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- faktor pembentuk sikap apatisme mahasiswa terhadap pemilu di Indonesia + (Youth or students are realistic figures and have high ideals.)
- Pemuda apatis buat negara meringis + (Youth's apathy is unfortunate to society.)
- Pemuda adalah pemilih untuk penentuan + (Youth's contribution does not end after elections.)
- Membangkitkan Semangat Pemuda: Menangkal Apati Politik untuk Menciptakan Masa Depan Lebih Berkualitas + (Youth's political apathy is not solely their own problem, but also reflects the failure of the political system to provide adequate motivation and space for participation for them.)
- Pandangan pemuda terhadap politik + (Youth's views on politics can also develop over time in line with life experience, knowledge and changes in the global political context.)
- Pandangan pemuda terhadap politik + (Youth's views on politics can be influenced by various factors, including education, personal experiences, and the values they hold.)
- Korban Janji Politik atau Penentu Perubahan + (Youth, as agents of change and pillars of nationhood, are often witnesses to political promises made in the electoral arena.)
- MENCIPTAKAN FONDASI BAGI PERKEMBANGAN DEMOKRASI + (Youth, as agents of change, have great potential to bring fresh ideas, energy and new views into the political arena.)
- Peran Mahasiswa dalam Pemilu: Membentuk Masa Depan Demokrasi + (Youth, as drivers of change, have a very important role in every stage of the election.)
- Literature Pemuda sebagai agen perubahan: analisis dampak partisipasi pemuda dalam pemilihan umum + (Youth, with their spirit of freedom and aspirations for change, bring fresh energy and innovative outlook.)
- Generasi Muda Pemegang Tongkat Estafet Peradaban + (Youth, you are the future of hope and the determinant of the direction of change.)
- Gen Z = Prabowo, Apa iyah? + (ada banyak alasan yang bisa disimpulkan, terutama di media sosial yang digemari banyak oleh kalangan Gen Z.)
- Peran pemuda dalam politik FYP + (and bringing about changes in the social environment.)
- Dari Gen z kepada pemilu 2024 + (and is newer in nature, it is hoped that this policy will pay more attention to the issues around us, such as social justice, sustainable development, increasing access to education.)
- Literature pemuda dan pemilu FYP + (bagaimana kemudian mereka tahu keinginan p … bagaimana kemudian mereka tahu keinginan para kaum pemuda khususnya yang duduk di bangku perguruan, menginginkan pemimpin yang bukan sekedar pandai merangkai retorika, bukan yang hanya sekedar pandai sebagai penyamar bahkan bukan sekedar yang bisa joget joget di media sosial, kami butuh kerja nyata tanpa adanya konsep untuk memabukkan rakyat dengan asumsi asumsi yang besar namun menyiksa para rakyat, hanya satu jika mereka peduli dengan anak muda secara serius, pastinya hal hal seperti ini di masukkan ke dalam pembahasan mereka dan semoga para politisi tidak menganggap para kaum pemuda sebagai kelompok pemilih jangka pendek, melainkan sebagai komunitas yang harus di prioritaskan dalam merencanakan masa depan bangsa.skan dalam merencanakan masa depan bangsa.)
- Pemuda Bisa Segalanya + (become an electoral forum for collecting people's votes which has the role of proving by calculation who is the people's choice and is the one appointed by the people.)
- pemuda yang dalam situasi politik yang kacau + (eorang pemuda yang kita sebut saja Ardi di … eorang pemuda yang kita sebut saja Ardi dia adalah seorang anak muda yang berbakat dalam soal komedi .dengan melihat politik yang sedang kacau diapun membuat sebuah lelucon tetak teki kepada masyarakat awam melalui media sosialnya seperti Di suatu siang yang cerah, ada dua orang anak yang tengah bercanda di bawah pohon tengah bercanda di bawah pohon rindang.)
