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- Merangkul Tanggung Jawab Sosial di Era Pemilu + (The success of democracy depends not only on the role of leaders, but also on the awareness and active participation of all levels of society.)
- Peran Mahasiswa dalam Pemilu: Membentuk Masa Depan Demokrasi + (The success of youth participation in elections lies in their ability to contribute fresh perspectives, new energy, and innovative thinking.)
- Pesona sunset sungai jenneberang + (The sunset view on the Jeneberang river bridge is very beautiful, the mainstay of this place is the object under the twin bridges.)
- kue panada, barongko dan bolu peca + (The sweet taste makes this cake so delicious when our tongue tastes it.)
- Angka Perokok Meningkat Akibat Tarik Ulur Kebijakan! + (The task of these ambassadors is to socialize the dangers of smoking to others, while cigarette production and advertising continues.)
- Hak Pilih Pemuda dalam Pemilu 2024 + (The task of young people at that time was for them to choose according to their right to vote and be wise in choosing.)
- Pangan lokal (ayam palekko) + (The taste is distinctive, savory and slightly spicy.)
- Literature kue benang-benang + (The taste is savory and sweet, suitable as a snack when sipping tea or coffee at a wedding party.)
- PANGAN LOKAL (TUMPI – TUMPI) + (the taste is typical of tumpi-tumpi, so it is quite a pleasant food for those who like it.)
- PANGAN LOKAL (TUMPI – TUMPI) + (The taste of anchovy is distinctive and savory.)
- BUTUH AKSI NYATA + (The term Generation Z refers to people born from 1995 to the 2000s.)
- interreligious relations Muh Hidjrat Hidayat DKV 2 + (The term tolerance refers to the meaning of understanding each other and opening up to each other within the framework of brotherhood if this meaning is used as a guide.)
- Literature Peran penting generasi muda dalam pemilu + (The terms Pemuda and Pemilu refer to Indonesian youth and Indonesian national elections respectively.)
- bolu kukus + (the texture is soft, and the colors attract attention.)
- Literature Bahagia untuk setiap manusia + (The thing to avoid is to make jokes about the disaster they have experienced, the most important thing to remember is that this is not something that was planned and can be used as something that is made as a joke.)
- Literature Benana Kebakaran + (The title is (fire news) the disaster that … The title is (fire news) the disaster that occurred around my house was a resident's house fire which I don't know what the cause was because suddenly the fire burned so big and consumed 4 houses, and the residents who were affected by the fire were forced to evacuate because their houses were eaten by fire without warning.houses were eaten by fire without warning.)
- PANGAN LOKAL (TUMPI – TUMPI) + (The tongue of the people of South Sulawesi, yes?)
- maintain harmony + (The Toraja people are famous for their funeral rituals, traditional tongkonan houses and wood carvings.)
- Literature Teks narasi pengungsi + (The town was fully taken over within a single day.)
- pangan lokal baje' / wajik + (The traditional cakes of the Bugis, Makassar and Mandar people have a sweet taste.)
- maintain harmony + (The traditional Mandar dress is Pattuqduq Towaine.)
- Literature Seperti Apa Sekolah Dimasa Depan Menurutmu? + (The traditional model of "8 hours in class" will be softened by a more adaptive approach.)
- Literature Seperti Apa Sih Sekolah Dimasa Depan Menurutmu? + (The traditional model of "8 hours in class" will be softened by a more adaptive approach.)
- Literature Permasalahan Pengungsi + (The trend of the number of refugees that continues to increase every year has led to various problems in handling foreign refugees in Indonesia.)
- Harmony Between Religions + (The Tri-Religious Harmony is internal religious harmony, inter-religious harmony, and harmony between religious communities and the government.)
- "Pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid - 19" + (The TTM class is replaced using the tuweb mode (webinar tutorial).)
- Pindang patin Lampung dan sambal seruit + (The types of river fish that are usually used as the main ingredients for pindang are baung, gabus, lais, and tilapia and catfish)
- maintain harmony + (The typical Toraja food is Katokko Pepper, Pantollo Pamarrasan, Pa'piong.)
