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A list of all pages that have property "Description text" with value "An obstacle and solution for online learning in the era of covid-19". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Suara Anak Muda untuk calon Presiden dalam membangun masa depan yang cerah untuk Indonesia  + (A good presidential candidate must have a A good presidential candidate must have a strong vision to build the nation, deliver commitments that are not just sweet promises, but have definite goals to advance a country, including providing quality education and conditions that support the development of children as future leaders with integrity and prosperity.</br>A strong presidential candidate does not only focus on current conditions, but is able to design work programs that can change the present and have a big positive impact on the future. That may be, or indeed is the "key" to sustainable development and the welfare of future generations.ent and the welfare of future generations.)
  • Bergerak dan Tertawa  + (A group of housewives are doing gymnastics as a means of morning exercise on Sunday. You can see their happy smiles as a source of positive aura. Friends who were along for the ride also felt happiness at this moment.)
  • Sebuah penghakiman manusia di akhir zaman  + (A human judgment at the end of time)
  • Literature Gunung  + (A mountain is a form of land that protrudes above the surrounding area. Mountains are parts of the earth's surface that rise higher than the surrounding area.)
  • Pemuda di Ajang Pemilu: Serius tapi Tetap Santai  + (A small, colorful town celebrates electionA small, colorful town celebrates elections in a unique way. There, the young man decided to take a rather silly approach to attract the attention of young people who tend to be ignorant of politics.</br> With a cheerful spirit, they planned campaigns with slogans like “Don't be confused, choose what's fun!” and "Politics is not serious, but your rights are!" Comedy-themed posters with candidates in clown hats were scattered throughout the city. In fact, they held a "Political Stand Up Debatt" event where the candidates had fun competing on stage.</br> Even though they look silly, these young people have a serious message behind their cuteness. They want to invite friends their age to see the lighter side of politics and feel comfortable making decisions together.</br> The results are amazing. The younger generation who previously did not want to participate in elections is now enthusiastic about exercising their right to vote. Because of this unusual campaign, they chose candidates with big smiles.</br> Elections are a public celebration full of laughter. Young people show that politics is not a serious issue that deserves everyone's attention. With a little silliness, the stigma of boring politics can be broken and bring a positive spirit to the election. Successful or not, what is clear is that this election will be an unforgettable memory and prove that politics can be an exciting and entertaining stage!can be an exciting and entertaining stage!)
  • Seorang Siswa Ingin Mengumpul Tugas Di Masa Pandemi Covid 19  + (A Student Wants to Collect Assignments During the Covid 19 Pandemic)
  • Literature Membangun Kesadaran Politik dan Tanggung Jawab Kewarganegaraan  + (A study conducted by the Center for StrateA study conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in August 2022 found that young voter participation in the 2019 election was 91.3%, up from 85.9% in the 2014 election.</br>However, when asked about their views, the percentage of young people who expressed interest in politics was only 1.1%. Many young voters are undecided, pessimistic about the political situation and lack trust in political elites. Another study revealed that many teenagers identify themselves as abstainers (not participants in the political process), politically apathetic, and passive in politics even though they live in a more liberal political environment (, 2023).</br></br>The existence of youth provides an essential influence on the country. Youth are the pillars of the country's future, because they are the hope for better change. The role of the younger generation in the world of politics is very important. Characteristics of brave young people who have an extraordinary impact on change (, 2023). One way to build political awareness is by taking part in elections. In this election event, the younger generation must take a role, not just remain silent and indifferent.</br></br>In addition, elections contribute to the fulfillment of civic responsibilities by youth. Through elections, young people are expected to be able to determine their choices which will have a major impact on changes in the country as an effort to realize national integration so that the country is not divided (, 2023).</br></br>In conclusion, young people should be literate and aware of political issues and take part in them, instead of being apathetic towards them. This also aims to fulfill civic responsibility to maintain the integration of the nation and state.n the integration of the nation and state.)
