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Definition of Sexual Violence Sexual violence is any act of degrading, insulting, harassing, and/or attacking a person's body, and/or reproductive function, due to inequality in power relations and/or gender, which results in or can result in psychological and/or physical suffering including those that interfere with a person's reproductive health. and lost the opportunity to carry out education safely and optimally. Types of Sexual violence Based on the type, sexual violence can be classified into: 1. verbal, 2. non-physical, 3. physical, and 4. online or through information and communication technology. Examples of forms of sexual violence In addition to rape, the acts below include sexual violence. 1. behave or say words that discriminate against or harass the physical appearance, body or gender identity of others (eg sexist jokes, whistles, and looking at other people's body parts); 2. touching, rubbing, touching, holding, and/or rubbing body parts on someone's private area; 3. send jokes, photos, videos, audios or other materials that have a sexual nature without the consent of the recipient and/or even though the recipient of the material has reprimanded the perpetrator; 4. stalking, taking and sharing personal information including pictures of a person without that person's consent; 5. giving punishments or orders that have a sexual nuance to others (such as when accepting students or new students, during class or distance learning, in daily interactions, and so on); 6. peek at people who are getting dressed; 7. undress someone without that person's permission; 8. persuading, promising, offering something, or threatening someone to engage in a transaction or sexual activity that that person has not consented to; 9. coercing people to engage in sexual activity or to attempt rape; and 10. perform other acts that demean, humiliate, harass, and/or attack a person's body, and/or reproductive function, due to unequal power relations and/or gender, which result in or may result in psychological and/or physical suffering including those that interfere with reproductive health and lost the opportunity to carry out education safely and optimally. Simple Ways to Avoid Sexual Harassment 1. Don't Trust Completely. As social beings, humans need each other. 2. Avoid Porn Smells. 3. Master Several Methods of Paralyzing Opponents. 4. Dare to Be Firm. 5. Be Confident. 6. Prepare Personal Protective Equipment. Penalties for sexual assault criminals In Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning Domestic Violence, the perpetrators of sexual violence are given sanctions as stipulated in Article 46, Article 47 and Article 48 with a minimum prison sentence of 4 (four) years and a maximum of 20 (twenty) years and a minimum fine of Rp. 12,000,000.00  
Either photo or video i think it look like painting but we use light as a media to convert it and using a broken glass handphone  +
Sanggara' Balanda is a dish made from ripe plantains and no other bananas are allowed as they have a different aroma, texture and flavor. This Makassar specialty offers a great opportunity for umkm business in Makassar city. But this food is rarely found along the streets, only in home-based shops or only available online. And usually you find it at weddings or formal events in Makassar. It is best eaten cold, as the sugar in the filling will seep into the banana and make it very soft and sweet. Sanggara Balanda can last less than a week in the refrigerator and less than 3 days if not refrigerated.  +
Morning walk in Makassar  +
Rice fields are cultivated and irrigated land for planting rice. Where the land is in the form of a plot and is bordered by a bund (galengan), a channel to hold/channel water, which is usually planted with rice regardless of where the land is obtained/status. Rice fields consist of rice, mud, ditches, huts, scarecrows, galengan, rats, eels, snakes, frogs, snails and others. The farmers use part of the paddy fields to grow rice, because the staple food of the Indonesian people is rice. Therefore, to meet these food needs, most of the Indonesian population works as farmers to produce food (especially rice), as a source of income for the community and as a means of growing a sense of togetherness.  +
If my younger brother plans to run for chairman of a political party, it could be an interesting and challenging step. There are several aspects you may need to consider: - Motivation and Vision: My younger brother needs to have strong motivation and a clear vision of what he wants to achieve as head of a political party. Is the goal related to changes in policy, reform of the political system, or improvement of societal well-being? - Political Education: It is important for your sister to have a deep understanding of politics and relevant issues. Political education and an understanding of political etiquette will help your sister to make wise and effective decisions. - Community Support: Running for office requires community support. My sister needs to build credibility and trust in the community through positive interactions, conveying a vision, and communicating clearly and transparently. - Networking and Partnership: Political elections often involve cooperation and support from various parties. My sister needs to build a strong network and be able to form positive partnerships with various elements of society and political figures. - Communication Skills: Good communication skills are very important. My sister needs to be able to convey ideas clearly, convincingly, and be able to motivate others to support them. - Ethics and Integrity: Maintaining ethics and integrity in politics is very important. My sister needs to ensure that her actions and decisions are in line with deeply held values, and that she can be a good example for society. - Campaign Management: Political elections usually require a good campaign. My sister needs to have campaign management skills, including campaign fund management, communication strategy, and team coordination. - Legal Understanding: Having a good understanding of political law and election regulations will help my sister to avoid legal problems and ensure that the campaign runs in accordance with applicable regulations. - Resilience: The world of politics can be full of stress and challenges. My sister needs to have mental resilience (resilience) to face criticism, obstacles and difficult situations. - Continuous Education: The world of politics continues to develop, and my younger brother needs to continue to update his knowledge, follow the latest developments, and be willing to learn from other people's experiences.  