- Cintai Paru-Parumu, Hindarilah Rokok!!! + (factors that play a role in increasing the … factors that play a role in increasing the number of child smokers, including advertisements in the cigarette industry that depict smokers as successful individuals and have a glamorous lifestyle, or even symbolize virility; easy access to cigarettes and tobacco; relatively low price of tobacco products; peer pressure plays an important role; the presence of family members or even parents who also members or even parents who also smoke.)
- Literature pemuda dan pemilu FYP + (how then do they know the desires of young … how then do they know the desires of young people, especially those in college, who want leaders who are not just good at putting together rhetoric, not just clever as disguisers, not even just those who can dance on social media, we need real work without any concept of intoxicating the people with big assumptions but torturing the people, only if they care about young people seriously, of course things like this will be included in their discussions and hopefully politicians will not consider young people as a short-term voter group, but rather as a community that must be prioritized in planning the nation's future.ioritized in planning the nation's future.)
- Pemuda dan Pemilu: Apatis/Apaji? + (n 2023, we need to increase youth's initial awareness to start being active in the political process, such as exercising their right to vote, becoming election observers, and being able to provide motivation for the younger generation.)
- Bayangkan jika pemuda Tiba tiba mendominasi panggung politik dan memerintah dunia dengan meme dan tarian tiktok, tuliskan skenario komedi tentang dunia politik yang penuh dengan koreografi dan emoji + (pemuda harus menggantikan orang tuanya dal … pemuda harus menggantikan orang tuanya dalam memimpin politik didunia.karena dia adalah anak manja dan kesehariannya hanya bermain tiktok di hpnya dan bermain gadget.karena ia tiba tiba harus memimpin dunia politik dia canggung dan bingung bagaimana cara memimpin dunia politik yang benar dan berjalan dengan baik .akhirnya ia pun menemukan cara setelah berfikir dengan cukup lama .ia memerintahkan para dewan dan bawahnya untuk mengikuti trend tiktok yang paling firal dengan mimik wajah yang lucu tidak hanya itu ia pun mengajak para dewan politik untuk membuat konten konten edukasi dan bagaimna dunia perpolitikan mengatur kondisi masyarakat.dengan cara itu ia berfikir partai politik bisa berjalan dengan baik tapihal tersebut malah jadi terlihat konyol di dalam benak para dewan .akibatnya hanya sebagian dari dewan partai politik yang mengikuti perintah dari anak muda ini..Pemuda tersebut tidak tinggal diam diapun merekam dirinya dengan berlatar Belakang panggung partai dengan koreografi yang sedikit nyeleneh' dan aneh tapi membuat orang semua orang yang melihatnya pasti tertawa , setelah ia melakukan tariannnya itu iapun mengapload videonya tersebut ke media sosialnya dan banyak orang yang melihatnya dan mengikuti koreografi tariannya.hatnya dan mengikuti koreografi tariannya.)
- Identifikasi, Kebudayaan, dan Multikulturalisme (Muh Taufiq, Jusni Andriani, Razinatul Hidaya, Muh. Rizal) + (the solution to realizing the values of multiculturalism is to realize the values of equality in social life by eliminating all forms of differences, in other words eliminating the existence of a majority and minority class.)
- Gen Z Nyaleg, Peduli atau Eksistansi? + (theres several reasons youth generations join politic.)
- Pemuda dan pemilu + (which affects their role in the 2024 elections.)
- Peran Gen Z dalam pemilu + (youth participation in elections creates more inclusive representation.)
- "Peran Pemuda dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Pemilu" + (Social media plays a huge role in connecting and empowering youth effectively.)
- Literature Empati untuk para pengungsi + (A refugee is a person or group of people who leave a place to escape a natural disaster Empathy in one soul is very important for social interaction between fellow human beings, in order to create an atmosphere of care, peace, and comfort.)
- Literature Saudara dalam Kemanusiaan + (All of this proves concern, a high sense of empathy, and the actualization of the values of the state's basic principles in human social relations.)
- KEKERASAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN + (And women are entitled to the equal enjoyment and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.)
- Literature menyikapi para pengungsi + (And yet we as society certainly play an important role in humanizing human beings.)
- Literature Saudara dalam Kemanusiaan + (As a child of the nation, Maluku is proud of the extraordinary achievements made by the state in social and humanitarian affairs.)
- Literature PEDULI TERHADAP SESAMA : MERAJUT KEBERSAMAAN DALAM BINGKAI KEMANUSIAAN + (As a part of youth, I believe that today's youth have a very big role to take part in the process of handling refugees from foreign nationals (foreigners) whose countries are experiencing conflict.)
- Kekerasan seksual pada wanita + (As explained in one of these cases, the latest occurrence of sexual harassment which has now become mass media coverage occurred at the University of Riau (Unri).)
- Literature Masalah pembelajaran diMasa pandemi + (As for the obstacles in online learning, s … As for the obstacles in online learning, such as: (1) The location of the house is not covered by the internet network, including minimal student internet quotas, (2) The learning media used by the teachers is dominantly monotonous and makes the students feel bored.otonous and makes the students feel bored.)
- Literature Pengungsi Bencana Kebakaran + (As humans who also have a social spirit, of course we have desires to help those affected by the disaster.)
- Literature Pengungsi Kebakaran Makassar + (As social beings we must help each other and help them.)
- Literature Kebakaran + (As social beings we must help each other and help them.)
- Literature APA YANG BISA KITA LAKUKAN KEPADA PENGUGSI DI DAERAH KITA? + (As social beings, humans are members of so … As social beings, humans are members of society who have responsibilities for other members.In the book Indonesian Society and Morality Responsibility by Khabib, responsibility is the obligation to bear, assume responsibility, bear everything, or give responsibility and bear the consequences.Every human being cannot live alone, there is always human intervention from other people.ways human intervention from other people.)
- Literature STOP KEKERASAN SEKSUAL + (As social beings, humans need each other. 2.)
- STOP KEKERASAN SEKSUAL + (As social beings, humans need each other. 2.)
- Melestarikan Budaya Berbahasa Daerah + (As the younger generation we must know what our role is.)
- Sexual Violence of Women in Educational Environment (Kekerasan Seksual Perempuan di Lingkungan Pendidikan) + (Bahkan akhir-akhir ini di media-media berita banyak melaporkan kasus demikian.)
- Literature Empati + (Because humans are social creatures who need other people and are needed by others in life.)
- Maulana Nabil Umya + (Because of her courage I chose Sultan Hasa … Because of her courage I chose Sultan Hasanuddin to be my role model because he has great leadership qualities that make me also want to have these leadership qualities, but to get these qualities is not easy because we also have to have courage and also have a good personality. courage and also have a good personality.)
- Literature kemanusiaan dan perlindungan + (Because what we know as a good society we must play an important role in humanizing humans, by caring for the refugees who are around us is one of the good social forms that we must apply as humans.)
- Tips: Makudang-kudang Gagaen Ri Kala Ngoyong di Jumah Dogen + (Bekerja dirumah dapat dilakukan, seperti meeting secara daring melalui media konfrensi video.)
- Literature Bencana Kabut Nasional + (Berbagai media TV mencatat bahwa warga yang terkena penyakit ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas) jumlahnya terus meningkat.)
- Literature Pemerintah Indonesia dan Pengungsi + (But apart from that, our society certainly plays an important role in human humanization.)
- Literature pengungsi disekitar kita + (But besides that, we as a society certainly play an important role in humanizing humans.)
- Literature Bijak untuk Pengungsi + (But besides that, we as a society certainly play an important role in humanizing humans.)
- Literature PEDULI TERHADAP SESAMA : MERAJUT KEBERSAMAAN DALAM BINGKAI KEMANUSIAAN + (By seeing the great potential of today's youth, I believe that all the problems and challenges faced by foreign refugees (foreigners) can gradually be overcome.)