One day bersama teman teman baru

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One day bersama teman teman baru
    Photo Credit/Source
    Zulfa salsabila

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    Of all the places you explored this morning, which one did you think was the most interesting? Come on, tell your version!

    In English

    Going for a walk with new friends, exploring new routes that we didn't even know about. Wow, in Manuruki there is an alley filled with lots of beauty that has never been highlighted. Meet new, very good friends.

    In Makassar

    Jalan jalan ki bersama teman teman baru yang seruu sekalii. Kita lewati rute rute yang ndak di tau ternyata wahhh ada dik lorong yang bagus sekalii, indah ,dan teman teman yang bajik

    In Indonesian

    Jalan jalan bersama teman baru, menelusuri rute rute baru yang bahkan kita nggak tau kalau wah, di manuruki ada yah lorong yang isinya banyak sekali keindahan yang nggak pernah di sorot. Bertemu teman teman baru yang sangat baik.