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- Literature Pemilu di Mata Pemuda + (With exposure to information can provide knowledge and growing issues that allow for thinking and discussion.)
- Literature Ketika semua hal butuh super hero + (With his presence, he formed a youth alliance committed to building a more transparent and inclusive government, rescuing victims of unfair policies and embracing youth who had lost hope.)
- Kartika Pentingnya Pendidikan Dimasa Depan Bagi Kami + (With increasingly sophisticated technology, it should be a quality teaching and learning tool.)
- Literature Seperti Apa Sekolah Di Masa Depan Menurut kami + (With that, we think there will be more applications that can help students learn at school in obtaining learning because by creating a fun and interesting online learning environment, storing information becomes easier, and learning is lifelong.)
- Pentinngnya Pendidikan + (With the knowledge possessed, a person can make decisions wisely.)
- Pentinngnya Pendidikan + (With the knowledge possessed, a person can make decisions wisely.)
- Pentinngnya Pendidikan + (With the knowledge possessed, a person can make decisions wisely.)
- Seperti apa sekolah di masa depan menurutmu + (With this information, learning programs can be individually adapted to meet the unique needs of each student.)
- PROGRAM BANK SAMPAH (ANANDA AYUSTHIRA,LALA INDRIANI,MUH. AKRAM A YANI) + (Within the Makassar city government environment, this is an example of a strategy for how to manage waste, there are 3 3R systems (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).)
- Literature Pemuda dalam berpolitik + (Youth and students play an important role in a nation because the young generation is the foundation of the nation, or students and students are future leaders of the nation who have a significant role.)
- Generasi Muda Dan Partisipasi Pemilu Membangun Masa Depan Bangsa + (Youth participation in elections also strengthens the government's legitimacy.)
- faktor pembentuk sikap apatisme mahasiswa terhadap pemilu di Indonesia + (Youth or students are realistic figures and have high ideals.)
- Pandangan pemuda terhadap politik + (Youth's views on politics can also develop over time in line with life experience, knowledge and changes in the global political context.)
- cuaca politik + (dan saya harap para pemilih kali ini mempe … dan saya harap para pemilih kali ini memperhatikan bagaimana cara memilih pemimpin selanjutnya untuk Indonesia harus memikirkan dua hal, yang pertama ada sisi masa depan globalisasi, teknologi, digitalisasi, AI, machine learning dan yang kedua dari sisi masa lalu ada kesejahteraan masyarakat, HAM sampai Pendidikan.hteraan masyarakat, HAM sampai Pendidikan.)
- "it's the little things" + (delving into the undiscovered corners of the city, making new friends, learning a new language, embracing humanity, It's the little things.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (eLearning was originally done for independent learning.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (in our opinion education in the future will be more sophisticated, starting from how to learn or seek knowledge.)
- Literature pemuda dan pemilu FYP + (kaum pemuda menganggap bahwa masing masing … kaum pemuda menganggap bahwa masing masing capres hanya fokus pada program program kerja dan gagasan dari masing masing capres."membrantas korupsi, menyejahterahkan masyarakat, bersih, menegakkan keadilan, bukankah itu sesuatu yang sudah basi, bahkan hal tersebut wajib untuk di lakukan oleh seorang presiden." kaum pemuda menginginkan sesuatu hal yang berdampak lebih besar dan itu dapat melibatkan kaum pemuda bahkan seluruh masyarakat seperti pendidikan, bebasnya berpendapat dan berekspresi, di depan umum, kesehatan, lapangan pekerjaan, bahkan menginginkan kehidupan yang sosialis.hkan menginginkan kehidupan yang sosialis.)
- M Agit Kurniawan Bunga-Review Singkat Film The Last Trepangers : "A Brother From Across The Sea" + (my name is M Agit Kurniawan Bunga, Student of Makassar State University, Faculty of Art and Design, Visual Communication Design Study Program.)
- M Agit Kurniawan Bunga-Review Singkat Film The Last Trepangers : "A Brother From Across The Sea" + (nama saya M Agit Kurniawan Bunga, Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri makassar, Fakultas Seni dan desain, Program studi Desain komunikasi Visual.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (online learning is growing rapidly eLearning is the biggest trend in the world of education especially during a pandemic.)
- Literature Pemuda dalam demokrasi + (people's government or a system of government in which all the people participate in governing through their representatives.)
- Pemuda generasi bangsa + (sebagai pemuda generasi bangsa yang memili … sebagai pemuda generasi bangsa yang memiliki peran dengan memasukkan ide ide lewat pemilihan, jika saya diberi kesempatan untuk memilih dalam pemilu adalah saya akan memilih calon" legislatif atau pemimpin daerah yang amanah, karena sebagai contoh banyak pemimpin daerah yang tidak amanah atau tidak menepati janji janji dari program kerjanya.enepati janji janji dari program kerjanya.)
- Problem pemuda pemudi dalam kepercayaan + (seperti halnya saat kita ingin membeli sua … seperti halnya saat kita ingin membeli suatu barang namun kita tidak tau info yang jelas tentang barang tersebut dan apakah efektif jika di pakai, sama halnya dalam pemilu penting untuk mengetahui informasi yang jelas dan akurat tentang calon presiden serta program kerjanya.ang calon presiden serta program kerjanya.)
- widya cahya zoraya, dinda ayu cantika, salsa nabila + (we think there will be learning trends in the future, such as 1.)
- "Pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid - 19" + (To comply with the government's program, the learning mode has been shifted to virtual classes, so that students can still get their right to acquire knowledge but stay safe by staying at home.)
