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Gathering with friends is the most fun thing in adolescence. School period, the most beautiful time to do memorable activities for yourself. However, not all activities benefit teenagers. Trying new things out of curiosity to feel it, leading to activities that have a negative impact, such as smoking at an age that is still in the teenage category. In fact, some adults who are active smokers have been smoking since they were teenagers or it can be said that they have tried it since they were in school. The opportunity should have been used for things that are more useful for a better life. The sociable environment, oneself, and even family behavior are the causes of adolescents being able to fall into smoking activities that are not at their age. The main reason is curious to see examples of fathers at home who are smokers to the point of mental breakdown. Teenagers tend to make smoking an escape from the hustle and bustle of the transition to adulthood which should be done with positive activities. Therefore, it is hoped that there will be awareness in children to change by remembering the dangers of smoking which are already stated on the cigarette packages they consume themselves and are clearly written on roadside cigarette advertisements on billboards. Next is a step to reduce, because the impact of dependence created by smoking will be difficult to stop completely. These steps can be balanced with productive activities because every teenager has their own potential. Health services by way of therapy can also be reached to cut it off.  +
One of the impacts of this pandemic is the implementation of online/distance learning. But there are many shortcomings that usually occur that make it difficult for students to follow this teaching and learning process. Such as problems with facilities and infrastructure for online learning, quotas that must be filled, and even networks that sometimes do not support, especially in rural areas. We cannot use this as an excuse for not being enthusiastic about participating in this online learning, because there are high goals that we must achieve in the future. That is the implied meaning that I want to convey in the video, which is where I pack this video in a humorous concept so that the audience can be entertained. The spirit of the warriors.  +
In this video shows that we have to change our bad habits, the way to solve the problems that we face while learning in pandemic covid19 era.  +
Smoking is one way to make us get sick, the impact is not only on ourselves but also people who take part in smoking our cigarette smoke. Smoking loses a lot not only in health but also in finances. And also have a big impact on our future. Quit smoking for our health together💗✨ A good environment must have a good body 💪🏻🤩  +
Uji Coba  +
LIFE IN GOD'S HANDS, KEEP YOUR HEALTH SO THAT YOU WILL BE LOVED LONGER BY GOD. School children who are obliged to find out the lessons given by the teacher or from the school for the future of the child himself, but do not seek out the pleasures that threaten his future. The pleasure is called "cigarettes", active smokers who are adults on average smoke from the age of 11-13 years, according to research by the Institute for Managing Smoking Problems (Republika, 1998). The age of junior high school children can be quickly influenced by circumstances and associations where they initially try smoking to what they think is cool and then they can overcome anxiety with the assumption that smoking can reduce stress in thinking. Thus, they do not think about their own health which is not guaranteed when smoking. Smoking does not only have an impact on active smokers but will also have an impact on the closest people, namely passive smokers. Passive smokers are people who don't smoke but they inhale the smoke and smell from the cigarette and care for the people around you to see them live a long life with you in good health. This generation of smokers where initially tried so that their convenience can become addicted to the nation's future generations. We can prevent this in schools, starting from the environment and student association, because it is becoming a serious matter day by day, and the data on smokers of school children is increasing, therefore it is important to maintain social relations, pay attention to parents/teachers at home and at school so that they always maintain friendships their children are healthy, and continue to learn by not getting used to thinking while smoking a cigarette. Don't let our future generation or successors be addicted to cigarettes and they don't think about the impact of smoking, namely health for the sake of maintaining health starting from not smoking from an early age. Children - children who are growing up, we can already control, admonish them not to be affected by smoking, get used to children refusing invitations that are not good for themselves and those around them. It's time to refuse to smoke, there are many ways to think without smoking, and there are many ways to replace cigarettes in one's life so that one can live healthy and not be given disease by God. Because in the hadith of Abdullah bin Busr Al-Aslami -raḍiyallāhu 'anhu in marfū', "The best human being is one who lives long and does good deeds." The meaning of this hadith is that the longer a person lives in obedience to Allah, the closer he gets to Allah. Because, every deed that is done can add to his life, so it brings him closer to his Lord -'Azza wa Jalla-. The best human being is the one who gets taufik for these two things: long life and good deeds. Don't let smoking prevent children and generations from living a long life. Cigarettes prevent them from getting healthy youth and returning to God Almighty.  
Educational Videos during the covid 19 pandemic  +
My video tells about the obstacles in learning online  +
My video contains about, distractions, and future hopes for school buat  +
My 18-second video contains an invitation to always follow health protocols in 2 languages, namely Indonesian and Bugis.  +
Warung is considered a convenient option for shopping due to its easily accessible location and relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Despite its small size, a warung can provide various daily necessities such as snacks, beverages, cigarettes, and other small items. These warungs can be easily found near homes or at various corners of the city, making it convenient to access and obtain necessary items without traveling far. Additionally, the prices of items in a warung are usually affordable, and the owners tend to be friendly and familiar with their customers. All of these factors make warung the most practical and easy option for daily shopping needs.  +
Campus as a center of civilization should show its roles unfortunately it is even considered a disgrace and can damage the image of both campuses when the ladies of the woman of this thing that makes the campus becomes even confused not to care about reports to victims of sexual violence that the reported granted proceeds are processed to the month-old but not give the bright spot to the victim so that the perpetrator can remain normal life without feeling the rewards what he does in this case the campus should do whatas the time of sexual violence is what happens in Indonesia continues to appear we see the case that occurred at the State University of Makassar a student is being discovered by the departure student by his own lecturer. Campus as the center of civilization should show its role. Unfortunately, it is even considered a disgrace and can damage the image of both campuses. This is what the campus / college is confused, even impressed Abai to the victim's report. Not a few reports ended in peace. Not a few reports are processed to months, but do not find the bright spot for the benefit of the victim. Even the perpetrators can still live normally, without feeling any rewrite for the deed of his beam. Sexual violence news in several campuses in Indonesia continues to emerge. Especially in Makassar as it happened recently in Unmurge sexual violence made by a lecturer against his college. Campus should carry out the community culture in students, educators, and educational personnel in the form of prevention education and sexual handling of sexual moment during the introduction of campus life in new students. Let's move with the important role in the aspect of prevention and handling sexual violence on campus! Students must find out and more discuss issues that pocket the power of gender-based and violent based relations. In addition, students should be strong in all conditions. Lecturers and Education Personals should be routinely involved in student activities in particular form of discussion issues related, multiplying socialization on campus related to sexual anti-violent steps, and seeks the establishment of services that are prevented to prevent and handle cases of sexual violence on campus.  