  • One Daya In Makassar Teman Jalan x BASA Sulsel edisi 17  + (A sunday well spent with @temanjalan.mks)
  • Putu Cangkiri  + (A visit to Makassar is incomplete if you hA visit to Makassar is incomplete if you haven't tasted a variety of typical cakes there. One of them is putu cup cake which has a Delicious, savory and sweet</br></br>This Cake is made from glutinous rice mixed with local palm sugar combined with grated coconut in it The price is quite affordable, starting from Rp.1000 per grainffordable, starting from Rp.1000 per grain)
  • pemuda yang tiba-tiba mendapatkan kekuatan super yang hanya dapat digunakan untuk mengubah politik  + (A young man who suddenly gets superpowers A young man who suddenly gets superpowers who can change politics or control politics, namely by controlling the minds of the people around him. Where this young man first controls the political party leader who is leading the people and society. He makes this leader order that the The council is more active and diligent in carrying out its duties without being lazy. He also makes the leader make a rule that no councilors sleep while in a meeting to resolve an indication of a problem that has occurred, let alone playing with gadgets. After controlling the party leader, he also controls the council members to make a new political plan so that Indonesia's economy and poverty can be handled until the end of the meeting that took place where the council agreed to carry out community participation in politics is the activity of a person or group of people to participate actively in political life, by means of elect the leader of the country, and directly or indirectly influence government policy, public policy. After the young man's plan was successful he was able to walk to buy an ice cream.l he was able to walk to buy an ice cream.)
  • tentang kesulitan dalam menghadapi pembelajaran secara daring(online)  + (about difficulties in dealing with online learning)
  • Tentang pengalaman saya saat belajar Semasa daring  + (About my experience while studying online)
  • tentang kegiatan belajar saya selama pandemi  + (about my learning activities during the pandemic)
  • Tentang sekolah di masa pandemi  + (About school during a pandemic)
  • Tentang siswa yang di pertanyakan oleh ibunya mengenai pembelajaran daring  + (About students who were asked by their mothers about online learning)
  • Tentang pantangan selama belajar di rumah  + (About taboos while studying at home)
  • Tentang proses belajar mengajar masih di lakukan lewat daring  + (About the teaching and learning process is still being done online)
  • KLP 3, energi terbarukan  + (According to The Law of the Republic of InAccording to The Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 30 of 2007 that renewable energy is a source of energy produced from sustainable energy resources if managed properly. This means that renewable energy is able to prepare a sustainable energy source in the long term. Those included in renewable energy sources include: geothermal, wind, bioenergy, sunlight, water, as well as the movement and temperature difference of the ocean layer. All of these renewable energy sources are easily available around us and will always be there for life. Renewable energy sources are easily renewable and have a very abundant amount when compared to non-renewable energy. However, its utilization is still very lacking when viewed on a global scale. even in our country (Indonesia) the use of renewable energy sources is still very minimal. This can be seen from the data on the "realization of the national energy mix 2021" which shows that the amount of renewable energy utilization in 2021 is only around 11.5% of the total available. The highest position is still held by non-renewable energy sources in this case petroleum, natural gas and coal. This reality is further strengthened by data from "the contribution of power plant production in Indonesia based on the source of its generation (%)". This data shows the use of energy as a source of power generation on the scale of the last 10 years (starting from 2010-2020), where from the data graph it has been seen that the Indonesian people in obtaining electricity are still very dependent on non-renewable energy sources. The use of renewable energy sources to generate electricity for life is still not pluralized by the community. In fact, this is proven until 2022, where the increase in the use of renewable energy sources is very small every year, compared to other energy sources that are able to soar high in a short time.hat are able to soar high in a short time.)
  • One Day in Makassar  + (According to the theme "One Day In MakassaAccording to the theme "One Day In Makassar" walk on Jl. Education is the first route in Teman Jalan. complex on Jl. Education is very quiet, there is no speaker sound on Sunday morning, very friendly for corporate slaves to enjoy Sunday morning #basasulsel #temanjalan #kalla #espressio #basasulsel #temanjalan #kalla #espressio)
  • SIKATUTUI (AKSI BAIK KITA HARI INI UNTUK TUAI GENERASI BERKUALITAS)  + (According to the World Health OrganizationAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 90% of adult smokers first try smoking before age 18, and about 25% of them try for the first time before age 10. The number of smokers at children's age is increasing globally including in Indonesia. According to Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) conducted by the ministry of health of the republic of Indonesia in 2019, it is estimated that 8.9% of secondary school (junior high) and 29.3% of Indonesia's high school (high school) students have tried smoking.</br> </br>Some studies also argue that such factors as peers, environmental influences, cigarette advertisements that appeal to children, and the perception that smoking makes one look more adult and more sophisticated are some of the many reasons that encourage children to try smoking. Early smoking habits increase an individual's risk of becoming chronic smokers. Therefore, effort is required to address the growing number of smokers in children.</br> </br>One of the most optimized efforts is to integrate the dangers and threats of cigarettes into learning through the creation of learning tools by explaining cigarette dangers to body health. School environment is one way to campaign for awareness about the dangers of smoking cigarettes. Additionally, parental supervision and support from an environment that limits children's access to cigarettes may be requiredren's access to cigarettes may be required)
  • KEKERASAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN  + (Actually, the term "violence against womenActually, the term "violence against women" means any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.</br>And the violence against women shall be understood to encompass, but not be limited to, the following:</br>a. Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family, including battering, sexual abuse of female children in the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation and other traditional practices harmful to women, non-spousal violence and violence related to exploitation;</br>b. Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring within the general community, including rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and intimidation at work, in educational institutions and elsewhere, trafficking in women and forced prostitution;</br>c. Physical, sexual and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned by the State, wherever it occurs.</br>And women are entitled to the equal enjoyment and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field. These rights include, inter alia :</br>a. The right to life;</br>b. The right to equality;</br>c. The right to liberty and security of person;</br>d. The right to equal protection under the law;</br>e. The right to be free from all forms of discrimination;</br>f. The right to the highest standard attainable of physical and mental health;</br>g. The right to just and favourable conditions of work;</br>h. The right not to be subjected to torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.</br>And then, states should condemn violence against women and should not invoke any custom, tradition to avoid their obligations with respect to its elimination. States should pursue by all appropriate means and without delay a policy of eliminating violence against women and, to this end, should:</br>a. Consider, where they have not yet done so, ratifying or acceding to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women or withdrawing reservations to that Convention;</br>b. Refrain from engaging in violence against women.n from engaging in violence against women.)
