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- Peran Mahasiswa dalam Pemilu: Membentuk Masa Depan Demokrasi + (Youth, as drivers of change, have a very important role in every stage of the election.)
- "Terjebak" dalam Jaringan Apatis atau Berkobar di Pemilu? + (Youths ensnared in the web of apathy tend to leave political space vacant, providing opportunities for established powers to dominate without critical scrutiny.)
- Pemuda Kreatif + (a creative young man, devises a unique solution to overcome political apathy in his small town.)
- One day in makassar teman jalan x basasulsel + (as with any journey, who you travel with is more important than the destination)
- Bayangkan jika pemuda Tiba tiba mendominasi panggung politik dan memerintah dunia dengan meme dan tarian tiktok, tuliskan skenario komedi tentang dunia politik yang penuh dengan koreografi dan emoji + (because he is a spoiled child and his daily life is just playing tiktok on his cellphone and playing with gadgets.)
- Bayangkan jika pemuda Tiba tiba mendominasi panggung politik dan memerintah dunia dengan meme dan tarian tiktok, tuliskan skenario komedi tentang dunia politik yang penuh dengan koreografi dan emoji + (because he suddenly has to lead the political world he is awkward and confused about how to lead the political world correctly and run well.)
- Cintai Paru-Parumu, Hindarilah Rokok!!! + (factors that play a role in increasing the … factors that play a role in increasing the number of child smokers, including advertisements in the cigarette industry that depict smokers as successful individuals and have a glamorous lifestyle, or even symbolize virility; easy access to cigarettes and tobacco; relatively low price of tobacco products; peer pressure plays an important role; the presence of family members or even parents who also members or even parents who also smoke.)
- Pemuda Dalam Pemilu + (in choosing or responding to candidates who will become leaders, but all of these rights return to each of us as to whether or how we choose good leaders in accordance with their responsibilities.)
- Literature pemuda dan pemilu FYP + (in my own view (political science student) … in my own view (political science student), what makes young people feel indifferent to politics and less enthusiastic about welcoming political contestation is because perhaps they feel they are often looked down upon by the older generation, especially in responding to political issues, because they are considered inexperienced "pretend to know,,,".idered inexperienced "pretend to know,,,".)
- Literature pemuda dan pemilu FYP + (is one of the important things that the presidential and vice presidential candidates need to do this time.)
- Problem pemuda pemudi dalam kepercayaan + (just as when we want to buy an item but we … just as when we want to buy an item but we do not know clear information about the item and whether it is effective if it is used, similarly in elections it is important to know clear and accurate information about presidential candidates and their work programs.ential candidates and their work programs.)
- St. Hajar Answaq. The last Trepangers + (lessons through struggle)
- Hentikan perokok anak! banyak kegiatan yang lebih seru menantimu + (lets healthy life, healthy is expensive.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (maybe we won't depend on reading or writin … maybe we won't depend on reading or writing books anymore because of the influence of sophisticated technology, so the most important thing in our opinion is that we have to master how to operate ICT or other hardware because if in the future we are unable to master how to use tools like that then we will be far behind.ools like that then we will be far behind.)
- Pemuda dan Pemilu: Apatis/Apaji? + (n 2023, we need to increase youth's initial awareness to start being active in the political process, such as exercising their right to vote, becoming election observers, and being able to provide motivation for the younger generation.)
- Reski Nuqra ( The Importance of Future Education ) + (no matter how we take education, as long as we are serious about going through it, it will have a big impact on the future of ourselves and others.)
- Literature pemuda dan pemilu FYP + (participation in the political process), political apathy, and being passive in politics even though they live in a more liberal political environment.)
- Literature Pemuda dalam demokrasi + (people's government or a system of government in which all the people participate in governing through their representatives.)
- Literature Pentingnya Generasi Milenial Menuju pemilu 2024 + (political education of the millennial generation much better than 2019.)
- pemilu bunge' + (several young people who became first time voters exercised their voting rights)
- Peran pemuda dalam politik FYP + (that is also one of our foundations as a DEMOCRATIC country.)
- Harmony between religious Nabila nurul aulia (DKV 1) + (the life of religious communities in all aspects of life, such as worship, tolerance, and cooperation among religious believers.)
- SAUDARA mencalonkan sebagai ketua partai politik + (the national ideals of the Indonesian nati … the national ideals of the Indonesian nation as referred to in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia</br>Protect and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia</br>Developing democratic life based on Pancasila by upholding the sovereignty of the Indonesian people</br>Realizing prosperity for all Indonesian people.zing prosperity for all Indonesian people.)
- Identifikasi, Kebudayaan, dan Multikulturalisme (Muh Taufiq, Jusni Andriani, Razinatul Hidaya, Muh. Rizal) + (the solution to realizing the values of multiculturalism is to realize the values of equality in social life by eliminating all forms of differences, in other words eliminating the existence of a majority and minority class.)
- Literature Pemuda dengan berbagai opini mengenai political and pemilu 2024 + (worried about the political situation in Indonesia.)
