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A list of all pages that have property "Example sentence" with value "In the month when it become Ramadhan, Some information said "How hard it is to get oil for cook" Because of it people getting worried this lately.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Review The Last Trepangers, A Brother from Across The Sea  + (in the cartoon video there are many thingsin the cartoon video there are many things that we can pick up and inspire the nation's children to know many things about the history of the tarpang trade carried out by the Makassarese people in Australia in the 18th century to the early 20th century which involved the Aboriginal people or tribes. involved the Aboriginal people or tribes.)
  • Pemuda Dalam Pemilu  + (in the world of politics, there will be yoin the world of politics, there will be young people who may easily be greedy or influenced by certain people to choose the candidate they want to appoint, if that happens it is possible that this country will be led by the wrong person, therefore as young people of the Indonesian nation we must be able to think more critically and carefully.le to think more critically and carefully.)
  • Mutia Us'ha The last trepangers a brother from across the sea  + (it also uses Indonesian with a Makassar accent to even English which makes it easier for people to understand and know the history in the film.)
  • Problem pemuda pemudi dalam kepercayaan  + (just as when we want to buy an item but wejust as when we want to buy an item but we do not know clear information about the item and whether it is effective if it is used, similarly in elections it is important to know clear and accurate information about presidential candidates and their work programs.ential candidates and their work programs.)
  • PANGAN LOKAL (TUMPI – TUMPI)  + (khitanan (khitan), or mantenan, this food is very popular during the month of Ramadan.)
  • PANGAN LOKAL (TUMPI – TUMPI)  + (khitanan (sunat), atau mentanan, makanan ini sangat populer saat bulan Ramadhan.Tumpi Tumpi menyajikan goreng segitiga yang terbuat dari kelapa parut dan ikan, seringkali tuna.)
  • Dari Gen z kepada pemilu 2024  + (million people, or 27.94% of the population, approximately 22.85%, the votes for the upcoming 2024 election are in the hands of Generation Z for the nation's future leaders in the 2024 period.)
  • pastel  + (pastel atau bisa juga disebut dengan jalangkote adalah makanan ringan yang dipadukan dengan lombok/sambel agar lebih enak , jalangkote ini lebih banyak ditemukan ketika di bulan Ramadhan)
  • ide dari perubahan  + (people around him, especially those around Ari's age, not only that, Ari also thinks that it would definitely be more interesting if the debates between candidates weren't too tense.)
  • Literature Pemuda dalam demokrasi  + (people's government or a system of government in which all the people participate in governing through their representatives.)
  • Budayaku Prilaku ku dan bahasaku  + (really exciting and exchanging information about what we know about our culture MAKASSAR.)
  • pemilu bunge'  + (several young people who became first time voters exercised their voting rights)
  • Pentinngnya Pendidikan  + (so that it can help give birth to a lot of young people who are useful for many people.)
  • Pentinngnya Pendidikan  + (so that it can help give birth to a lot of young people who are useful for many people.)
  • Pentinngnya Pendidikan  + (so that it can help give birth to a lot of young people who are useful for many people.)
  • Pemuda Melek Politik  + (so that when the opportunity comes to become a candidate for policy making (stake holder), young people will no longer be apathetic, rigid, self-centered and firm in their stance.)
  • M Agit Kurniawan Bunga-Review Singkat Film The Last Trepangers : "A Brother From Across The Sea"  + (the animation is also packaged quite well,the animation is also packaged quite well, the characters from the animation are very strong in my opinion, from the depiction of the indigenous people of Makassar at that time, starting from the way they dress, skin color, and also the shape of the face, which in my opinion is sufficient to describe the native people of describe the native people of Makassar.)
  • Pemilihan umum telah menandai awal era politik  + (the general election has marked the beginning of an era of politics led by young people more interested in memes and emojis than legislation.)
  • Review film animasi "The Last Trepangers a brother from across the sea"  + (the grandmother replied that we should know that Makassar people are born to sail, sailing makes Makassar people strong and broad in their views of the world.)
  • SAUDARA mencalonkan sebagai ketua partai politik  + (the national ideals of the Indonesian natithe national ideals of the Indonesian nation as referred to in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia</br>Protect and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia</br>Developing democratic life based on Pancasila by upholding the sovereignty of the Indonesian people</br>Realizing prosperity for all Indonesian people.zing prosperity for all Indonesian people.)
  • Pemuda Bisa Segalanya  + (then young people can do everything.)
  • Literature pemuda dan pemilu FYP  + (towards young people, care about environmental issues and also awareness of technology that can provide benefits for the future.)
  • My Indonesian, bhinneka tunggal Ika  + (uphold the tolerance among religious people, the country that will remain one, the native and religious)
  • Literature Pemuda dengan berbagai opini mengenai political and pemilu 2024  + (worried about the political situation in Indonesia.)
  • Bayangkan jika pemuda Tiba tiba mendominasi panggung politik dan memerintah dunia dengan meme dan tarian tiktok, tuliskan skenario komedi tentang dunia politik yang penuh dengan koreografi dan emoji  + (young people have to replace their parents in leading politics in the world.)
