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- Generasi Muda Dan Partisipasi Pemilu Membangun Masa Depan Bangsa + (Youth participation in elections also strengthens the government's legitimacy.)
- Literature Pemuda sebagai agen perubahan: analisis dampak partisipasi pemuda dalam pemilihan umum + (Youth participation in general elections has a significant impact on the political dynamics of a country.)
- Literature "Pemuda dan Politik: Memperbaharui Partisipasi dalam Zaman Digital" + (Youth participation in politics illustrated in TikTok dances and political memes also opens the door to further engagement.)
- Literature Harapan Kontribusi Pemuda untuk Masa Depan Bangsa + (Youth participation in social and humanitarian activities can be a driving force for creating an inclusive and just society.)
- Generasi Muda Dan Partisipasi Pemilu Membangun Masa Depan Bangsa + (Youth participation in the democratic process creates a strong foundation for the stability and stability of the country.)
- Literature Kaitan pemuda dalam pemilu + (Youth participation is important for influencing the policies taken by leaders.)
- Pemuda dan Politik: Menantang Keapatisan dalam Era Kini + (Youth should also be encouraged to join youth associations and organizations that focus on political discussions.)
- HARAPAN PEMUDA UNTUK PEMIMPIN INDONESIA + (Youth want leaders who are able to listen to and understand the needs of young people, promote their participation in the country's development, and overcome challenges such as unemployment, social inequality, and corruption.)
- Membangkitkan Semangat Pemuda: Menangkal Apati Politik untuk Menciptakan Masa Depan Lebih Berkualitas + (Youth's political apathy is not solely their own problem, but also reflects the failure of the political system to provide adequate motivation and space for participation for them.)
- Pandangan pemuda terhadap politik + (Youth's views on politics can also develop over time in line with life experience, knowledge and changes in the global political context.)
- Korban Janji Politik atau Penentu Perubahan + (Youth, as agents of change and pillars of nationhood, are often witnesses to political promises made in the electoral arena.)
- MENCIPTAKAN FONDASI BAGI PERKEMBANGAN DEMOKRASI + (Youth, as agents of change, have great potential to bring fresh ideas, energy and new views into the political arena.)
- "Terjebak" dalam Jaringan Apatis atau Berkobar di Pemilu? + (Youths ensnared in the web of apathy tend to leave political space vacant, providing opportunities for established powers to dominate without critical scrutiny.)
- Pemuda Kreatif + (a creative young man, devises a unique solution to overcome political apathy in his small town.)
- Bayangkan jika pemuda Tiba tiba mendominasi panggung politik dan memerintah dunia dengan meme dan tarian tiktok, tuliskan skenario komedi tentang dunia politik yang penuh dengan koreografi dan emoji + (because he suddenly has to lead the political world he is awkward and confused about how to lead the political world correctly and run well.)
- Literature pemuda dan pemilu FYP + (in my own view (political science student) … in my own view (political science student), what makes young people feel indifferent to politics and less enthusiastic about welcoming political contestation is because perhaps they feel they are often looked down upon by the older generation, especially in responding to political issues, because they are considered inexperienced "pretend to know,,,".idered inexperienced "pretend to know,,,".)
- Ini Cerita Daerahku (Taman Kota Sungguminasa) + (jogging in the afternoon is good for strengthening the body so that the body is healthy and does not get sick easily)
- Problem pemuda pemudi dalam kepercayaan + (just as when we want to buy an item but we … just as when we want to buy an item but we do not know clear information about the item and whether it is effective if it is used, similarly in elections it is important to know clear and accurate information about presidential candidates and their work programs.ential candidates and their work programs.)
- Hentikan perokok anak! banyak kegiatan yang lebih seru menantimu + (lets healthy life, healthy is expensive.)
- Pemuda dan Pemilu: Apatis/Apaji? + (n 2023, we need to increase youth's initial awareness to start being active in the political process, such as exercising their right to vote, becoming election observers, and being able to provide motivation for the younger generation.)
- Literature pemuda dan pemilu FYP + (participation in the political process), political apathy, and being passive in politics even though they live in a more liberal political environment.)
- Literature Pentingnya Generasi Milenial Menuju pemilu 2024 + (political education of the millennial generation much better than 2019.)
- Budayaku Prilaku ku dan bahasaku + (really exciting and exchanging information about what we know about our culture MAKASSAR.)
- Literature Pemuda dengan berbagai opini mengenai political and pemilu 2024 + (worried about the political situation in Indonesia.)