A human judgment at the end of time  +
School in the midst of a Pandemic  +
If I am appointed to be the leader in this place, I will provide a place (location) to be used as a market as a place to sell as well as a parking lot. If you don't have a place for buying and selling, it's very troublesome (slob), and at the same time it will disturb the passers-by. If there are sellers (markets) on the road axis such as in Panaro and Pallangga, it will be very disturbing to motorists which will cause traffic jams, as well as fish sellers and chicken sellers, the washing water will pollute the streets. So, if there is a market (place) for buyers and sellers, they will gather there to carry out buying and selling transactions and no longer interfere with passing motorists.  +
What I want to do when I become a leader in August in infrastructure/development. If I become a leader, I will pay more attention to the interests of the people who are seen as inappropriate. Kraena If the leader pays more attention to the interests of the community, then that is where he is called a leader. As a good leader, surely what is called the street is already familiar, therefore, the leader must pay attention to the interests of the community, one of which is on the streets. Now there are many roads that seem to have problems, one of the problems is in the asphalt of the road which often has holes and causes many unexpected events such as people who often fall from their motorbikes because of the potholes on the asphalt. Therefore, as leaders we must pay attention to the interests of the community for mutual safety as in the above problems, leaders must repair or improve the quality of road construction, especially on asphalt roads which are often damaged and not paid attention to. Thus, then someone is called a leader if he puts the interests of his community first.  +
Recalling the history of the struggles of all elements of Indonesian youth, which ignited the spirit of patriotism and successfully united the national vision, gave birth to a national commitment—shedding blood for one Indonesian homeland, being one Indonesian nation, and upholding the unity language, Bahasa Indonesia. Inclusivity in the collaborative generational ecosystem has built collective optimism that the youth now hold a respected place in national development. To realize the vision of an advanced Indonesia in the future, the government has opened opportunities for Indonesian youth to participate in various fields. The spirit of the 95th Youth Pledge Day in 2023 is reflected in the logo, symbolizing a stylized human formation representing collaboration, with vibrant colors showcasing the diversity of ethnicities, languages, and cultures—a heterogeneous source of strength in advancing Indonesia. Addressing current dynamics, the rapid development of technology and information has widened the generation gap in technological proficiency. Hence, technology, information, and digital literacy become crucial focal points for the youth's responsibilities in advancing Indonesia Maju.  +
A Student Wants to Collect Assignments During the Covid 19 Pandemic  +
In our view, as the development of the school era in the future will experience some changes from year to year. Here are some aspects that may be different in the future education system: 1. Personalized Learning: In the education system of the future, a one-size-fits-all approach will be replaced by a more personalized approach. Technology will enable the collection of data on each student's abilities, interests, and learning styles. With this information, learning programs can be individually adapted to meet the unique needs of each student. 2. More Relevant Curriculum: Future curricula will focus more on real-world relevant skills. Skills such as problem solving, creativity, interpersonal skills, digital skills, and critical thinking skills will be emphasized. Students will be trained to become independent and innovative thinkers, ready to face future challenges. 3. Teacher as Facilitator: The role of the teacher will change to become more of a facilitator and mentor in the learning process. Teachers will guide students in exploring material, developing skills, and encouraging collaboration between students. Technology will assist teachers in tracking student progress and providing relevant feedback. These are some examples of what schools of the future might look like. Of course, these changes will depend on technological developments and the evolution of people's educational needs.  +
This is my story with @temanjalan.mks and collaborating with @basasulsel @expressio.socialspace @kallagroup. This is my first experience with them. This was a fun trip, walking along the alleys and outskirts of the city, meeting new friends and local residents, and learning new things along the way. Very memorable!!  +
Today I was with Teman Jalan, walking along the streets around Pabaeng-Baeng and A. Djemma, we walked through the market and looked at buying and selling transactions. The snacks at the market are very delicious, the traders are also friendly.  +
