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The education gap and poverty in Makassar is an important issue that is faced. The gap makes each region feel a very significant difference. The government should have made a policy that can solve the problem.  +
pappilajarang nga anjo is closely related to the progress of a region, nation, sometimes I am asked to choose by the government between building adequate infrastructure.  +
In my opinion, what regional head candidates should prioritize are education, economy and environment. These include improving the quality of education, providing education for those who cannot afford it, encouraging economic growth, creating jobs, addressing waste issues, and tackling air pollution.  +
The structure of a supportive environment for mental health requires a holistic approach that takes into account a variety of interconnected factors. Rather than focusing on immediate solutions, you need to build a strong and sustainable foundation. One important aspect is the development of mental health literacy. They not only know the symptoms of mental disorders, they also understand the risks and protective factors. This training should be launched early and integrated into school and university curricula, and accessed by the wider community through effective and creative public campaigns. It is important to break down mental health issues and translate negative perceptions into empathetic understanding. It is also very important to build a strong social support system. This is not only about family and close friends, but also about the wider community. Building a strong social network where individuals feel safe in exchanging experiences and seeking help is key to preventing and overcoming mental health problems. Initiatives based on initiatives such as peer support groups and mentoring programs can play an important role in this. Furthermore, a healthy and supportive work environment is very important. Excessive work pressure, inflexible working hours, and lack of opportunities for self-development can have a negative effect on mental health. Employers must create a work culture that values work-life balance, provides opportunities for calm and relaxation, and provides employees with access to mental health support services. Finally, access to high-quality, affordable mental health services is essential. Unfortunately, many people who need help cannot access them due to barriers such as cost, geographic displacement, and stigma. Governments and relevant agencies need to improve the accessibility of mental health services, reduce bureaucratic barriers, and ensure that services meet the needs of the community. In short, creating an environment that supports mental health requires a collaborative effort from a variety of stakeholders. You need to change your mindset about mental health, build strong social support, create a healthy work environment, and ensure easy access to high-quality psychiatric services. Only through this holistic approach can we create a healthier and happier society.  
Mental health is very important in carrying out daily activities. One environment that is very influential in our lives is the family environment. Many people commit suicide as a result of being restrained by their families, and many people even feel down because their family environment does not support them in pursuing their dreams and aspirations. Especially for those who study while working, and don't have a family role. When we contact our family, we hope to let go of our longing via telephone, but what they ask is our money. Meanwhile, on the other hand, we also need money for our needs. But no one's family can help us, we can only fight on our own, regardless of the reason the family doesn't help us, whether because of the economy or because of their insensitivity towards us. The role of the family is not only about helping us financially, but one of the important roles of the family is to provide support so that we are enthusiastic about fighting in the academic and career fields. So what if we never get support from family? So that our mental health is maintained? The key is communication and positive thoughts and actions. Firstly communication; Express all your struggles to your family so they understand you. Avoid being closed off. Because one of the reasons our family doesn't help us, is because they think our lives are fine. That's the importance of communication. But we also have to be wise in choosing what issues our family needs to know about us, and which ones are our privacy. If we can still handle the problem ourselves, it would be better if we save the problem so that it doesn't burden our family. Second, think positively; Positive thinking is one way that is quite effective in maintaining mental health. So what do we do when we have difficulty thinking positively? Every morning when you wake up, say positive words, for example; "I'm strong, I'm great, I'm healthy, I can do it and I'm happy." The last is positive action by taking the time to read a book for 1 or 2 hours a day, and increase your worship and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Because physical and spiritual health is the key to maintaining mental health.  