- Peran Gen Z dalam pemilu + (youth participation in elections creates more inclusive representation.)
- "Peran Pemuda dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Pemilu" + (An understanding of hoaxes, propaganda and disinformation can protect them from information manipulation that could harm healthy political participation.)
- Literature Lembaga yang Menangani para Pengungsi + (According to Carlo, the participation of local governments is the key in handling refugees from abroad as regulated in Presidential Decree no. 125/2016.)
- Literature Dampak Tsunami + (According to information circulating at the time, several residents were busy preparing for a festival on the beach to celebrate the anniversary of Palu City.)
- KEKERASAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN + (Actually, the term "violence against women … Actually, the term "violence against women" means any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private occurring in public or in private life.)
- Kekerasan Seksual pada Wanita di Dunia Pendidikan + (And not only provide socialization to protect themselves as women but also provide socialization for men so that they do not have thoughts of committing sexual violence against women and children.)
- KEKERASAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN + (And women are entitled to the equal enjoyment and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.)
- Masalah ilalang appilajara online ri wattu pandemi + (As a millennial generation, we have to protect our local cultural heritage.)
- Bersih Belum Tentu Sehat + (As the nation's young generation, it is time for us to hold the leadership relay to create a comfortable and healthy earth for the sake of human civilization in the next 1000 years from the spreading virus.)
- Literature Opini Mengenai Empati + (Based on the information from witnesses, the explosion occurred at around five o'clock before breaking the fast.)
- Literature krisis pengungsi + (Because of their religion or ethnicity, they are treated like second-class citizens in their own homes, faced with symptoms of inner displacement due to conflict such as violence, discrimination, severe poverty and political instability.)
- Bersih Belum Tentu Sehat + (Clean Is Not Necessarily Healthy)
- Literature Empati + (Communicating and understanding each others emotional states are key to maintaining those social relationships.)
- sexual assault on women in the education world + (Difficulties in understanding subject matter and doing homework while studying at home can also be overcome with gadgets and internet quota.)
- Literature Relawan dan Pengungsi + (Generous volunteers, who spread disaster information to all corners, or to everyone.)
- Bersih Belum Tentu Sehat + (If we look at some corners of the city, it looks clean, but is the environment healthy?)
- Literature Lembaga yang Menangani para Pengungsi + (In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, con … In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued.since the second World War, "he continued.)
- Literature Lembaga yang Menangani para Pengungsi + (In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, con … In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued.since the second World War, "he continued.)
- Literature Lembaga yang Menangani para Pengungsi + (In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, con … In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued.since the second World War, "he continued.)
- Kekerasan Seksual pada wanita. + (In addition, institutions such as KPAI, Ko … In addition, institutions such as KPAI, Komnas Perempuan, the Ministry of PPPA and community leaders also need to be involved to assist in the assessment.</br>"For example, in a school in Papua there are indications of sexual violence, the information can be sent directly to the KPAI in Jakarta and can be processed immediately. Jakarta and can be processed immediately.)
- Literature Gempa di Banten + (In addition, the community's incomplete understanding of risks and how to act when a disaster occurs, it is feared that it could have a very fatal impact if an earthquake that is predicted to be of a greater magnitude actually occurs.)
- Literature Saudara dalam Kemanusiaan + (In line with the noble ideals of the natio … In line with the noble ideals of the nation as stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution in paragraph 4 which states that, the aim of the Government of the State of Indonesia is to protect the entire Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia, and to promote public welfare, educate the nation's life, and participate in carrying out order.fe, and participate in carrying out order.)
- "Gaggana Sibagei" + (In the month when it become Ramadhan, Some information said "How hard it is to get oil for cook" Because of it people getting worried this lately.)
- Literature Maraknya Kekerasan Seksual Pada Kaum Perempuan + (In the understanding of society in Indonesia, women are often placed in the second position.)
- Literature Setiap Pengelolaan Pengungsian Dasarnya adalah Kemanusian + (It is not appropriate for us as creatures with reason and feeling to be able to accept their presence with open arms, protect the hot sun and cold night wind.)
- bosan tinggal di rumah terus dan kurang memahami + (It makes someone bored staying at home and … It makes someone bored staying at home and not understanding if there is an explanation from the teacher via video, it's different from if we go to school face to face, because sometimes the network is not good but we also have to obey the rules that have been set by the government and we can also relax "even though this kind of situation,relax "even though this kind of situation,)
- Literature Bahaya masker bedah dipakai berulang kali + (Lately, there have been many healthy people who are aware of wearing face masks made of cloth.)