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- siapa yang paling suka tidur + (Who Likes Sleeping Most By: Nurjanna Hasana Arifin, Makassar State University)
- Literature Seperti Apa Sekolah Di Masa Depan Menurut kami + (With that, we think there will be more applications that can help students learn at school in obtaining learning because by creating a fun and interesting online learning environment, storing information becomes easier, and learning is lifelong.)
- Pemuda Beraksi: Membangun Masa Depan Politik Yang Berkelanjutan + (With their innovative and creative spirit, they face the challenges of this era with a clear vision.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (Yang paling penting yakni menciptakan lingkungan belajar online menyenangkan dan menarik, menyimpan informasi menjadi lebih mudah, dan belajar sepanjang hayat.)
- Literature Kekuatan Pemuda: Tren Generasi Muda yang Berpartisipasi dalam Pemilu. + (Young people may face limited access to resources for voting, such as transportation and polling locations, which can make it difficult for them to participate in the political process.)
- Literature Pemilu dan Pemuda: Menentukan Masa Depan Negara + (Youth are also more open to change and more daring to do new things.)
- Politik dan Kucing + (Youth are bringers of change because their … Youth are bringers of change because their thoughts, which are always ambitious to move forward in a modern way and are more influential, are more open-minded, more sensitive and have a high humanitarian spirit, make them hopeful in realizing a political world that is healthy and in accordance with the rules. healthy and in accordance with the rules.)
- Literature Kucing dan Politik + (Youth are bringers of change because their … Youth are bringers of change because their thoughts, which are always ambitious to move forward in a modern way and are more influential, are more open-minded, more sensitive and have a high humanitarian spirit, make them hopeful in realizing a political world that is healthy and in accordance with the rules. healthy and in accordance with the rules.)
- pemuda dan politik pemuda membawa perubahan + (Youth can participate in elections in a re … Youth can participate in elections in a real way, selectively choosing leaders who are capable, aspirational and accommodating,</br>Elections often trigger the emergence of various perspectives which can cause noise, hate speech, questionable information which is distributed via online media which is easily accessible to the younger generation so that the younger generation is considered in monitoring the political in monitoring the political landscape.)
- membuat partai politik yang benar-benar unik + (face difficulties in carrying out their activities and disrupt public welfare.)
- Dari Gen z kepada pemilu 2024 + (million people, or 27.94% of the population, approximately 22.85%, the votes for the upcoming 2024 election are in the hands of Generation Z for the nation's future leaders in the 2024 period.)
- M Agit Kurniawan Bunga-Review Singkat Film The Last Trepangers : "A Brother From Across The Sea" + (my name is M Agit Kurniawan Bunga, Student of Makassar State University, Faculty of Art and Design, Visual Communication Design Study Program.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (online learning is growing rapidly eLearning is the biggest trend in the world of education especially during a pandemic.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (pembelajaran online berkembang pesat eLearning adalah tren terbesar dalam dunia pendidikan terlebih selama pandemi.)
- Literature Seperti Apa Sekolah Di Masa Depan Menurut kami + (sekolah masa depan menurut kami itu dimana siswa bisa memilih yang mana proses pembelajaran yang ia inginkan dengan membuat pilihan ingin belajar via online ataupun offline.)
- Mencegah Angka Perokok Remaja di Indonesia: Peran Keluarga dan Lingkungan + (taung 2020, makkeda WHO engka 27,3 juta (dua pulo fetu koma tellu juta) pa' tole umuru 13 - 15 (sepulo tellu lettu sepulo lima taung) ki Indonesia.)
- Mencegah Angka Perokok Remaja di Indonesia: Peran Keluarga dan Lingkungan + (taung 2020, makkeda WHO engka 27,3 juta (dua pulo fetu koma tellu juta) pa' tole umuru 13 - 15 (sepulo tellu lettu sepulo lima taung) ki Indonesia.)
- Mencegah Angka Perokok Remaja di Indonesia: Peran Keluarga dan Lingkungan + (taung 2020, makkeda WHO engka 27,3 juta (dua pulo fetu koma tellu juta) pa' tole umuru 13 - 15 (sepulo tellu lettu sepulo lima taung) ki Indonesia.)
- Mencegah Angka Perokok Remaja di Indonesia: Peran Keluarga dan Lingkungan + (taung 2020, makkeda WHO engka 27,3 juta (dua pulo fetu koma tellu juta) pa' tole umuru 13 - 15 (sepulo tellu lettu sepulo lima taung) ki Indonesia.)
- Mencegah Angka Perokok Remaja di Indonesia: Peran Keluarga dan Lingkungan + (taung 2020, makkeda WHO engka 27,3 juta (dua pulo fetu koma tellu juta) pa' tole umuru 13 - 15 (sepulo tellu lettu sepulo lima taung) ki Indonesia.)
- M Agit Kurniawan Bunga-Review Singkat Film The Last Trepangers : "A Brother From Across The Sea" + (the animation is also packaged quite well, … the animation is also packaged quite well, the characters from the animation are very strong in my opinion, from the depiction of the indigenous people of Makassar at that time, starting from the way they dress, skin color, and also the shape of the face, which in my opinion is sufficient to describe the native people of describe the native people of Makassar.)
- Pemilihan umum telah menandai awal era politik + (the general election has marked the beginning of an era of politics led by young people more interested in memes and emojis than legislation.)
- Review The Last Trepangers, A Brother from Across The Sea + (the story is that there are two twin broth … the story is that there are two twin brothers who face various challenges in realizing and fighting for their wishes and hold on to the belief that they will be able to meet their older brother there to find his older brother, Dima reggae, who has been missing for a long time.gae, who has been missing for a long time.)