- Literature Membuang sampah pada tempatnya. + ("Jika saya menjadi pemimpin di daerah saya … Saya akan melakukan program kerja,salah satunya membuang sampah pada tempatnya.)
- Literature Pentingnya Menjaga Kebersihan Lingkungan Sekitar Kita + ("Kebersihan merupakan upaya yang dilakukan … "Kebersihan merupakan upaya yang dilakukan oleh inidvidu untuk menjaga kebersihan pribadinya agar terhindar penyakit.Jika saya menjadi pemimpin didaerah saya,saya akan menerapkan beberapa program salah satunya""Membuang Sampah pada Tempatnya"".Dengan program ini saya akan mengajak masyarakat untuk lebih bijak memilah dan membuang sampah pada tempatnya.Ada 5 jenis warna tempat sampah;1.hijau(organik:sisa makan/buah)2.kuning(anorganik:plastik)3.hijau(B3:kaca,baterai)4.biru(kertas,kardus,koran)5.abu-abu(residu:pembalut,popok byi.Dengan adanya penerapan program ini lingkungan sekitar kita akan menjadi bersih,bebas dari kotoran,dan terhindar dari penyakit, dari kotoran,dan terhindar dari penyakit,)
- Literature PROGRAM TIDAK ADA JALAN YANG BERLUBANG + ("jika saya menjadi pemimpin di daerahku yang saya lakuka adalah membat program tidak ada jalan yang berlubang.)
- pembelajaran daring + (2 students who are having a dialogue discussing online learning, students consider online learning to be less effective than face-to-face schools due to the many tasks that accumulate so that these students are burdened by their assigned tasks.)
- Difference is Not an Excuse + (A group of students, they have different beliefs or religions.)
- Festival Film Basa Ibu + (ACCESSIBILITY Live real-time captioning (CART) and American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation will be provided for this program while it is live.)
- Tentang siswa yang di pertanyakan oleh ibunya mengenai pembelajaran daring + (About students who were asked by their mothers about online learning)
- Tentang pantangan selama belajar di rumah + (About taboos while studying at home)
- Tentang proses belajar mengajar masih di lakukan lewat daring + (About the teaching and learning process is still being done online)
- Literature Lembaga yang Menangani para Pengungsi + (According to Carlo, the government has made various efforts to deal with the refugee issue.)
- Literature KONSEP DASAR KEPEMIMPINAN PENDIDIKAN DALAM MASA COVID-19 + (Adapun beberapa strategi dan program saya untuk pendidikan di Indonesia.)
- Bersih Belum Tentu Sehat + (After that, the government needs to give appreciation for a clean environment as an example of an exemplary environment.)
- Dampak dari Pembelajaran Daring + (All universities are forced to conduct online learning during the pandemic.)
- Sexual Violence of Women in Educational Environment (Kekerasan Seksual Perempuan di Lingkungan Pendidikan) + (Although the government has tried to respo … Although the government has tried to respond to this condition through the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher of Sexual Violence in Higher Education.)
- Literature Pembelajaran Daring Memberikan Banyak Manfaat + (Although there are shorcomings in the implementation of online learning, at least it provides many benefits.)
- Suatu Kendala dan solusi pembelajaran daring di era covid-19 + (An obstacle and solution for online learning in the era of covid-19)
- Literature Korban longsor + (And as students we must provide assistance, be it medical assistance, clothing, or money.)
- Literature Kebakaran Yang Terjadi Di Sekitar Kita + (And don't forget the aid or donations sent … And don't forget the aid or donations sent from the government and the INDONESIA RED CROSS for the victims of the fire in the form of blankets, instant noodles, eggs, baby diapers, and much more. *My advice to friends as students is that in every disaster, let us work hand in hand to provide assistance to refugees, especially school uniforms and other school equipment.chool uniforms and other school equipment.)
- Literature Bencana dan Pengungungsi + (And help our friend who was a victim of the earthquake and tsunami by giving him the knowledge that we got when he was not in school, and providing him with other needs as well.)
- Literature Ketidakadilan ketika Tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah + (And in my opinion, the distribution of gov … And in my opinion, the distribution of government aid to tsunami victims is uneven, examples of development have not reached remote areas, so that people in remote areas feel that there is justice by the government because access is not considered, only in urban is not considered, only in urban areas.)
- Literature Bencana Alam Pertama + (And my feelings are very touching to those who are affected and the condition of those who are mildly ill or I am very sick, I am very moved to see those who are all still safe and some have died)
- Stop Kekerasan Seksual Di Dunia Pendidikan + (And sexual violence is not only experienced by students and students but is also sometimes experienced by teachers and lecturers.)
- Masalah Ketika Kuliah Online + (And shows that the lack of a stable network that interferes with efficiency in learning.)
- Literature pengungsi ukraina di indonesia + (Another thing we can do to make the hearts … Another thing we can do to make the hearts of refugees more happy is to visit their place of residence once in a while and invite them when there are joint activities so that refugees can forget a little about the heavy things that have happened to them, that way we can become closer to them and vice versa, they will feel at home living in our environment even temporarily.iving in our environment even temporarily.)
- Literature PENGUNGSI ROHINGYA + (As a form of solidarity, seeking assistanc … As a form of solidarity, seeking assistance humanity, encourage the government to make diplomatic efforts, pray as a form of spiritual concern.the incident in Myanmar has occurred unconfig, namely there is a state against armed groups in the country subject to conventions, related to cases of Rohingya, whatever the issue is religion, ethnicity such as this is not new like in Bosnia, Rwanda, is not new like in Bosnia, Rwanda, etc.)