  • Literature Kesehatan Mental Pada Remaja  + (Adolescents are the group of individuals wAdolescents are the group of individuals who are most vulnerable to mental disorders. Mental health is affected by events in the life of the deceased which have a great impact on a person's personality and behavior. In adolescents, the common mental health problems experienced are PTSD, ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, eating disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. Mental disorders in adolescents often lead to suicide. The characteristics of mental health disorders in adolescents are unable to control emotions, changes in inappropriate behavior, decreased school achievement, sleep and eating disorders, bad habits. Efforts that can be made for health to prevent mental health are maintaining positive thoughts, having the ability to overcome problems, seeking professional help, maintaining good relationships with others.aintaining good relationships with others.)
  • Dampak dari Pembelajaran Daring  + (All universities are forced to conduct onlAll universities are forced to conduct online learning during the pandemic. The online learning system certainly has positive and negative impacts on students. Learning in the midst of this pandemic is carried out online because it is an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.)
  • faktor pembentuk sikap apatisme mahasiswa terhadap pemilu di Indonesia  + (Although elections are an opportunity for Although elections are an opportunity for people to express their opinions on how elections will be conducted and who will hold political power, voter apathy is increasingly causing concern, especially among the younger generation. Given their large numbers, when young people vote, they can determine the election</br> Student apathy towards elections in Indonesia can be influenced by several factors. Several factors can influence student apathy towards elections in Indonesia. First, lack of understanding of the importance of elections. Students who do not understand the importance of elections tend not to care about elections and do not participate in elections. Lack of trust in the political system,  Students who feel distrust in the political system tend to feel that participation in elections will not provide significant changes such as black campaigns, conflicts between parties and so on. Lack of information, students who lack information about elections tend not to care about elections and do not participate in elections. Youth  or students are realistic figures and have high ideals. They will see potential leaders from various aspects. If they don't know the potential leader and don't have a strong reason to vote, they prefer to abstain. The existence of pragmatic culture, pragmatic or instant culture in Indonesia can influence students' apathy towards elections. Students who are accustomed to an instant culture tend to be impatient waiting for the election results and feel that participation in the election will not provide significant changesction will not provide significant changes)
  • Literature hak-hak pengungsi  + (Amnesty has championed the human rights ofAmnesty has championed the human rights of refugees for decades. But we must campaign for</br>governments to respect the shared responsibility to protecting the rights of refugees. We condemn any</br>policies and practices that undermine the rights of people on the move. We must push for other safe</br>ways for refugees to start new lives, such as by reuniting families who have been separated, through</br>community groups sponsoring refugee families to move to their country, and through universities and</br>businesses offering people study or work visas to start a new life.e study or work visas to start a new life.)
  • GADIS BUGIS MUAK JANJI MANIS  + (An open letter from me, a village girl froAn open letter from me, a village girl from the Bugis tribe, to the candidates for leadership, the election is near. I hope that my intention to become a leader is not because of a thirst for position but rather trying to advance Indonesia, we do not want to be pitied but want attention, we demand leaders who are caring, leaders who is generous to us, a wise leader, a brave leader. We don't need sweet promises, we need effort, efforts to advance this country, I as a future candidate for the nation feel embarrassed if in the years to come this country is still like this, and for the Indonesian people, be wise in choosing, don't be lulled by sweet promises because of what sweet is not necessarily healthy. of what sweet is not necessarily healthy.)
