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- Literature Seperti Apa Sekolah Di Masa Depan Menurut kami + (Through exhibitions and conferences, students can retain what they learn from the whole.)
- Literature Seperti Apa Sih Sekolah Dimasa Depan Menurutmu? + (Through these projects, students will learn to solve problems, collaborate, think critically and develop the practical skills needed in the world of work.)
- Literature Seperti Apa Sekolah Dimasa Depan Menurutmu? + (Through these projects, students will learn to solve problems, collaborate, think critically and develop the practical skills needed in the world of work.)
- apakah pemuda indonesia masih apatis terhadap politik? + (Thus, this title stimulates in-depth thought and research related to youth political participation in Indonesia.)
- Teman Jalan x BASASulsel + (To find the light, obtained through small steps becomes a journey that changes your outlook and life goals.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (Ultimately it will inspire students to build thriving and well-rounded careers. 4.)
- Literature Seperti Apa Sekolah Di Masa Depan Menurut kami + (Ultimately it will inspire students to build a thriving and well-rounded career.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (Using VR for Learning Virtual Reality is an interesting thing for students, making learning concrete, no longer abstract.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (VR allows students to learn in a completely digital environment.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (VR technology can help students learn more easily.)
- Pentinngnya Pendidikan + (While informal education can be obtained through everyday experience.)
- Pentinngnya Pendidikan + (While informal education can be obtained through everyday experience.)
- Pentinngnya Pendidikan + (While informal education can be obtained through everyday experience.)
- Pentinngnya Pendidikan + (While non-formal education is knowledge obtained from everyday life from various experiences either experienced or learned from others.)
- Pentinngnya Pendidikan + (While non-formal education is knowledge obtained from everyday life from various experiences either experienced or learned from others.)
- Pentinngnya Pendidikan + (While non-formal education is knowledge obtained from everyday life from various experiences either experienced or learned from others.)
- One notice in makassar + (Why isn't community service being carried out and the waste is being landfilled or thrown into a landfill?)
- Mutual respect between religions Maulana Nabil Umya DKV 1 + (With cooperation in the economic sector, improvements in health, cooperation in the social and educational fields can be carried out.)
- Literature Seperti Apa Sekolah Di Masa Depan Menurut kami + (With that, we think there will be more applications that can help students learn at school in obtaining learning because by creating a fun and interesting online learning environment, storing information becomes easier, and learning is lifelong.)
- Literature Peran pemuda dalam mensukseskan pemilu + (You have an important role in making elections a success by being actively involved in the democratic proses such as providding voter information, encouraging participation, and supporting the holding of fair elections.)
- Literature Pemuda dalam berpolitik + (Youth and students play an important role in a nation because the young generation is the foundation of the nation, or students and students are future leaders of the nation who have a significant role.)
- faktor pembentuk sikap apatisme mahasiswa terhadap pemilu di Indonesia + (Youth or students are realistic figures and have high ideals.)
- membuat partai politik yang benar-benar unik + (and also this party implements a system where bribery or smuggling, be it material or services carried out for the purpose of harming other people, will be arrested and imprisoned for a term of 8 years or a fine of around 1.3 billion rupiah.)
- monolog lucu dari sudut pandang seorang pemuda + (eorang pemuda sedang duduk santai di kursi … eorang pemuda sedang duduk santai di kursi teras rumahnya dipagi yang cerah itu membuat pemuda tersebut bosan dengan keadaam yang ada secara tiba tiba datang lah kucing kesayangannya menghampirinya lalu duduk dipangkuan nya.iapun mengelus dan memainkan kucing 🐱 peliharaannya lalu berkata"cing lu tau gak gw bosan banget hari ini dengan situasi politik Indonesia yang menurut gw nih cing makin aneh aja masa presiden dibina habis habisan Ama ketua prtainya sendiri apalagi partainya sombong banget lagi.kucingnya pun hanya bisa mengeong menandakan ia.pemuda tersebut pun menceritakan keadaan Indonesia saat ini.Apalgi saat ini gw bingung banget dengan siapa yg har6gw pilih jadi presiden tahun depan gw takut pilih nih dan menurut info yang gw dapet nih cing</br>Data DBS Group Research mendapati Indonesia mencatatkan pertumbuhan yang baik pada 2022 dan diproyeksikan akan mencapai sekitar 5% pada tahun 2023 berkat kembalinya pendorong pertumbuhan utama menjadi seperti masa utama menjadi seperti masa pra-pandemi.)
- Review The Last Trepangers, A Brother from Across The Sea + (in the cartoon video there are many things … in the cartoon video there are many things that we can pick up and inspire the nation's children to know many things about the history of the tarpang trade carried out by the Makassarese people in Australia in the 18th century to the early 20th century which involved the Aboriginal people or tribes. involved the Aboriginal people or tribes.)
- "Pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid - 19" + (The new mode was obtained by students, thus encouraging this research to be carried out.)