- "Peran Pemuda dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Pemilu" + (Lessons regarding government structure, the rights and obligations of citizens, and the impact of political decisions on daily life are important foundations.)
- A.Alfareza Saputra ( Pappaseng Bugis ) + ("Life Is Art")
- Literature Kehidaran Pengungsi + ("The best thing in life to hold on to is to share with one another.")
- Literature Empati untuk para pengungsi + (A refugee is a person or group of people who leave a place to escape a natural disaster Empathy in one soul is very important for social interaction between fellow human beings, in order to create an atmosphere of care, peace, and comfort.)
- Literature Lembaga yang Menangani para Pengungsi + (According to Carlo, the government has made various efforts to deal with the refugee issue.)
- Literature Lembaga yang Menangani para Pengungsi + (According to him, the rights that are not fulfilled are detrimental to refugees and searchers asylum. "They can wait 25 years before being transferred to the destination country.)
- Literature Gempa di Banten + (According to him, this shows that the miti … According to him, this shows that the mitigation system has not been able to offset the threat of a megathrust earthquake that may arise. "This is an alarm that is very important for us to understand, that with the new earthquake, it is not too big but the damage is significant, especially if the earthquake (megathrust) is actually coming," said Irwan.gathrust) is actually coming," said Irwan.)
- KEKERASAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN + (Actually, the term "violence against women … Actually, the term "violence against women" means any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private occurring in public or in private life.)
- Bersih Belum Tentu Sehat + (After that, the government needs to give appreciation for a clean environment as an example of an exemplary environment.)
- Sexual Violence of Women in Educational Environment (Kekerasan Seksual Perempuan di Lingkungan Pendidikan) + (Although the government has tried to respo … Although the government has tried to respond to this condition through the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher of Sexual Violence in Higher Education.)
- Literature hak-hak pengungsi + (Amnesty has championed the human rights of refugees for decades.)
- Literature Kebakaran Yang Terjadi Di Sekitar Kita + (And don't forget the aid or donations sent … And don't forget the aid or donations sent from the government and the INDONESIA RED CROSS for the victims of the fire in the form of blankets, instant noodles, eggs, baby diapers, and much more. *My advice to friends as students is that in every disaster, let us work hand in hand to provide assistance to refugees, especially school uniforms and other school equipment.chool uniforms and other school equipment.)
- Difference is Not an Excuse + (And finally the video fits the theme of "harmonious life".)
- Literature Ketidakadilan ketika Tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah + (And in my opinion, the distribution of gov … And in my opinion, the distribution of government aid to tsunami victims is uneven, examples of development have not reached remote areas, so that people in remote areas feel that there is justice by the government because access is not considered, only in urban is not considered, only in urban areas.)
- Literature Ketidakadilan ketika Tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah + (And in my opinion, there are still many disaster residents whose rights and needs have not been met, starting from the housing aspect.)
- Literature Korban Bencana di Indonesia : Letusan Gunung Merapi dan Korbannya + (And lastly, capital or employment assistance is needed in order to start life after the disaster.)
- KEKERASAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN + (And then, states should condemn violence against women and should not invoke any custom, tradition to avoid their obligations with respect to its elimination.)
- Pemerintah Ical Ambah, Masyarakat Sengsara + (And these problems can be overcome with definite decisions, not only sincere but uncertain.)
- KEKERASAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN + (And women are entitled to the equal enjoyment and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.)
- Literature menyikapi para pengungsi + (And yet we as society certainly play an important role in humanizing human beings.)
- Literature Masalah pembelajaran diMasa pandemi + (Another obstacle, (7) the absorption of su … Another obstacle, (7) the absorption of subject matter is very minimal, and (8) the assessment carried out by the teacher in the form of Daily Assessment (PH), Mid-Semester Assessment (PTS), Final Semester Assessment (PAS) including School Examination (US) lacks integrityng School Examination (US) lacks integrity)
- Aparna Bhatnagar Saxena + (Aparna is an unapologetic feminist, vegan, and a student for life.)
- Aparna Bhatnagar Saxena + (Aparna’s mission is to enable TORAJAMELO to create sustainable impact via long lasting livelihood generation for Indonesia’s heritage arts and crafts industry while working towards creating a decentralized and closed-loop economic ecosystem.)
- Why close your eyes and ears? + (Are these cases still not enough to heed women's rights, why still turn a blind eye and ear?)
- Pappaseng tomatoa + (As Bugis people, we should be proud because our predecessors left behind such a beautiful culture, in the form of wise messages packaged in life advice.)
- Literature PENGUNGSI ROHINGYA + (As a form of solidarity, seeking assistanc … As a form of solidarity, seeking assistance humanity, encourage the government to make diplomatic efforts, pray as a form of spiritual concern.the incident in Myanmar has occurred unconfig, namely there is a state against armed groups in the country subject to conventions, related to cases of Rohingya, whatever the issue is religion, ethnicity such as this is not new like in Bosnia, Rwanda, is not new like in Bosnia, Rwanda, etc.)