  • Aparna Bhatnagar Saxena  + (Aparna is an unapologetic feminist, vegan,Aparna is an unapologetic feminist, vegan, and a student for life. She is the CEO of TORAJAMELO, a women-led and women-focussed impact business that is working towards cultural, social, and environmental sustainability of indigenous hand-woven textiles in Indonesia. Aparna’s mission is to enable TORAJAMELO to create sustainable impact via long lasting livelihood generation for Indonesia’s heritage arts and crafts industry while working towards creating a decentralized and closed-loop economic ecosystem.alized and closed-loop economic ecosystem.)
  • Pemuda Apatis Politik Miris  + (Apathetic youth, it's the election's turn Apathetic youth, it's the election's turn to be hysterical, it's really sad...</br>"Elections are not about choosing the best among others, but choosing the one with the least bad qualities." Youth and politics are closely related and even mutually dependent on each other. It is impossible for politics to work if only old people participate. It is certain that there must be young people who take part in politics. In my opinion, young people should stop being apathetic and participate because the views of young people are needed to advance the country, while for older people their experience will be used. If young people and parents work together, I am sure that in the future this country will be better. The reason why young people are apathetic is because they distrust the existing legislative candidates. The final note of my narrative is that if the young people and old people who are elected are the same "degenerate" people, then it is certain that the country will destroy itself.tain that the country will destroy itself.)
  • Literature PENTINGNYA KRITIS DALAM DUNIA POLITIK  + (Approaching the start of the new year, IndApproaching the start of the new year, Indonesia will enter a political period, where there will be </br>many campaigns from various parties. As the nation's next generation, we need a sense of political </br>concern, about who our leaders are, who will govern the country. Therefore, we as young people </br>need to be critical, we need to voice what is in the hearts of the Indonesian people. We need to </br>understand how politics works.</br>The size of a nation is determined by its youth. The Youth Pledge is proof that we as youth are </br>united. However, what about people who don't care about elections? Who doesn't understand the </br>important role of voicing the nation's future leaders? We seek knowledge to understand life. This is </br>where youth self-awareness is needed so that they are not used by Indonesian politicians, we are </br>the nation's successors and our generation needs to criticize the government's performance, we </br>must be more active in understanding world politics. Our role as young people is to increase our selfawareness and influence other people. We as young people must first voice the importance of </br>political understanding.</br>It's time for us to open our eyes. Caring about politics is the main thing for the life of the nation. We </br>study from an early age to adulthood to live in the world and be involved in every aspect of life, one </br>of which is politics. Education is for us to learn. The existence of education is where we are free to </br>voice our opinions, as Mbak Najwa said, young people don't hold back their shame veins, just break </br>your shame veins, you only get to be young once.</br>That's why I am presenting this opinion, our awareness as youth, students must care because later </br>we will be the nation's successors. Therefore, be a young man who studies education and thinks </br>about things that are not in accordance with the rules.that are not in accordance with the rules.)
  • Literature empati untuk para pengungsi  + (As a human, I certainly have a high sense As a human, I certainly have a high sense of empathy and humanity. My attitude and</br>responsibility when there are refugees around us is that I will voluntarily help the refugees, for example by distributing donations to people in need. In addition, I will provide entertainment to them, so that they do not continue to grieve over the calamity that befell them. I also want to provide useful education to them, especially to children, so that it can provide fun for them. In the process of providing entertainment and education to them, of course, I experienced challenges. One of the challenges I faced was that some of them were not focused and some did not follow the education I gave. As a solution to the problems I face, I create things that attract attention so that they can be interested in participating in my educational activities. The interesting thing that I gave them to make them interested in following my education was that I gave gifts to all participants who took part in educational activities. The gifts I gave were in the form of stationery</br>equipment for the children and donations of food ingredients for the adults.ations of food ingredients for the adults.)