Violence against women is no stranger to be heard about. All people and places can do it. Be it at home, the neighborhood, school, Islamic boarding school, campus, office, market, concert and anywhere it can happen. Again, the victims are women. Its not understandable anymore, even children or toddlers could be victims, it's so sad in today's world. All of this is based on a method that is always evolving without any policies to protect victims from the community that can regulate their needs. What has recently been highlighted is sexual violence in the realm of education. A world of education is actually where students to develop their talents, a place to study, hone soft skills, and become a safe space. But as for now, that's no longer the case. Because in fact cases like this have happened a lot in schools and campuses which are campus secrets that are deliberately forgotten. Not many victims dare to voice how they were abused, because the stigma of violence against victims is still very strong, not to mention that the perpetrator has more power in the world of education. It can be done by various actors, such as teachers, school/administrative staff, security guards, lecturers, seniors, and even friends. Reviewing the cases at the Islamic boarding school, the female students were ordered to open all their clothes in front of their teacher, with the intention of believing in belief without logic. All this is done with the aim of fulfilling the teacher's own lust. But in fact the female students who were able to understand the teacher's intentions denied this treatment, because it was an example of indecent behavior to do. It's also different on campus, from the information I've read, lecturers take this opportunity when female students come to meet them for thesis guidance or something else. They can touch, or do things that frighten female students or even traumatize them. So what is the government's role in this situation? How should the government position women to be safe and secure? Does the government have the heart to see all women treated the same as other victims? Of course, the government has to start improving itself. The number of cases that began to emerge to the public should provide a slap to change immediately. We hope that the current government is still faithful to accompany and facilitate by creating a forum for child protection, the National Human Rights Commission, and others. And I also hope that all of this is thoroughly investigated to the end, so that the perpetrators and others do not do this and do not continue again. More able to voice the hearts of victims of abuse, provide education about sexual violence from an early age. In order not to happen things that are not desirable. The women can also feel safe and peaceful, no longer traumatized. And can feel freedom without feeling afraid and traumatized.  
Cases of sexual violence against women in the educational environment often occur. Even recently, many news media have reported such cases. In high school, college, even boarding school though. Ironically, the perpetrators of harassment are none other than the teachers, who should be the reference for students to learn from them. The lure of good grades and the threat of being their mainstay weapon. I think this case can also happen because the students who are victims do not receive sex education, considering that currently in our country it has not been implemented because it is considered taboo. Though sex education in children is very important. According to Komnas Perempuan data, the number of reports of cases of sexual violence in the educational environment tends to fluctuate, although it has decreased in 2021. However, this decline in numbers cannot be considered as an improvement, because the potential for victims who do not report may be more than recorded. Then what becomes very worrying is the agency/government's very slow response to such cases, just for the sake of maintaining a good name. Although the government has tried to respond to this condition through the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. There are so many irresponsible people because they are considered to be of a higher degree.  +
As we know sexual violence often occurs, it can happen to children, women and it is possible that men also experience it. Sexual violence can happen anywhere, there is no limit to it. Everyone can do it, we can't guess who the perpetrator of sexual violence is. Cannot be classified by gender, skin color, facial appearance and body shape. Therefore we must take care of ourselves and be good at assessing the situation. Often we hear about sexual violence that occurs in the world of education. Whether it's lecturers, teachers, staff or cleaners and security guards. The victims are not only students, this can happen to teachers or lecturers, staff, cleaners and security guards. Among all cases of sexual violence that occur in the world of education, cases of sexual violence against women are more dominant. Women's national commission noted that during the 2017-2021 period, the most cases of sexual violence in education occurred in universities, namely 35 cases. Followed by pesantren with 16 cases, and high school (SMA) 15 cases. The government has tried to respond to this condition through the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. Nevertheless, the implementation of these regulations in the field needs to be continuously monitored, in order to create a conducive climate for all students in Indonesia. Women are always required to regulate the way we dress under the pretext of protecting ourselves. Unfortunately, this is clearly not a solution, because we all know that sexual violence/harassment is not caused by it, not by how the victim dresses and/or behaves. Sexual violence is based on an irresistible lust not because of the way you dress. So as a woman it is important to learn self-defense so that you can protect yourself if something unexpected happens. Bring personal protective equipment such as pepper spray. And also don't think women are weak creatures. Keep trying and learn to take care of yourself.  
One day in Makassar Today im strolling around with temanjalan and basa sulsel This event is so hectic cuz of the people in this event This event is very good to develop cuz this event is very great  +