  • "Gaggana Sibagei"  + (In the month when it become Ramadhan, Some information said "How hard it is to get oil for cook" Because of it people getting worried this lately.)
  • Literature Korban longsor  + ("Houses belonging to 14 families (KK) and 51 people were damaged by landslides." , He said.)
  • Pemerintah Ical Ambah, Masyarakat Sengsara  + (A good nation is a nation that is open to criticism and suggestions from its people.)
  • Literature Musibah Pengungsi  + (A refugee is a person or group of people who are forced to leave an area where they live in order to avoid a disaster or calamity.)
  • Literature Empati untuk para pengungsi  + (A refugee is a person or group of people who leave a place to escape a natural disaster Empathy in one soul is very important for social interaction between fellow human beings, in order to create an atmosphere of care, peace, and comfort.)
  • Literature Dampak Tsunami  + (According to information circulating at the time, several residents were busy preparing for a festival on the beach to celebrate the anniversary of Palu City.)
  • Literature PENGUNGSI LUAR NEGERI YANG MASUK KE INDONESIA  + (Ada yang menjadi korban perdagangan orang (human trafficking) dan penyelundupan manusia (people smuggling).)
  • Literature Ketidakadilan ketika Tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah  + (And approximately 6 months after the earthquake followed by the tsunami that hit Palu, Sigi, and Donggala in Central Sulawesi, thousands of people still live in refugee camps.)
  • Literature Sikap Empati  + (And his mother replied that these people were refugees from fire victims who would live in the neighborhood where the child lived.)
  • Literature Ketidakadilan ketika Tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah  + (And in my opinion, the distribution of govAnd in my opinion, the distribution of government aid to tsunami victims is uneven, examples of development have not reached remote areas, so that people in remote areas feel that there is justice by the government because access is not considered, only in urban is not considered, only in urban areas.)
  • Literature Pengungsi Banjir di Kutai Kertanegara  + (And pray that the people affected by the disaster will continue to be given safety and given patience in the face of the disaster.)
  • Literature Kebutuhan Primer Langka, Salah Siapa?  + (Apalagi menyambut bulan Ramadhan yang biasanya harga kebutuhan pokok juga ikut naik.)
  • Pappaseng tomatoa  + (As Bugis people, we should be proud because our predecessors left behind such a beautiful culture, in the form of wise messages packaged in life advice.)
  • Literature Dampak Tsunami  + (As a result of this disaster, many people lost their families, necessities of life, and their places of residence, the loss of their homes made the victims not know where to rest, thus making the victims take refuge in their families' homes.)
  • Literature Pengungsi Kebakaran Makassar  + (As a result, the affected people had to evacuate temporarily.)
  • Literature Kebakaran  + (As a result, the affected people had to evacuate temporarily.)
  • EMPATHY FOR REFUGEES  + (As for some people who do not want to evacuate because they think the situation is safe and still want to live in a house close to the volcano.)
  • Apa Na Kullei Taurungkayya?  + (As if there are no boundaries between one place and another, and foreign languages have entered the surrounding area, such as English and the slang of young people.)
  • Literature Permasalahan Pengungsi  + (As of September 2021, UNHCR recorded the number of refugees registered in Indonesia reached 13,273 people.)
  • Literature Kehidaran Pengungsi  + (As of September 2021, UNHCR recorded the number of refugees registered in Indonesia reached 13,273 people.)
  • Literature APA YANG BISA KITA LAKUKAN KEPADA PENGUGSI DI DAERAH KITA?  + (As social beings, humans are members of soAs social beings, humans are members of society who have responsibilities for other members.In the book Indonesian Society and Morality Responsibility by Khabib, responsibility is the obligation to bear, assume responsibility, bear everything, or give responsibility and bear the consequences.Every human being cannot live alone, there is always human intervention from other people.ways human intervention from other people.)
  • Literature Sikap Empati  + (As vara and her family did, donate what they can, lend a helping hand, and invite people to help each other.)
  • Literature Opini Mengenai Empati  + (As we know there has been a fire accident in one of the Police Dormitory on Veteran street on Wednesday last month to be exact on April 20, 2022.)
  • Literature Pemerintah Indonesia dan Pengungsi  + (As you know, people-to-people relationships are mutual.)
  • MUH.SYAHRUL RAMADHAN  + (Assalamu'alaikum, Perkenalkan Nama Saya MUAssalamu'alaikum, Perkenalkan Nama Saya MUH.SYAHRUL RAMADHAN, Lahir Di Makassar Pada Tanggal 26-09-2006,Saya Tinggal DI JLN POROS MALINO BATANGKALUKU, Saya Anak ke tigas Dari Tiga Bersaudara, Hobi saya main bola, Saya Berstatus Siswa Di SMKN 3 Gowa Kelas 11 Jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual.Kelas 11 Jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual.)
  • EMPATHY FOR REFUGEES  + (At the end of last month, namely December 4, 2021, there was an eruption of Mount Semeru which forced several people to evacuate.)

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