the policies will have a big impact. For example, if tuition, education, health and basic goods are expensive, whose political decisions are difficult? In 2024, we young people will be the key to determining the next leader. Why is that? Simply because our percentage as voters is very large. Therefore, we as the era of society 5.0 must take part in determining and making choices. But first look at what is being offered, what the track record is and what the plans are for the future because it will have a big impact. +
Banana epe is made from kepok mengkal bananas which are grilled on a small stove or brazier, then drizzled with brown sugar sauce. +
Epek banana is a typical Makassar food whose main ingredient is banana, the banana is grilled and then given toppings as desired (of interest) +
Green banana or green banana ice is a type of typical Makassar food in South Sulawesi, especially in the city of Makassar. This food is made from the main ingredient of bananas coated with green flour dough. How to cook it by steaming in a steamer. The dough is made from flour, water and green coloring made from mixing water with suji or pandan leaves. In Makassar, green bananas will often be found when the month of Ramadan arrives, because the green banana menu is one of the favorite menus for breaking the fast for Makassar residents.
As a typical Bugis-Makassar food, green bananas have a history and a philosophy. Green banana consists of two words, namely banana and green. The word banana is taken because this cake is made from bananas, while the word ijo is the green color of banana skin because of pandan leaf juice. +
Peppe bananas are one of the culinary delights of South Sulawesi. This food is made from unripe bananas.
The presentation method is relatively long, the process still has several stages.
• Bananas that have been peeled first
• Fried until reddish in color,
• After that go through the process of pounding the bananas. This is what is meant by using the word "peppe" in banana. • Pounded bananas are fried again until they feel hard and crunchy.
• Banana peppe is more delicious when served with chili sauce made from tomatoes, shrimp paste, small chilies and salt.
All ingredients are ground. Ingredients:
1. 1 young banana comb
2. 1/2 liter of cooking oil
3. 1/4 liter of cayenne pepper
4. 7 cloves of shallots
5. 4 cloves of garlic
6. five tomatoes
7. to taste shrimp paste
8. to taste Granulated sugar
9. To taste for flavoring +
Political elections in Indonesia +
Within the Makassar city government environment, this is an example of a strategy for how to manage waste, there are 3 3R systems (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). We hope that the city government of Makassar will provide a garbage bank so that it becomes an alternative in managing waste in the city of Makassar, the secretary of the city of Makassar will emphasize how important it is to continue through the garbage bank. In Makassar, waste is also one of the problems that is of concern to the government. Well, with the existence of a waste bank activity, it is hoped that people will feel that waste is reduced to the TPA. +
In the midst of the political turmoil that is currently occurring in Indonesia, there is a young man who is critical of the world of politics in Indonesia, and one thing that always makes him anxious is the low level of political awareness among his friends. He also decided to create a party called PUndaK (Unique and Cool Party), which had the slogan of dawning health and beauty together. First of all, he will hold a campaign in the form of fitness activities and maintenance activities so that young people don't get bored with the same campaign methods.
This young man is also thinking about his political platform someday, such as fighting for the rights of all individuals to look cool and fighting for improving the health and beauty of every level of society.
PundaK will also utilize technology to get closer to the community, especially the youth. He understands that to achieve change, we must speak in a language that can be understood by the entire community and provide concrete steps to achieve the goal, namely, a better Indonesia. +
walk with you in the morning +
Understand the Mentoring Strategy for Children with ADHD
Friends, of course, understand that all around us there are children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) tendencies or children who have attention deficit disorders, are easily distracted, hyperactive, and impulsive in their behavior, which can cause an imbalance in most of their life activities.
Children with ADHD tendencies also have the same rights as other children, including in the field of education. Yes…they also have the same right to go to school. It can be in special schools, public schools or inclusive schools.
Of course, for children with ADHD tendencies there are separate learning strategies or methods that are different from those usually given to other children.
1. Give instructions briefly and clearly
2. Avoid repeating instructions
3. Make a list of priority behaviors that need to be achieved by the child, for example: being able to avoid danger, not acting aggressively, completing tasks
4. Focus on positive things, this is to increase the child's self-confidence, pay more attention to the child's strengths and the times he does positive behavior.
5. Give rewards and appreciation for the efforts he has made even though the results are not on target.
6. Using 'time out' when the child shows inappropriate behavior during the learning process by placing the child in a certain area that has been prepared.
Teachers must also understand that environmental factors have an important role in optimizing the abilities of ADHD children. Therefore, so that learning for ADHD children can be right on target, teachers can modify the environment, such as spatial planning, timing, and determination of sound and color, as well as food selection. +
Pallu basa is a traditional food from the Makassar tribe, South Sulawesi. Like Coto Mangkasara (Coto Makassar), Pallu basa is also made from the innards (intestines) of cows or buffalo. The cooking process is almost the same as Coto Makassar, namely boiling for a long time. Once cooked, the offal combined with the meat is sliced, then placed/served in a bowl. +
Zidni Imma Nafiah
Judul harapan untuk dunia politik
Smalb 1 makassar +
Youth have an important role in forming views on politics. As the next generation, they often observe and evaluate the existing political system. Youth's views on politics can be influenced by various factors, including education, personal experiences, and the values they hold.
Some young people may see politics as a means of creating positive change in society. They may be eager to participate in the political process, from elections to advocacy activities. This view often arises from a drive to create desired changes in public policy and state governance.
On the other hand, there are also young people who feel far from the world of politics. Some may feel that the political system does not reflect their interests or that political participation does not have a significant impact. Factors such as corruption, identity politics, or dissatisfaction with a particular political party may influence their views.
Education also plays an important role in shaping young people's views on politics. A deep understanding of the political system, the rights and obligations of citizens can strengthen their involvement. On the other hand, a lack of understanding or minimal political education can result in indifference to political issues.
Youth are often agents of change in politics. Youth movements and political activism can reflect their aspirations and desires to shape a better future. Youth's views on politics can also develop over time in line with life experience, knowledge and changes in the global political context.
In facing political dynamics, it is important for young people to be critical and open to various perspectives. As such, they can be a force that enriches political discussions and contributes to the formation of inclusive and sustainable policies +
This pandemic is not an obstacle +