As we know, among teenagers today, it is undeniable that their social life is very busy, many students drop out of school due to early marriage (pregnancy outside of marriage) due to wrong decisions.  +
Mental health is a condition where a person can realize their potential. Many people view mental health disorders as something shameful. This stigma can be in the form of discrimination and indifference to mental problems. This causes someone to be reluctant to seek help because they feel ashamed, inferior, and feel isolated. Creating an environment that supports mental health through open communication is a very important and positive approach. Open communication makes it possible for each individual to feel heard, appreciated, and understood. There are several reasons why open communication is important in supporting mental health. First, increasing social support. An environment with open communication creates strong social support from family, friends and other individuals. Second, eliminating social stigma. When someone feels safe to talk about their feelings, their experiences make many people more comfortable talking about their mental health and seeking the help they need. Third, increasing individual understanding and empathy. With open communication, individuals can understand the experiences and struggles of others which can foster empathy so that they can create an inclusive environment. Fourth, identifying early problems, open communication allows early detection related to mental problems, so that prevention can be done more quickly to prevent serious problems. Fifth, encouraging joint problem solving that allows for solutions related to problems that occur to find solutions related to mental problems. Sixth, providing a sense of security and comfort. When someone feels comfortable to talk about their feelings, the problems they face create an emotional connection. In terms of the role of good open communication, effort, commitment and creating good steps are needed by all parties in improving mental health. The first is providing education and training on mental health to people or individuals so that they can increase their insight and resolve problems related to mental health. Second, creating a safe channel or place for communication so that someone can speak without fear of consequences. Third, encouraging openness and sincerity so that we can be sure that someone feels comfortable to speak sincerely about the problems they face. By prioritizing open communication, we can create or create an environment that is more supportive of a person's mental health, where a place makes someone feel appreciated, heard and creates a stronger emotional connection.  
Mental health is an important element in life that is always ignored. To form an environment that supports mental health, it requires awareness, real action and cross -sector collaboration. A balanced psychological environment can improve the quality of life of individuals, productivity, and strengthen social relations. The first step that can be taken is to foster awareness and familiarize literacy about mental health to erase negative things that are often inherent. Education through workshops and social campaigns is an effective means of informing understanding of the importance of maintaining mental health and managing emotions. The involvement of teachers, parents, and community leaders in special training can strengthen this method and help recognize instructions for mental disorders such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, it is very important to create a safe atmosphere where individuals feel free to express feelings without fear of being judged. This atmosphere can be realized through discussion forums, support groups, or open communication policies in educational institutions and workplaces. Self -expressions can also be channeled through art activities, daily recording, or other creative activities that are emotional release. Culture of mutual support needs to be instilled to build a sense of togetherness and reduce social isolation. Assistance systems such as peer programs at school or office can ensure that each individual has a supportive social network. Empathy training and active listening skills are also able to strengthen interpersonal relationships. Access to mental health services must also be prioritized. Provision of counselors in educational institutions and workplaces, online counseling services, and 24/7 assistance channels become important in reaching individuals who need help. In addition, a comfortable physical environment, such as green open space, recreational area, and special relaxation space, can reduce stress. Encouraging healthy lifestyles such as regular exercise, consumption of nutritious foods, sufficient sleep, and relaxation practices such as meditation or yoga have proven to be beneficial for mental stability. Technology can also be integrated through online therapy applications and virtual communities that provide easy access to mental health services. Finally, policy support from the government and related institutions is the key to success. Regulations that protect individual rights with mental disorders, as well as investment in research and development of mental health services, are an effective step to create psychological prosperity of the community. With this comprehensive approach, we can build a strong and harmonious community.  