- Pangan Lokal (Sop Saudara + (The unique name Sop Brother was chosen because it was inspired by the name "coto paraikatte" (usually used as the name of a shop that sells Coto Makassar).)
- Kategorisasi Sampah ( Khairunnisa, Jusman, Much. Arya F Nugraha, Arief Muliawan Ahmad, Muh. Fahri) + (The use is to prevent bleeding so that the selection and reuse of the waste becomes easy to make the surrounding environment clean and healthy.)
- KLP 3, energi terbarukan + (The use of renewable energy sources to generate electricity for life is still not pluralized by the community.)
- Akkaluru' is life style ? + (The use of technology can also be used to reach the younger generation.)
- Literature PASTEL + (The vegetable filling includes carrots, sweet potatoes, bean sprouts, and others.)
- JALANGKOTE + (The vegetable filling includes carrots, sweet potatoes, bean sprouts, and others.)
- Kanrejawa umba umba + (The very sweet taste in traditional cakes means that those who have a celebration will always taste sweet things and will not be troubled.)
- Literature Korban Bencana di Indonesia : Letusan Gunung Merapi dan Korbannya + (The victim of this disaster got lose so ma … The victim of this disaster got lose so many thing,their family,their house,and eeetc.There was 388 ppeople who died in this disaster,a half of them was go far away from merapi to keep safe their life,3000 property was broke,and the flight was ddeclined.The loss is 1,3 million.BNPB reported that in Indonesia there is 954 disaster from 1 january – 16 march of 2022disaster from 1 january – 16 march of 2022)
- Sexual violence + (The victims are not only students, this can happen to teachers or lecturers, staff, cleaners and security guards.)
- Literature Banjir bandang + (The victims of the banjir bandang disaster fled to their friends/family's houses for a while 3.)
- Literature Bencana dan Pengungungsi + (The victims were rushed to an evacuation site where tents had been set up for the refugees to live in and some were accommodated outside the city, for example in the city of Makassar.)
- Literature Naila&Ildan — Opini tentang sekolah di masa depan + (The video above contains our opinion about the form of schools and the education system in the future which uses 'free learning' as a reference.)
- Pendidikan Di Masa Depan Berbasis Digital + (The Video have been Made to told about how Education In The Future Based On Digital, how does it works, and recommendation to support Education In The Future Based On Digital.)
- Yuniarti/The last trepangers a brother from across the sea + (The video is also very well packaged in animated form which makes the audience interested in seeing it, especially for Makassar youths.)
- Literature Korban longsor + (The village has built an emergency post, a public kitchen, and a health post to help the injured.)
- PATIENT PARENTS + (The villagers then shouted “Where did you get saved from?)
- The Last Trepangers ; A sailor from makassar in 1905 + (The voyage made the macassar people powerful and broadly view the world.)
- NUR HAURA + (The war returned because of the Dutch peace and harmed Gowa on November 18, 1667 at Bongaya Sultan Hasanuddin who had been pressured by various Bongaya battles on June 12, 1669.)
- Literature pengungsi ukraina di indonesia + (the war that happened.)
- Gen Z = Prabowo, Apa iyah? + (The way Gen Z views politics is quite different from previous generations, such as the Millennial generation.)
- A.Alfaridzi P SMKN 3 GOWA Melestarikan Bahasa daerah + (The way I preserve the Makassar language is by using the Makassar language when outside the tribe or region.)
- Jika politik dijalankan oleh anak muda + (The way of thinking of young people who are immature and still seem unstable are often exploited.)
- Literature Empati untuk para pengungsi + (The way to express our empathy is to provi … The way to express our empathy is to provide encouragement and support to stay patient and provide</br>assistance to people who have fled due to natural disasters or have been hit by a disaster to visit and</br>provide sustenance to those in need and comfort them so that they remain enthusiastic as fellow</br>human beings, we should give a sense of empathy.beings, we should give a sense of empathy.)