- pembelajaran daring + (2 students who are having a dialogue discussing online learning, students consider online learning to be less effective than face-to-face schools due to the many tasks that accumulate so that these students are burdened by their assigned tasks.)
- Difference is Not an Excuse + (A group of students, they have different beliefs or religions.)
- Tentang siswa yang di pertanyakan oleh ibunya mengenai pembelajaran daring + (About students who were asked by their mothers about online learning)
- Sexual Violence of Women in Educational Environment (Kekerasan Seksual Perempuan di Lingkungan Pendidikan) + (Although the government has tried to respo … Although the government has tried to respond to this condition through the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher of Sexual Violence in Higher Education.)
- Literature Korban longsor + (And as students we must provide assistance, be it medical assistance, clothing, or money.)
- Literature Kebakaran Yang Terjadi Di Sekitar Kita + (And don't forget the aid or donations sent … And don't forget the aid or donations sent from the government and the INDONESIA RED CROSS for the victims of the fire in the form of blankets, instant noodles, eggs, baby diapers, and much more. *My advice to friends as students is that in every disaster, let us work hand in hand to provide assistance to refugees, especially school uniforms and other school equipment.chool uniforms and other school equipment.)
- Stop Kekerasan Seksual Di Dunia Pendidikan + (And sexual violence is not only experienced by students and students but is also sometimes experienced by teachers and lecturers.)
- Literature Masalah pembelajaran diMasa pandemi + (Another obstacle, (7) the absorption of su … Another obstacle, (7) the absorption of subject matter is very minimal, and (8) the assessment carried out by the teacher in the form of Daily Assessment (PH), Mid-Semester Assessment (PTS), Final Semester Assessment (PAS) including School Examination (US) lacks integrityng School Examination (US) lacks integrity)
- Literature Masalah pembelajaran diMasa pandemi + (As for the obstacles in online learning, s … As for the obstacles in online learning, such as: (1) The location of the house is not covered by the internet network, including minimal student internet quotas, (2) The learning media used by the teachers is dominantly monotonous and makes the students feel bored.otonous and makes the students feel bored.)
- Literature Pengalaman selama belajar daring + (Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh … Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, I am Reski Febriana in this video I will explain and give a little experience about online learning, my experience while online is very ineffective because where we as students are not easy to catch material during this pandemic, the first lecturer only usually gives assignments without explaining then the lecturer also only explained a little without practicing.nly explained a little without practicing.)
- istilah pendidikan pada siswa/i + (Because students go to school not to become robots or to become prospective workers.)
- SEXUAL VIOLENCE ON WOMEN IN EDUCATION + (Both between students and even Lecturers, teachers and .)
- KEKERASAN SEKSUAL PADA WANITA DALAM DUNIA PENDIDIKAN + (Both between students and even Lecturers, teachers and .)
- Tetap berjuang walau itu sulit + (But there are many shortcomings that usually occur that make it difficult for students to follow this teaching and learning process.)
- Waspada! Pelaku Kekerasan seksual di dunia pendidikan + (Campus should carry out the community culture in students, educators, and educational personnel in the form of prevention education and sexual handling of sexual moment during the introduction of campus life in new students.)
- Literature pengungsi ukraina di indonesia + (Conflicts that can occur in the family env … Conflicts that can occur in the family environment for example differences of opinion between one family member and other family members, causing damage to family harmony which can trigger a sense of hostility and if this continues the most undesirable things may happen, such as divorce, until the worst is murder, in the school environment there can also be conflicts involving students in one school or students between schools, for example, there are brawls between classes and between schools, the community environment also does not escape from conflicts such as i The occurrence of demonstrations between the people and the government as well as conflicts between countries.nt as well as conflicts between countries.)
- Stop Kekerasan Seksual Sekarang Juga ! + (For example; At school (between teachers and students), and on-campus (between lecturers and students).)
- Literature Opini tentang pembelajaran di tengah pandemi covid-19 + (For us students, we have difficulty carrying out such online learning because of the limitations of the internet networks that are the major complaints.)
- Asri Saraswati + (Her work and research seek to understand the interplay between cultural politics and the migration of humans and capital.)
- NURANDRIAN HIDAYAT + (Historical records reveal that several wars at sea carried out by the navy under the command of Karaeng Bontomarannu against the Dutch colonial fleet using modern ships and weapons, the Dutch fleet was unable to defeat the Gowa Kingdom's navy.)
- "Pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid - 19" + (How are students' readiness with the renewal of learning modes?)
- "Pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid - 19" + (How is the mastery of technology needed by students in welcoming their learning?)
- Sexual Violence of Women in Educational Environment (Kekerasan Seksual Perempuan di Lingkungan Pendidikan) + (I think this case can also happen because the students who are victims do not receive sex education, considering that currently in our country it has not been implemented because it is considered taboo.)
- Literature Pengungsi Sekitaran Kami + (In addition, I carried out an open donation movement by inviting my closest friends to provide assistance in the form of money, proper clothing, and food.)
- Waspada! Pelaku Kekerasan seksual di dunia pendidikan + (In addition, students should be strong in all conditions.)