In this public poster, I have chosen the theme of the importance of mental health education starting from oneself. By understanding our own mental health, we can create a safe and supportive environment for individuals with mental health disorders. This poster also includes information such as the prevalence of factors influencing mental health and the 40-second rule for maintaining mental health. The source of this information is the workshop material from Wikithon on Thursday, February 20, 2024. Additionally, the poster provides a definition of mental health and proper ways to maintain it. Here, I have incorporated elements of traditional Bugis patterns, which are characteristic of South Sulawesi, as well as a Makassar proverb that reads, *"Melleki Tapada Melle, Tapada Maminanga, Tasiyallabuang."* This proverb means that by building good relationships, our aspirations will surely be realized. In other words, by fostering positive relationships with everyone, without judgment or stigma toward their mental health, we can achieve shared goals by providing mutual support and education about mental health. For the color scheme, I used purple as the main color in the poster. In color psychology, purple evokes feelings of calmness and peace, similar to blue but with a warmer touch. I also added yellow and orange as complementary colors to make the poster visually appealing and contrasting.  +
As we all know, humans are complex creatures. We all often hear, or maybe even ourselves have uttered sentences like this, “Why is she like that?” Or, “How overbearing is she?” without realizing that behind every human behavior there is always a reason why they are like that. Or, “How much of a person?” without realizing that behind every human behavior there is always a reason why they are like that. In fact, every human behavior and reaction is formed from various things, such as experience, environment, internal factors, which are not always visible to the naked eye. The same goes for mental health conditions, which are often debated in our times, especially for Gen Z, who are often blasphemed because they are considered “mentally weak” or even labeled “lack of faith” when expressing their mental health conditions that are not good. We can't haphazardly judge someone from just what they look like, just from one incident, because what is seen, is not necessarily what is seen. Psychological theories, such as behaviorism, psychoanalysis, humanism, which say that human behavior is influenced by various things. In this day and age, there has been a lot of talk about mental health. However, negative stigmas are still attached, such as the assumption, if someone who dares to voice himself about his mental condition that is not okay, is weak, or lacks faith, which in turn makes many people reluctant to reveal the problems they are experiencing. Fear of being laughed at, misunderstood, and fear of being labeled negatively by the surrounding environment. As a result, many people prefer to suppress it, when in fact they only need a safe and comfortable space to be able to be themselves. So, to create a supportive environment for mental health, the first step is to reduce, or minimize, our tendency to make snap judgments. Instead of giving negative labels, we should learn to be someone who is willing to ask questions and try to understand what underlies someone's behavior. How do we prioritize empathy, by asking questions like, “Is she okay?” This will help us open up a dialog space in our head and make us see with different eyes about someone's condition which will reduce prejudice. Moreover, to create a supportive environment also means that we build a culture where we can listen to each other without stigmatizing or labeling others. Ultimately, the world will be a better place if we are able to wisely understand and judge with our hearts. In this way, we can create an environment that not only supports mental health, but also welcomes each individual to continue to grow and develop without fear of judgment. Sumber gambar: Pinterest,  
The importance of the issue in the context of regional heads is very significant. The issues that need to be raised by a regional head need to understand and raise issues that are relevant to the needs and aspirations of the community to create policies that are right on target. By raising important issues, regional heads can encourage active community participation in the decision-making process, increasing their sense of ownership of regional programs. Regional heads are faced with various challenges, such as poverty, unemployment, and infrastructure. These issues need to be raised and addressed seriously to achieve development goals. Talking about issues, we need to know the term issue first. According to KBBI, an issue is news or statements that become a discussion or concern of the public; a hot topic to talk about. The definition shows that issues are related to things that attract public attention and are often the subject of discussion in society. Issues can cover a wide range of topics, including political, social, economic, and environmental. In stepping into becoming a regional head, they must think about what issues they must develop and have an impact on the community they will lead. Priority issues which are important priorities that they will do in the future if they move forward. These issues are very important for regional heads, because the issues raised by regional heads will affect the direction of policies and programs that they will implement.. And according to an important issue that must be raised by a regional head. Here the issue of "Empowerment of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as well as the development of local industries and job creation". I take this issue because there are several reasons why a regional head needs to develop MSMEs in his area, including the following: 1. Regional Economic Pillar The regional economic pillar is the main driver of the local economy. And MSMEs are the majority of gross domestic products (PBD). 2. Reduction of Unemployment In improving MSMEs help in improving and local industries help in creating jobs, which is important to reduce the unemployment rate and improve people's welfare. 3. Skills Development and Innovation With the development of skills and innovation, it is necessary to carry out training and skill improvement programs, which can improve the skills of the community. 4. Community Empowerment MSMEs encourage people to more actively participate in the economy and decisions that affect them in increasing community creativity. 