Sexual violence is a form of violation of human rights that has been happening since the past until now. Indonesia is ranked 96th out of 145 countries with the highest level of sexual violence with women as the main object, we cannot deny that sexual violence can also occur to men, but indeed women are more victims of sexual violence. Sexual violence is any act of degrading, humiliating, harassing, and/or attacking a person's body, and/or reproductive function, due to unequal power relations and/or gender, which results in or can result in psychological and/or physical suffering including those that interfere with a person's reproductive health. and lost the opportunity to carry out education safely and optimally. Sexual violence can happen anywhere, anytime, by anyone, and from anyone. Both women and men. Adults, teens and toddlers. Regardless of gender and age. Even sexual violence can be done by those closest to us. Neighbors, friends, relatives, girlfriends, or even our own family. I don't know what goes on in the minds of the perpetrators of sexual assault? The people we care about who are supposed to protect actually behave the opposite way. Violence can occur anywhere, from public places, schools, campuses, social media, even our own homes which are considered the safest places. Women are vulnerable to being the main object of sexual violence because women are considered to have no power, both physical and legal. On average, women who experience sexual violence will not dare to report or even tell anyone, because such things will be considered a disgrace even by their own families, not infrequently reproaches also come from fellow women who also intimidate victims of sexual violence. People around us will assume that sexual violence is caused by ourselves, people will blame the way we dress but they forget that many victims of sexual violence have a closed appearance. Women are considered weak by social facts that result in acts of deviating human rights for women getting less attention. Often women's freedom is limited because of the inherent patriarchal culture in our society, women are regulated by their appearance, their way of life is regulated by the rules built by society. When a woman's actions are judged not to be in accordance with the understanding of our society, women will be considered as bad women, a bit sad but that is what is happening in our society today. Victims of sexual violence who are blamed for causing other victims also keep their mouths shut because of the loss of trust in the people around them. There are victims who can perfectly close it tightly and choose to continue with a normal life, there are those who experience prolonged trauma and depression to the point of having to be treated by a psychiatrist, and even worse, commit suicide. Are these cases still not enough to heed women's rights, why still turn a blind eye and ear?  
So my opinion will discuss education in the future, in my opinion, education in the future will use a lot of digital platforms because according to people it is easier to use and also environmentally friendly or does not use much paper because the more paper is used, the more trees will be cut down. That is all from me  +
collect moment not things. its just a simple word but there is too much meaning. when u wanna know bout anything, try to collect moment.  +
Eren Yaegar is an ambitious character and sticks to his beliefs. Indonesia will definitely be a strong country if it has a leader like Eren because Eren will strengthen our military and protect its people from the outside world.However, he will not hesitate to take serious steps to protect the country he will certainly make policies that are mindblowing and according to his thoughts only, will not be shaken by the opinions of others such as his friends and lovers. However, it can be seen at the end of the AOT story where there is rumbling and causes conflict, chaos, division and mass death. He thought that was the only way. If this happens in Indonesia, later our homeland will be destroyed and will certainly have an impact on other countries. So, we can use Eren's strong, ambitious, and willing character to protect the entire nation as a reference to elect leaders or presidents in Indonesia, but what we take is only the positive side, not with Eren's nature that is independent of his crazy thoughts and ideas.  +
This title reflects the deep concerns regarding the political participation of the younger generation in the Indonesian context. The phenomenon of apathy towards politics among youth is an aspect that deserves consideration, because it involves the future of democracy and the development of society. The question creates a stage for critical reflection on the level of youth involvement in the political process. Do they really not care, or do certain factors such as distrust of the political system, lack of political education, or desperation play a role in the apathy? In an era where information is rapidly developing and the impact of political decisions is significant, the search for youth apathy is not only relevant for the understanding of current problems but also for formulating solutions that can motivate their active participation in political life. The challenge lies in stimulating youth interest and engagement, building an understanding of political interests, and creating a platform that supports their constructive role in designing Indonesia's future. Thus, this title stimulates in-depth thought and research related to youth political participation in Indonesia.  +
The young man might decide to turn every political speech into a rap, make politicians dance on stage, or even replace all party logos with pictures of cute cartoon characters. His political superpowers are used creatively and ridiculously to bring entertainment into the political arena.  +
learning during the covid-19 pandemic  +
in my video is that in my opinion, online learning is less effective than face-to-face learning, because if we study face-to-face, we often interact socially where we are better trained to express opinions or are also better trained to speak in public. dpn public,,because students also need those who maximize social interaction,,thank you.  +