  • Pesona sunset sungai jenneberang  + (As a leader, we must be able to know the iAs a leader, we must be able to know the inside and outside of ourselves. We must be able to respect ourselves first in order to be able to respect others. Of course it doesn't happen overnight. But to be a good leader requires process and will.</br></br>The success of a leader can not only be seen from the achievements that have been achieved and the good plans made to develop the company they manage.</br></br>However, being a leader is also necessary, increasing strategy and motivation in developing the region</br></br>The sunset view on the Jeneberang river bridge is very beautiful, the mainstay of this place is the object under the twin bridges. It's just that we need to develop especially, the garbage that is still scattered in the river water, thus making the scenery dirty.</br></br>Therefore, if one day I am given the opportunity and trust in the community to become a leader, the first thing I want to develop is the tourism object so that it encourages people to be interested in the beauty of attractive spots.</br></br>Tourism is also able to create enthusiasm to preserve the creations of local cultural arts. This is not owned by the mining industry which tends to be more oriented towards financial gain. Tourism is also proven to be able to grow small industries and services for the surrounding communityand services for the surrounding community)
  • Masalah ilalang appilajara online ri wattu pandemi  + (As a millennial generation, we have to protect our local cultural heritage. Regional languages are the cultural heritage of the Nusantara. Don't let the cultural heritage be lost because of our ignorance)
  • Di Zona Abu-abu: Menjelajahi Kompleksitas Politik  + (As a part of young generation, I think I cAs a part of young generation, I think I can give one of my perspective about this topic. Politics usually perform complex issues, that often involve multifaceted issues that don't have straightforward solutions. Yet, many young generations are not willing to engaged in complexity. As a political engagement, young generation often see politics as a realm filled with empty promises, partisan bickering, and power struggles rather than a platform for genuine problem-solving. That leads to mistrust that contributes to disinterest in complex issues, as young people may feel that these institutions are unresponsive to their concerns. But really it was not a simple case where the core problems were from the political party itself. It is believed there are internal and external reasons of every cases. But how can it be decided? Public only judge and value things from the shell. Yet for some sort of reasons, they also can’t perform their reasons and even if they could, public will see it as empty excuses. Everything is grey yet needs to be decided as black or white.</br>To encourage more young generation to take an interest in politics, it's essential to provide accessible and accurate information. Political party should put efforts to improve transparency, accountability, and representation in politics so it can help rebuild trust among younger generations. Young generation also need to advance in critical thinking and media literacy and emphasize the relevance of many issues to their lives and the world they will inherit.eir lives and the world they will inherit.)
  • Gen Z = Prabowo, Apa iyah?  + (As known, Gen Z will be one of the dominanAs known, Gen Z will be one of the dominant forces in the 2024 elections. The way Gen Z views politics is quite different from previous generations, such as the Millennial generation. Gen Z tends to focus on social programs and environmental sustainability due to their exposure to environmental issues like climate uncertainty and energy crises, which shape their political perspectives. In contrast, Millennials were shaped by the transition from the New Order to the reformation era. Millennials are generally more open in their political and economic views, and responsive to changes around them. Therefore, with the dominance of Gen Z, understanding the background and aspirations of the younger generation is crucial in the 2024 elections. The majority voice of Gen Z can influence changes in preferences and election outcomes compared to previous elections.</br></br>Now, why does Prabowo lead among Gen Z? There are several reasons, especially in the realm of social media popular among Gen Z. One platform highly favored by Gen Z is TikTok, a video-sharing platform that includes content related to the 2024 presidential election. I came across a TikTok video showcasing Prabowo's affection for his cat named Bobby. It is evident that Prabowo shows special care for his cat, which happens to be a stray cat, not an expensive one, capturing the interest and sympathy of Gen Z. Comments on the TikTok video express sentiments like "all in for Prabowo, the cat lover," "if he cares for a cat, imagine how he cares for the people," and other positive remarks about Prabowo and his cat.</br></br>Moreover, there are other TikTok videos, such as "Prabowo walking with style" and "Prabowo's cool moments," which gain a lot of likes and become popular among Gen Z. Many comments on these TikTok videos reflect decisions to vote for Prabowo, such as "with Prabowo and Gibran, heading towards a cool Indonesia," "Prabowo is funny, so I want to vote for him," "why choose Prabowo? Because he's cool," and many other comments dominating the choice for Prabowo. Another reason is the rise of Gibran as Prabowo's vice president at the age of 35, resonating with young Gen Z who feel that age is not a criterion for leadership.</br></br>These are some reasons why Prabowo is a priority for Gen Z, concluded from the active engagement on their preferred social media platform. Gen Z is not inclined towards reading online news but prefers information in audiovisual formats, such as TikTok videos. Hence, they form opinions and cast their votes based on the information they gather from their own platforms.tion they gather from their own platforms.)