5. Economic Independence Economic independence helps reduce the risk of instability caused by global market fluctuations or international crises. And improving the welfare of the community through the efforts they make. MSMEs in a region should be a priority issue for regional heads because they have a significant impact on the economy and community welfare. MSMEs contribute more than 60% to Indonesia's GDP and provide employment for more than 90% of the workforce in the private sector. With this large contribution, support for MSMEs is an investment in economic stability and community welfare. Candidates for regional heads who understand and support the role of MSMEs will contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic growth. There are many examples of regions that have succeeded in improving the welfare of their communities through strong support for MSMEs. For example, several cities in Indonesia that provide fiscal incentives and training programs for MSMEs have shown significant improvements in local economic growth and a decrease in the unemployment rate. This success is proof that the right support for MSMEs can bring real positive change. The development of local industries is an effort to increase the capacity and competitiveness of industries based in an area. This is very important to encourage economic growth, create jobs, and improve people's welfare. Perhaps the development of local industries and the benefits of these industries are the same as MSMEs that create jobs, develop products and innovations, support local products, and strengthen the local economy. The issues raised by regional heads should be carried out properly to achieve the desired development goals. These issues must be issues related to the economy, such as the development of MSMEs or local industries, if managed properly, can increase regional economic growth and job creation. Social issues that are taken seriously will contribute to improving people's welfare, reducing poverty, and improving the quality of life. Thus, it is important for regional heads to not only raise issues, but also ensure that the issues can be implemented properly to achieve maximum positive impacts on the community and the region. MSMEs here are taken so that growth in a society can increase. Because with the empowerment of communities such as MSMEs, it is beneficial to an area. In the area that makes MSMEs, it will increase the opinion of the community. MSMEs are also regulated in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation giving priority to the development of MSMEs in Indonesia. In this case, the government has built a business licensing concept that is friendly to MSMEs, and provides various facilities for MSMEs to develop. This Law also regulates various aspects related to MSMEs, such as principles and proposals as well as their principles and empowerment. The principles and objectives are that Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises are based on: • Family • Independence • Economic democracy • Togetherness • Balance of progress • Fair efficiency • National economic unity. With the law that regulates MSMEs, it can make it easier for a person who wants to develop these MSMEs. Especially if the MSME is one of the issues that will be raised by a regional head. And surely in its development, the head of the district will provide learning first to the community so that they can manage the MSME business and run well with the support of the government and the heads of the surrounding regions. Continuous support for MSMEs will have a positive long-term impact on the regional and national economy. With stable and sustainable growth, MSMEs will be able to contribute more to GDP, create more jobs, and increase the competitiveness of local products in the global market. This will help Indonesia achieve more equitable and inclusive prosperity. The candidate for regional head who took up this issue hopes to be able to make small people build MSMEs which are the drivers of a more prosperous community life in meeting the daily needs of a more prosperous life By taking the empowerment of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as the development of local industries and job creation. It is the same as we can directly encourage community progress, not only in reducing unemployment. But it can also increase community innovation and creativity, economic prosperity, support for local products, improve social welfare, and community empowerment. Thus, MSMEs can be an important  
Mental health is an important aspect that influences the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. In this modern era, the challenges faced are increasingly complex, including pressure at work, financial problems, and complicated social relationships. According to the latest report from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people worldwide experience depression, and around 264 million people experience anxiety disorders. In Indonesia, the 2020 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) shows that 9.8% of the population aged 15 years and over experiences emotional mental disorders, with around 7 million people suffering from depression. Unfortunately, negative stigma and lack of access to mental health services remain major barriers. Many individuals who need support are unable to access adequate services. Therefore, it is important to create an environment that supports mental health, including through policies that are practical and easy to implement. Data from I-NAMHS (Indonesia National Adolescent Mental Health Survey) in 2022 shows that around 34.9% of teenagers in Indonesia experience mental health problems, which shows the need for more attention to this issue [[1]]( The 2025 Public Participation Wikithon provides a platform for the public to voice ideas and solutions related to mental health. By involving individuals, communities and institutions, it is hoped that recommendations can be produced that have a positive impact. Proposed solutions could include community programs, anti-stigma campaigns, and the development of digital applications for early detection of mental health problems. In addition, it is important to raise awareness among students and teachers about the signs of mental health problems and how to deal with them, as well as providing access to support services in schools [[2]]( Through active participation in these events, we can contribute to real change and raise awareness about the importance of mental health. In this way, we can create an inclusive environment and support mental health for the entire community.  