- Nunung Agustiani + (the story of the struggle of twin brothers hasan and hasni who are willing and trying to face various challenges and sail to marege to find their older brother)
- Selwin Sulkifli Nisram + (the story of the struggle of twin brothers hasan and hasni who are willing and trying to face various challenges and sail to marege to find their older brother)
- "Pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid - 19" + (At the Open University, March is the beginning of the tutorial semester for the 2020 registration period, both online tutorials (tuton) and face-to-face tutorials (TTM).)
- Literature Peduli Pengungsi + ("The virtue is not turning your face towar … "The virtue is not turning your face towards the east and west, but the virtue is (virtue) those who</br>believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the books, and the prophets, and give the wealth he loves</br>to his relatives, orphans, the poor, those on the way (travelers), beggars, and to free slaves, those</br>who pray and pay zakat, those who keep their promises when they make promises, and those who</br>are patient in poverty. , suffering, and in times of war.poverty. , suffering, and in times of war.)
- pembelajaran daring + (2 students who are having a dialogue discussing online learning, students consider online learning to be less effective than face-to-face schools due to the many tasks that accumulate so that these students are burdened by their assigned tasks.)
- Pemerintah Ical Ambah, Masyarakat Sengsara + (A good nation is a nation that is open to criticism and suggestions from its people.)
- Pelecehan seksual pada wanita di dunia pendidikan + (A sharp increase occurred in BADILANG data of 52 % i.e. 327,629 cases (from 215,694 in 2020).)
- Tentang pengalaman saya saat belajar Semasa daring + (About my experience while studying online)
- Tentang siswa yang di pertanyakan oleh ibunya mengenai pembelajaran daring + (About students who were asked by their mothers about online learning)
- Tentang proses belajar mengajar masih di lakukan lewat daring + (About the teaching and learning process is still being done online)
- Penderitaan Mahasiswa Ditengah Pandemi Covid 19. + (Ada banyak masalah-masalah yang di dapatkan oleh anak pelajar didalam belajar lewat hp (online) salah satunya adalah mereka sering terlambat mengirim tugasnya disebabkan oleh jaringan yang tidak mendukung.)
- Literature Pendidikan + (Akan tetapi, melihat kondisi indonesia saa … Akan tetapi, melihat kondisi indonesia saat ini sedang ada wabah virus covid yang sangat meresahkan masyarakat, membuat sekolah ditutup dan diberlakukannya sekolah online atau daring, oleh karena itu untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar tetap berjalan dengan lancar sebagai pemimpin saya akan menyediakan kuota internet gratis kepada Siswa tentunya,karena di kondisi daring sepertiini hal yg paling dibutuhkan adalah kuota internet.g paling dibutuhkan adalah kuota internet.)
- Dampak dari Pembelajaran Daring + (All universities are forced to conduct online learning during the pandemic.)
- Literature Pembelajaran Daring Memberikan Banyak Manfaat + (Although there are shorcomings in the implementation of online learning, at least it provides many benefits.)
- Suatu Kendala dan solusi pembelajaran daring di era covid-19 + (An obstacle and solution for online learning in the era of covid-19)
- Literature Pengungsi Banjir di Kutai Kertanegara + (And pray that the people affected by the disaster will continue to be given safety and given patience in the face of the disaster.)
- Literature Masalah pembelajaran diMasa pandemi + (Another obstacle, (7) the absorption of su … Another obstacle, (7) the absorption of subject matter is very minimal, and (8) the assessment carried out by the teacher in the form of Daily Assessment (PH), Mid-Semester Assessment (PTS), Final Semester Assessment (PAS) including School Examination (US) lacks integrityng School Examination (US) lacks integrity)
- Penderitaan Mahasiswa Ditengah Pandemi Covid 19. + (Apa lagi anak pelajar yang tinggal di pedesaan, mereka sangat tersiksa karena seperti yang kita tau bahwa jaringan di desa sangat tidak mendukung untuk melakukan kelas online.)
- Muh. Arsal (Pepatah Bugis Tentang kesuksesan Diri) + (Arsal Student of Visual Communication Design Study Program Department of Fine Arts and Design Faculty of Art and Design Makassar public university.)
- Literature empati untuk para pengungsi + (As a solution to the problems I face, I create things that attract attention so that they can be interested in participating in my educational activities.)
- Kekerasan seksual pada wanita + (As explained in one of these cases, the latest occurrence of sexual harassment which has now become mass media coverage occurred at the University of Riau (Unri).)
- Literature Masalah pembelajaran diMasa pandemi + (As for the obstacles in online learning, s … As for the obstacles in online learning, such as: (1) The location of the house is not covered by the internet network, including minimal student internet quotas, (2) The learning media used by the teachers is dominantly monotonous and makes the students feel bored.otonous and makes the students feel bored.)
- Asri Saraswati + (Asri Saraswati is an Assistant Professor at the English Studies Program and American Studies Program, University of Indonesia.)
- Literature Pengalaman selama belajar daring + (Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh … Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, I am Reski Febriana in this video I will explain and give a little experience about online learning, my experience while online is very ineffective because where we as students are not easy to catch material during this pandemic, the first lecturer only usually gives assignments without explaining then the lecturer also only explained a little without practicing.nly explained a little without practicing.)
- "Pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid - 19" +
- Literature Kehidaran Pengungsi + (Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), during 2020 at least 82.4 million people in the world were forced to move countries, and the numbers are trending up.)
- Literature Permasalahan Pengungsi + (Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), during By 2020, at least 82.4 million people in the world will be forced to migrate, and the figures has an increasing trend.)
- Literature Pembelajaran Daring Memberikan Banyak Manfaat + (Because, in current condition it is not possible to conduct face to face learning.)