  • Literature APA YANG BISA KITA LAKUKAN KEPADA PENGUGSI DI DAERAH KITA?  + (As social beings, humans are members of soAs social beings, humans are members of society who have responsibilities for other members.In the book Indonesian Society and Morality Responsibility by Khabib, responsibility is the obligation to bear, assume responsibility, bear everything, or give responsibility and bear the consequences.Every human being cannot live alone, there is always human intervention from other people. So that the sustainability of life in the community can be realized to the maximum. Responsibility is formed along with individual growth and development. Responsibility grows from within and one's own willingness to carry out obligations.</br></br>My attitude when there are refugees around me the first thing I do is provide their assistance such as a place to rest, clothes, beds and others and I give them socialization so they are not traumatized by the incident Then I did a health check on the refugees so that they have good health and did a competition so that the refugees have activities that make them happy.gees have activities that make them happy.)
  • BUTUH AKSI NYATA  + (As soon as I hear about the general electiAs soon as I hear about the general election or (election), my response as a young election person who is certainly taking part in the election for the first time, I will study more deeply about the presidential candidates who I think are worthy of being chosen even though they all have advantages and disadvantages, I as The young people who vote for the first time will later see achievements, real action because in my opinion Indonesia really needs change, basically my hope as a student who is actually the millennial generation is to be able to make the 2024 election a success and produce the right leaders because our country is a big country, so definitely need a true leader.</br></br>The generation that knows how to take the initiative to move and express opinions are young people, young people know better about distinguishing between lies and facts, young people themselves will know what Indonesia is like because basically Indonesia needs young people.</br></br>Choose a leader who is not only good at putting words together, but choose a president who is firm and works hard, and a leader who is able to control conflicts, both small and large conflicts. The term Generation Z refers to people born from 1995 to the 2000s. If accumulated, the total number of voters from the millennial generation and generation Z groups is more than 113 million voters. These two generations dominate the 2024 election voters, namely 56.45% of the total voters.</br></br>It is hoped that Gen Z will not abstain from voting at the Democratic Party on February 14 2024, they must be smart in choosing candidate pairs because their votes will have an impact on Indonesia in the future. It is hoped that with socialization and education for first-time voters, they can be more active and smart in making choices for leaders. the next five yearsg choices for leaders. the next five years)
  • Generasi muda penerus bangsa  + (As the next generation of the nation who wAs the next generation of the nation who will teach Indonesia in the future Must be able to realize national ideals and goals by having three basic capitals to be able to be called an agent of change (agent of change) and agent of social control (social control agent) Namely his moral strength in fighting because in essence what was made was solely based on the moral movement which became his idealism in fighting. Youth is a potential for the country as a fleet in the nation's progress. The role of youth is very important in filling development and maintaining national independence In the current era of globalization, the role of students is very influential on the nationstudents is very influential on the nation)
  • Pentingnya generasi muda dalam pemilu  + (As the younger generation we are obliged to take part in elections, we must elect leaders who can be trusted by the public to brighten the future of the nation.)
  • Melestarikan Budaya Berbahasa Daerah  + (As the younger generation we must know whaAs the younger generation we must know what our role is. One of them is to converse a local language culture. Nowadays, so difficult to find the younger generation in using local language, why did happen?. In fact, local language makes Indonesia unique, rich in culture and famous in other countries. Wherever we are, the local language can still be used to communicate with our regional friends, for example when we are studying on abroad or different city. This is an important role that we must both carry out as a form of preserving our local language as well as being our identity. Therefore, we should not be ashamed to use local language because regional languages are the characteristics for all of us. If not us, then who else? if not now so when?not us, then who else? if not now so when?)
  • "Memutus angka perokok anak di Indonesia"  + (As we all know, child smokers in IndonesiaAs we all know, child smokers in Indonesia are still very high, so serious attention is needed in responding to this problem. This can be started from the school environment regarding the dangers of smoking itself and the need to improve the perception that "smoking is not cool".the perception that "smoking is not cool".)
  • “Smoking Control Card" Menuju Generasi Indonesia Sehat  + (As we all know, the rapid development of tAs we all know, the rapid development of the times has resulted in more and more behaviors outside the norms and values in society. One concrete example that we often encounter in everyday life is the widespread smoking by underage children. Based on the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2022, it was revealed that as many as 23.76 percent of children aged 14 years and over were categorized as active smokers, while the total population was 9 million. Thus, there are approximately 225 thousand active smokers in South Sulawesi.</br>There are various factors that cause these cases. If among children it could come from family members who smoke, while teenagers can come from the influence of their friends.</br>One of the ideas that the author wants to convey through this paper is the "Smoking Control Card", which is a kind of digital card that can be used by smokers to buy a certain amount of cigarettes at a shop or supermarket. This card, which cannot be used by children under 18 years old, aims to control the circulation and purchase of cigarettes. In addition, if there is a cigarette buying and selling transaction between the shop owner and children under 18 years old, a fine of Rp. 500,000 will be imposed as a discouragement.</br>In order for the implementation of this program to be carried out optimally, it is very necessary to collaborate with certain parties, such as health and social services along with youth communities or genre ambassadors spread across several cities in South Sulawesi. Thus, the number of active smokers in Indonesia, especially in South Sulawesi, can be reduced towards a healthy and great Indonesia.ced towards a healthy and great Indonesia.)