English: Access to quality education is essential for the future of a region. The head of the region must focus on improving educational infrastructure, training teachers, and providing equal opportunities for all children to succeed in school.  +
The Maros and Makassar regions hold a strategic role in South Sulawesi, both in terms of tourism and education. With increasing mobility among residents and tourists, transportation issues have become highly crucial. One of the main problems faced is the worsening traffic congestion, especially on the connecting route between Maros and Makassar. Therefore, improving an integrated transportation system will not only reduce congestion but also have positive effects on the environment and enhance the quality of life for the community. The traffic congestion on the Maros-Makassar route often hinders the mobility of residents and tourists. One solution that can be implemented is the development of effective public transportation, such as adding bus stops along the Maros-Makassar route. This will make it easier for Maros residents to access affordable and efficient public transportation, thus reducing reliance on private vehicles. Better public transportation will also provide convenience for students from Maros who study at various campuses in Makassar. Currently, many Maros students are forced to rent accommodation in Makassar due to limited and time-consuming transportation access. With better public transport, students can commute without having to pay additional costs for accommodation. This will also broaden access, not only for those studying at major universities like Hasanuddin University (Unhas) or Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN), but also at other higher education institutions in the region. In addition to reducing congestion, the development of efficient public transportation also directly contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Private vehicles are one of the main sources of carbon emissions in urban areas. With more residents switching to buses or other forms of public transport, air pollution in both Makassar and Maros can be minimized. This is also a concrete step toward mitigating the greenhouse effect, which is one of the main causes of global climate change. Local governments must prioritize the construction of bus stops along strategic routes between Maros and Makassar. This will not only reduce the number of private vehicles on the road but also decrease fossil fuel consumption, which contributes to air pollution. The positive impact will be felt not only by local residents but also by tourists visiting key attractions in Maros, such as Bantimurung National Park and Rammang-Rammang. With better access to public transportation, commuters traveling between Maros and Makassar will experience significant benefits. They will no longer have to deal with the stress of daily traffic congestion. This will also help them stay refreshed and focused on their daily activities, including studying or working. Students and workers who no longer need to rent accommodations in the city will find it easier to manage their time and expenses, allowing them to focus more on education or work without being burdened by transportation issues. The time spent commuting will be more productive, and the mental and physical health of residents will improve as they no longer have to endure the strain of prolonged traffic congestion.  
The environment plays a significant role in shaping mental health. Factors such as air quality, noise, access to green spaces, and social interactions in the surroundings can greatly impact psychological well-being. Research shows that living in a clean and green environment that supports social activities can reduce stress and improve mood. On the other hand, living in polluted, noisy, or high-crime areas can increase anxiety and depression. Besides physical factors, social aspects of the environment also influence mental health. Support from family, neighbors, and the community can act as a protective factor, helping individuals cope with life’s pressures. Conversely, living in an environment filled with conflict or social isolation can worsen mental health conditions. Therefore, creating a healthy environment, both physically and socially, is an essential step in maintaining public mental health.  +
A person’s mental health is greatly influenced by the environment in which they grow and develop. Factors such as family conditions, social interactions, academic or work pressures, and physical surroundings have a significant impact on emotional and psychological stability. For example, an environment filled with conflict and pressure can increase the risk of stress, anxiety, and even depression. On the other hand, a supportive and positive environment can help individuals feel calmer, more confident, and better equipped to face life’s challenges. Research shows that exposure to toxic environments, such as verbal abuse in the family or bullying at school, can damage mental development in the long term. Additionally, external factors like noise, pollution, and economic instability can also trigger anxiety disorders and chronic stress. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals and communities to create a healthier environment, both emotionally and physically, to support better mental well-being. Strong social support, safe spaces for expression, and access to adequate mental health facilities are concrete steps toward fostering an environment that nurtures psychological well-being.  +
Environmental management is an issue that is quite rampant in this era that must be a priority and regional policy. Environmental challenges such as climate change, air and water pollution, waste and pollution management, economy, sustainability of natural resources and others.  +
Establish and maintain good communication maintain life balance build good solidarity in the enuraiment  +
Establishing clear boundaries helps individuals maintain mental health. When work and personal life intermingle, the risk of stress, burnout, and fatigue increases. By establishing separate times and spaces for work and personal life, individuals can more easily manage stress and maintain emotional balance. Clear boundaries can increase productivity. When one knows when to work and when to relax, they tend to be more focused and efficient during working hours. It also helps them to return to work with a fresher mind after taking a break. Ultimately, each needs to find the right balance for themselves, which may vary depending on their situation and needs. An open dialog about these boundaries is essential to creating a healthy and productive work environment.  +