  • Sexual violence  + (As we know sexual violence often occurs, iAs we know sexual violence often occurs, it can happen to children, women and it is possible that men also experience it. Sexual violence can happen anywhere, there is no limit to it. Everyone can do it, we can't guess who the perpetrator of sexual violence is. Cannot be classified by gender, skin color, facial appearance and body shape. Therefore we must take care of ourselves and be good at assessing the situation.</br>Often we hear about sexual violence that occurs in the world of education. Whether it's lecturers, teachers, staff or cleaners and security guards. The victims are not only students, this can happen to teachers or lecturers, staff, cleaners and security guards. Among all cases of sexual violence that occur in the world of education, cases of sexual violence against women are more dominant.</br>Women's national commission noted that during the 2017-2021 period, the most cases of sexual violence in education occurred in universities, namely 35 cases. Followed by pesantren with 16 cases, and high school (SMA) 15 cases. The government has tried to respond to this condition through the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. Nevertheless, the implementation of these regulations in the field needs to be continuously monitored, in order to create a conducive climate for all students in Indonesia.</br>Women are always required to regulate the way we dress under the pretext of protecting ourselves. Unfortunately, this is clearly not a solution, because we all know that sexual violence/harassment is not caused by it, not by how the victim dresses and/or behaves. Sexual violence is based on an irresistible lust not because of the way you dress. So as a woman it is important to learn self-defense so that you can protect yourself if something unexpected happens. Bring personal protective equipment such as pepper spray. And also don't think women are weak creatures. Keep trying and learn to take care of yourself.trying and learn to take care of yourself.)
  • Literature Opini Mengenai Empati  + (As we know there has been a fire accident As we know there has been a fire accident in one of the Police Dormitory on Veteran street on Wednesday last month to be exact on April 20, 2022. This incident scorched approximately 32 tenements. This is thought to have been caused by the explosion of the gas stove leaking and causing an explosion.</br> Based on the information from witnesses, the explosion occurred at around five o'clock before breaking the fast. This caused several victims who were exposed to fire and suffered minor injuries and had to be rushed to Bayangkara Hospital for medical treatment. Fortunately there were no casualties in this incident. Therefore, many victims of the incident were forced to evacuate to a safer place. Some of the victims fled to their families' homes and some took refuge at the refugee camps. As form of my empathy, I try to raise funds for the fire victims. The proceeds from this fundraising will be used to purchase basic necessities such as rice, instant noodles, eggs and others. Also my form of empathy is donating clothes that are suitable for use and other items such as stationery for victims who are still in school. In addition, I empathize with giving medicines to the fire victims just in case one of the victims has an acute illness such as asthma and others. Also drugs such as bandages and betadine for minor wounds.</br> By helping refugees who have experienced calamity such as this fire plague, we can strengthen the sense of humanity that exists within us. And with this assistance, I hope that the victims can recover physically and mentally quickly so that they can return to their normal activities. Let's care for each other on the basis of humanity.e for each other on the basis of humanity.)
  • Problem pemuda pemudi dalam kepercayaan  + (As we know, elections are a series of geneAs we know, elections are a series of general election processes carried out democratically to elect leaders or representatives of the people for the next period. Meanwhile, youth is a young generation that has an important role in building the future of the nation. However, youth are often considered apathetic when it comes to elections and politics. In fact, youth participation in elections is very important to determine the future of the country. Therefore, there needs to be an effort to increase youth participation in elections. </br></br>Of course, apathy when it comes to elections and politics will have an impact on youth participation in elections. Low youth participation will have an impact on the success of the election and also on the future of the country.</br></br>But apart from that, the youth of today's generation need what is called trust, which has led to apathy. This happens because this year's election is full of issues and controversies, this triggers young people to doubt the choice of leaders for the next period.</br></br>Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to create trust in young people who are hesitant about the choices that will determine the fate of the nation in the future. just as when we want to buy an item but we do not know clear information about the item and whether it is effective if it is used, similarly in elections it is important to know clear and accurate information about presidential candidates and their work programs. </br></br>It is also necessary to create a supportive and welcoming environment for youth to be more interested in getting involved in politics. One way is to provide opportunities for youth to speak up and express their aspirations or opinions.and express their aspirations or opinions.)
  • One day in makassar teman jalan x basasulsel  + (as with any journey, who you travel with is more important than the destination)
  • Pemuda Dalam Pemilu  + (As young men and women of the Indonesian nAs young men and women of the Indonesian nation, this may be our first experience in the 2024 election event. As we know, when we have just started something new or have new experiences, we are certainly still lacking in this regard, but there is a possibility for this event for some young people. there are those who are already interested in the world of politics to the point where they can understand and know which one is appropriate to vote for in this election.</br></br>But again, as young people who have just entered or entered the world of politics, we must be wise in choosing which one is best for us personally. Even if as young people we don't understand politics, don't be too easily given to gimmicks or seduction by candidates who may not be suitable to lead our country.</br></br>When talking about rights, today's youth probably already know the meaning of this word when it comes to election events, but as usual, when someone has the right to choose something, they will usually be confused, as before for young people who may still be new to it. in the world of politics, there will be young people who may easily be greedy or influenced by certain people to choose the candidate they want to appoint, if that happens it is possible that this country will be led by the wrong person, therefore as young people of the Indonesian nation we must be able to think more critically and carefully. in choosing or responding to candidates who will become leaders, but all of these rights return to each of us as to whether or how we choose good leaders in accordance with their accordance with their responsibilities.)
  • Asri Saraswati  + (Asri Saraswati is an Assistant Professor aAsri Saraswati is an Assistant Professor at the English Studies Program and American Studies Program, University of Indonesia. She received a Ph.D. in American Studies, at the State University of New York, Buffalo. She specializes in ethnicity and migration in the U.S. and Asian American culture and literature. Her work and research seek to understand the interplay between cultural politics and the migration of humans and capital. Asri teaches courses on American literature and society, literary criticism, as well as race, gender, and ethnicity.m, as well as race, gender, and ethnicity.)
  • kesejahteraan rakyat miskin di era pandemi covid-19  + (Assakamu alaikum wr.wb first of all, let'sAssakamu alaikum wr.wb first of all, let's say thanks to Allah SWT who has given mercy and guidance so that today we gather in this place without any obstacles and obstacles amen....</br>I am on behalf of KARTINI standing in front to introduce myself, I come from the land of Gowa who wants to nominate myself to be the government (president) to lead the people so that they can be safe and prosperous</br>As for my promise to the people, if there is a fate that I will become a leader (president), I will establish a culture to improve the people's economy so that people become safe and prosperous, repair roads, open job vacancies, provide assistance to nursing homes (elderly), assistance for layoffs, KIP, KIS. If people want to be prosperous and prosperous, don't forget to support and pray for me</br>Thus my delivery for the shortcomings and the rest, please forgive me, wabillahi taufik walhidayah, assalamu alaikum Wr. Wbtaufik walhidayah, assalamu alaikum Wr. Wb)
  • Anjari Presiden  + (Assakamu alaikum wr.wb first of all, let'sAssakamu alaikum wr.wb first of all, let's say thanks to Allah SWT who has given mercy and guidance so that today we gather in this place without any obstacles and obstacles amen....</br>I am on behalf of KARTINI standing in front to introduce myself, I come from the land of Gowa who wants to nominate myself to be the government (president) to lead the people so that they can be safe and prosperous</br>As for my promise to the people, if there is a fate that I will become a leader (president), I will establish a culture to improve the people's economy so that people become safe and prosperous, repair roads, open job vacancies, provide assistance to nursing homes (elderly), assistance for layoffs, KIP, KIS. If people want to be prosperous and prosperous, don't forget to support and pray for me</br>Thus my delivery for the shortcomings and the rest, please forgive me, wabillahi taufik walhidayah, assalamu alaikum Wr. Wbtaufik walhidayah, assalamu alaikum Wr. Wb)
  • Tanggapan seseorang tentang pemuda pemilu  + (Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuhAssalamu'alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh, Well thank you for the opportunity that has been given, here I will respond about youth and elections, I think youth have an important role in the changes that are happening in this country. In the 2024 elections, youth have a strategic role by selling ideas to stakeholders, cooperating with the election organizers, and participating in monitoring and being part of the election party/participant to realize a quality election. In the era of the youth election era, I chose the best, choosing partners and candidates who support the creative industry. In the simultaneous holding of the elections in 2024, I hope that the organizers of the elections can commit to carrying it out well so that democracy remains alive and more qualified, producing a government with strong legitimacy.ucing a government with strong legitimacy.)